Information for New Grantees

August 29, 2012
New Grantee
Informational Sheet
Funds Draw Down, Grant Amendement, Grant Management, Grantee Contacts, Notice of Grant Award, Terms and Conditions

Information for New Grantees

Congratulations on receiving your ANA grant award!  The following pages include important information regarding:

  • Links to key ANA resources
  • Grant documents
  • Your contacts in the federal government
  • How to draw down your grant funds

Please take some time to review the information and contact your ANA program specialist if you have any questions. 

Links to key resources:

Notice of Award (NOA) Letter:

The Notice of Award (NOA) letter (see sample) announces the award of funding for the proposed project.  The letter provides key information which will be used in the management of your grant, including:

  • The grant number
  • The name and contact information of your project’s ANA program specialist
  • The name and contact information of your project’s Office of Grants Management (OGM) specialist
  • Terms and conditions for award
  • Information on setting up a Division of Payment Management (electronic transfer of funds) account

The NOA letter is sent to the project’s authorized organizational representative, usually around the middle of September.

Notice of Grant Award (NGA) Document:

The Notice of Grant Award (NGA) (see sample) is the official award document used by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for discretionary financial assistance programs.  The NGA lists:

  • The federal award
  • Non-federal contribution (or share)
  • The authorized organizational representative
  • The principal investigator
  • The approved budget category amounts

The NGA provides the documentation for recording the obligation of ANA funds.  If the authorized organizational representative or the principal investigator listed is incorrect, please contact your ANA program specialist to submit a key personnel change request.

When does a grantee receive an NGA?

An NGA is prepared and sent to the grantee with the NOA letter to signify the grant award has been made.  Each time a grantee requests a change to the grant award (grant amendments such as key personnel change, budget modification, or no-cost extension) a new NGA will be sent to the authorized organizational representative indicating the grant action was approved.  If the request is not approved, a denial letter will be sent with an explanation for the decision.  An NGA is also sent to approve a non-competing continuation application.  No applications (original or non-competing continuations) are officially funded and no grant award change requests are officially approved until the NGA has been received by the authorized organizational representative.

What information is included in the NGA?

  • Award Number (Box 3): Also referred to as the grant number, this should be referenced in all correspondence to ANA about the project and is also included on the program and financial reports.
  • Budget Period (Box 8): The budget period is the timeframe in which expenses can be incurred for grant activities, and is equivalent to 12 months.  For example, a project with a total project period of 36 months will have 3 separate budget periods of 12 months each.
  • Project Period (Box 9): The project period is the total timeframe during which grant activities can be performed.  This is typically equivalent to 12, 24, or 36 months.
  • Principal Investigator or Program Director (Box 15): The individual designated here will be the contact person for ANA on issues relating to the grant.
  • Approved Budget (Box 16): The federal amounts for the budget categories that have been approved for the project.
  • Award Computation (Box 17): The award computation lists the dollar amount for the non-federal share of the project to be provided by the grantee, and the dollar amount of federal funds which will be provided by ANA.
  • Authorized Treatment of Program Income (Box 21): This authorizes the use of program income generated as a result of grant activities.
  • Remarks (Box 26): The remarks box contains information on how the grant is paid, regulations which are incorporated by reference, and other grant requirements.  It is important to read the remarks section closely as it may contain special conditions that impact project implementation, such as drawing down funds for indirect costs.  This section also includes any changes the Office of Grants Management has made to your approved budget.