LTG Mike Ferriter

SAN ANTONIO -- On Sept. 3, we will celebrate Labor Day, recognizing all the hard work that has built and sustained our country. The Labor Day weekend has also come to mark the end of summer. It's a last chance to get together with family and friends, and enjoy the activities that make summer great.

I encourage every member of the Installation Management team to enjoy the long holiday weekend--just do it safely with appropriate planning and awareness.

If you travel, even for a short trip, take into account increased traffic and other risk factors. Make sure your vehicle is in good working order. Let's wear seatbelts and watch our speed. When operating a motorcycle, wear your safety gear. Avoid anything that impairs your ability to drive safely--texting, drinking, lack of sleep. Do what's right, always!

Leaders and first-line supervisors, you really do make a difference. As Labor Day approaches, remind your Soldiers and Civilians that accidents don't take a holiday and ensure that they include risk management in their plans, on- and off-duty. Check the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center website at for more information on summer safety, including the travel risk reduction tool TRiPS.

All of us should reach out to our buddies and co-workers. Check and ensure they are ready for the weekend. If there are personal issues, talk them through and be the one who prevents a suicide. Prevention information is at If you have immediate concerns, contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

Each of you is valuable to this Command, as is your family, and we want you all back safe. As CSM Rice and I visit our Garrisons, we see outstanding work. Thank you for everything you do for our Soldiers and Families every single day. Take care of each other and have a safe and great Labor Day. We can have a safe Labor Day, free of accidents and suicides.

Army Strong!

LTG Mike Ferriter

Page last updated Wed August 29th, 2012 at 00:00