
-09/26/12  Remarks at the United Nations Security Council Session On Peace And Security in the Middle East;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations; New York City
-09/24/12  Remarks With Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Waldorf-Astoria; New York City
-09/20/12  Remarks at Ceremony Honoring Fallen Americans; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; Tripoli, Libya
-09/14/12  Remarks at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost in Attacks in Benghazi, Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Andrews Air Force Base; Joint Base Andrews, MD
-09/14/12  Remarks by the President at Transfer of Remains Ceremony for Benghazi Victims; Washington, DC
-09/13/12  Remarks at Reception Marking Eid ul-Fitr;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-09/13/12  Remarks at the Opening Plenary of the U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-09/13/12  Statement on the Deaths of Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty in Benghazi, Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-09/12/12  Deaths of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-09/12/12  Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-09/11/12  Statement on the Attack in Benghazi;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-08/09/12  Seating of the Libyan General National Congress;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/05/12  2012 OECD International Tax Conference;  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-05/23/12  Remarks at the Special Operations Command Gala Dinner;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Tampa, Florida
-05/14/12  Prepared Remarks: Secretary Clinton Remarks at Swearing-In Ceremony for Chris Stevens, Ambassador to Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-01/12/12  Remarks With Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC

-12/14/11  Video Remarks to Embassy Tripoli's Civil Society Showcase;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/11/11  Comments on U.S. Assistance To Help Dispose of Weapons in Libya;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; APTN and Reuters Soundbite; Tripoli, Libya
-12/08/11  Al-Qaida After Bin Laden;  Coordinator Daniel Benjamin, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism; Jamestown Conference at the National Press Club; Washington, DC
-11/23/11  Formation of New Libyan Cabinet;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-11/22/11  Forum for the Future; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; Kuwait City, Kuwait
-11/16/11  Supporting Democratic Transitions and Economic Opportunity in a Changing Middle East; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; MEI Annual Banquet; Washington, DC
-11/03/11  Special Briefing on U.S. Support for the Democratic Transitions Underway in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya; Washington, DC
-11/02/11  Women and the Arab Spring; Deputy Assistant Secretary Tamara C. Wittes, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-10/29/11  Medical Assistance for Libya War Wounded;  Ambassador Gene Cretz, Libya; Clip from Reuters; Tripoli, Libya
-10/27/11  Remarks on the Adoption of UNSC Resolution 2016 on Libya;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Security Council Stakeout; New York City
-10/27/11  Wounded Libyan Fighters To Receive U.S. Medical Care;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-10/23/11  Liberation of Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-10/23/11  Statement by the President on the Declaration of Liberation in Libya; Washington, DC
-10/21/11  Briefing On NATO Operations in Libya;  Permanent Representative to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ivo Daalder; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-10/20/11  Remarks by the President on the Death of Muammar Qaddafi; Washington, DC
-10/18/11  Remarks With Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; World Islamic Call Society; Tripoli, Libya
-10/18/11  Remarks to Embassy Staff and Families;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; U.S. Embassy; Tripoli, Libya
-10/18/11  Town Hall Meeting With Youth and Civil Society;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Tripoli University; Tripoli, Libya
-10/17/11  Background Briefing; En route Malta
-09/14/11  Briefing on Travel to Libya;  Assistant Secretary Jeffrey D. Feltman, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; Via Teleconference; Tripoli, Libya
-09/01/11  Background Briefing on Libya;  Senior Official Senior Department Official, Office of the Spokesperson; Chief of Mission Residence; Paris, France
-09/01/11  Press Availability on Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Chief of Mission Residence; Paris, France
-08/31/11  Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Trip to Paris; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-08/25/11  Background Briefing on UN Sanctions Committee Actions on Libyan Assets; Via Teleconference
-08/25/11  Intervention at Libya Contact Group Meeting; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; Istanbul, Turkey
-08/25/11  Statement on Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-07/15/11  Libya Contact Group;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Ciragan Palace; Istanbul, Turkey
-07/14/11  Background Briefing En Route Istanbul, Turkey; En Route, Turkey
-06/28/11  Libya and War Powers;  Legal Advisor U.S. Department of State Harold Hongju Koh; Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-06/20/11  World Refugee Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-06/16/11  Sexual Violence in Libya, the Middle East and North Africa;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-05/19/11  Release of Journalists in Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC [Also available in Persian]
-05/04/11  Misrata, Libya: Appeal for Civilian Protection; Acting Deputy Spokesman Mark C. Toner, Office of the Spokesman; Washington, DC
-04/27/11  Briefing On the Political Situation in Libya;  Ambassador Gene Cretz, Libya; Washington, DC
-04/13/11  Continued Attacks on Libyan Civilians;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/29/11  Remarks After the International Conference on the Libyan Crisis;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; London, United Kingdom
-03/29/11  Remarks at the International Conference on Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Lancaster House; London, United Kingdom
-03/28/11  President Obama Addresses the Nation on Libya; Washington, DC
-03/27/11  Interview With Bob Schieffer of CBS's Face the Nation;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/27/11  Interview With David Gregory of NBC's Meet the Press;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/27/11  Interview With Jake Tapper of ABC's This Week;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/26/11  African Union Meeting on the Situation in Libya; Acting Deputy Spokesman Mark C. Toner, Office of Press Relations; Washington, DC
-03/25/11  Current Events in Libya; Washington, DC
-03/24/11  Background Briefing on North Atlantic Council (NAC) Discussions on Libya; Washington, DC
-03/24/11  Update on Implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 on Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/22/11  Interview With Diane Sawyer of ABC News;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/18/11  Interview With Lourdes Meluza of Univision;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/17/11  Remarks by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, at the Security Council Stakeout on UN Security Council Resolution 1973;  Permanent Representative Susan E. Rice; New York, NY
-03/17/11  Remarks by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, in an Explanation of Vote on UN Security Council Resolution 1973;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York, NY
-03/16/11  Interview With Al-Iraqiya News;  Assistant Secretary William R. Brownfield, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; U.S. Embassy; Baghdad, Iraq
-03/08/11  Interview With Erica Hill of CBS's The Early Show;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/08/11  Interview With Kay Burley of Sky News;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/02/11  FY2012 State Department Budget;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Opening Remarks Before the Senate Appropriations Committee on State and Foreign Operations; Washington, DC
-03/02/11  FY2012 State and USAID Budget Request;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Opening Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
-03/01/11  UN General Assembly Suspends Libya's Human Rights Council Membership;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/27/11  Briefing on Plane Before Departure for Geneva, Switzerland;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Andrews Air Force Base; Washington, DC
-02/26/11  Holding the Qadhafi Government Accountable;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/25/11  Suspension of United States Embassy Operations in Libya;  Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/24/11  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Travel to Geneva;  Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-02/22/11  Remarks on Libya at a Security Council Stakeout; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Rosemary A. DiCarlo; New York City
-02/22/11  Remarks on the Middle East;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-02/21/11  Situation in Libya;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-02/20/11  Situation in Libya;  Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC

-12/09/10  Briefing on Assistant Secretary Fernandez's Recent Travel to Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, and the North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (NAPEO);  Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez, Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs; Washington, DC
-09/01/10  Libya's National Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-03/16/10  Regional Counterterrorism Cooperation in the Sahel and Maghreb;  Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley, Bureau of Public Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/21/09  Secretary Clinton With Libyan National Security Adviser Dr. Mutassim Qadhafi Before Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Treaty Room; Washington, DC


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