Blog Posts from August 2009

Broun: America Does Not Need Government Run Health Care

Rep. Paul Broun (GA) recently published a blog post: "America Does Not Need a Government Run Health Care System." Read an excerpt here: Two days and two health care town halls. At least, that was what I had planned for. Instead, as nearly three thousand of my constituents turned out to express their concerns about Obamacare, we held a second town [...]  More

Rep. Trent Franks: The Lawsuit Story Was Completely False

Rep. Trent Franks (AZ) published a post on RedState regarding recent rumors. See an excerpt here: On August 24th, news outlets across the country carried a story detailing my apparent desire to pursue a lawsuit challenging President Obama’s standing as an American citizen. Unsurprisingly, the story garnered quite the emotional response from [...]  More

The Congress Has Lost A Tireless Public Servant By Rep. John Boehner

by House Republican Leader John Boehner (OH) The people of Massachusetts and the United States Congress have lost a tireless public servant. Ted Kennedy was my friend. While there were few political issues on which he and I agreed, our relationship was never disagreeable, and was always marked by good humor, hard work, and a desire to find common [...]  More

Paul Broun: America Does Not Need A Government Run Health Care System

Rep. Paul Broun (GA), a physician, posted on RedState today: Two days and two health care town halls. At least, that was what I had planned for. Instead, as nearly three thousand of my constituents turned out to express their concerns about Obamacare, we held a second town hall each night for the folks who couldn’t get into the first ones. A [...]  More

Congressman Cantor Appears on Pajamas TV

House Republican Whip Rep. Eric Cantor recently spoke with Pajamas TV's Roger Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, a Hollywood TV and movie writer/producer. Titled "Rep. Cantor Goes to Hollywood: The Republican Whip on Why Conservatives Can't Forget The Left Coast," this is an interesting take on Cantor's perspective. He notes how the Hollywood industry has [...]  More

Pence: Budget Numbers Warn of Fiscal Train Wreck

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after the president’s Office of Management and Budget, and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, released updated information on the outlook of the federal budget: For months the president stood by erroneous economic numbers to [...]  More

GOP New Media Caucus Launches Web Site

The House Republican New Media Caucus has launched a website. The Caucus is co-chaired by Rep. Bob Latta (OH), Rep. John Culberson (TX), Rep. Buck McKeon (CA) and Rep. Rob Wittman (VA). According to the new site, the RNMC was established for the following reasons: Provide a forum for Members and staff of the Republican Conference to share new and [...]  More

On Health Care: Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) on Fox News Sunday

Fox News Sunday asks, "Will Democrats drop public-option or efforts at health care bipartisanship?" Watch Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) discusses:   More

Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Tom Price (R-GA)

Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), a physician, delivers the Weekly Republican Address on health care. "American's need patient centered reform, not Democrats' costly government takeover of health care."   More

Detailed Analysis: House Democrats' Government-run Health Care Plan Limits Choices for Patients

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner: atients and doctors should make personal medical decisions.  That’s a fundamental principle of the ongoing health care debate with which nearly every American agrees.  But the House Democrats’ government takeover of health care paves the way for something quite differe [...]  More

Proposed Health Care Reform A Bureaucratic Nightmare

From the office of Congressman Geoff Davis (KY): Since House Democrats released their health reform legislation (H.R. 3200), Members of Congress and Americans alike have been reviewing the 1018 pages of complex legalese to determine whether this bill is the right prescription for working families and small businesses.  Analysis has revealed a [...]  More

Policy News: “Big Pharma” and David Axelrod: $2 Million of Change You Can Believe In?

Policy News: Even as President Obama campaigned on a platform of change and transparency, recent dealings between the pharmaceutical industry and the Administration raise serious questions as to whether the drug lobby is helping to bankroll a multimillion dollar severance package for one of the President's senior advisors:Several weeks ago, the Pr [...]  More

GOP Solutions for America

House Republicans are continuing to offer thoughtful, creative alternatives to the institutional Democrat policies of unbridled spending, disguised tax increases, and government invasion. Our commitment innovation is clear: - The American Energy Act promotes affordable energy, more well-paying jobs,   energy independence, and a cleaner env [...]  More

Pence Remarks on the Passing of Columnist Robert Novak

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement after Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Robert Novak passed away today at the age of 78: Bob Novak will be remembered as an icon in American politics, a legend in the world of the press and a man who loved his country.  Each day he worked to bring [...]  More

Happy Birthday, Stimulus: 10 Facts You Should Know

From the office of House Leader John Boehner: On the six-month anniversary of the bloated, ineffective trillion-dollar "stimulus" becoming law, the American people are increasingly skeptical about the law that is – by any objective standard – not working.  The latest evidence: a new USA Today/Gallup poll, which found that 57 perce [...]  More

Pence on Six Month Anniversary of Stimulus Signing: “The Results Are In: the Stimulus Isn’t Working”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today regarding the six month anniversary of President Obama’s signing of the economic stimulus package: Six months ago today, President Obama signed a stimulus bill with the promise that government spending would put Americans back to wo [...]  More

Detailed Analysis: Democrats' Health Care Bill Raises Costs

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner: In the two weeks since House Democrats passed health care legislation through three key committees and headed out of town for the August recess, they have gotten an earful from American citizens concerned that their plan amounts to a big government takeover of health care that will raise cos [...]  More

St. Petersburg Times: Bilirakis Finds Tough, Winnable Afghanistan War

Read an excerpt: The war wreckage littered the road to Kabul, and some of it was strikingly fresh — a reminder to U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis of the challenges in Afghanistan. "It's going to be very, very difficult, tough. It's very serious," the Palm Harbor Republican said Wednesday after returning from a trip to the country. In the early mor [...]  More

McHenry Townhalls Drawing Crowds of Over 1,000 People

From the office of Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC): Congressman McHenry's town hall meetings are drawing crowds of more than 1,000 people.  McHenry is the only Member of Congress from North Carolina who is holding town hall meetings.  Click on the image above to view a news report from News 14 Carolina on Monday's town hall in Mooresville.&nbs [...]  More

Support for Dems' Government Takeover of Health Care Continues to Plummet

From the office of House Leader John Boehner: The more the American people learn about the Democrats’ proposed government takeover of health care that will increase costs, destroy jobs, and put bureaucrats in charge of medical decisions instead of patients and doctors, the more they oppose it. No fewer than five polls released at the end of [...]  More

Pence Calls Pelosi "Un-American" Comment Offensive

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, responded today, on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom, to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) op-ed in USA Today in which they described opposition to a government takeover of health care as “un-American:” Her [...]  More


The House Republican Conference released a new web video today in response to a recent White House video on "DISINFORMATION" in the health care debate. The video features Democrats in their own words. Check it out below:   More