Longitudinal Patterns of Medicaid and Medicare Coverage Among Disability Cash Benefit Awardees

by Kalman Rupp and Gerald F. Riley
Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 72 No. 3, 2012
Table equivalent for Chart 2. Percentage of awardee cohort ever covered by Medicaid during the first 2 years starting from the first month of disability benefit eligibility
Longitudinal pattern group Percent
DI-only 15
DI-only to joint DI/SSI 75
SSI-only 93
SSI-only to DI-only serial 82
SSI-only to joint SSI/DI 83
SOURCES: Authors' calculations from Social Security and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrative records.
NOTES: Statistics are based on a 10 percent sample of all first-ever disability awardees in 2000. Not all sample members were at risk of Medicaid coverage prior to age 65 for the full 24-month observation period. Over 1 percent exited the sample because of reaching age 65. An additional 8 percent died before reaching either age 65 or the end of the observation period.
Table equivalent for Chart 3. Percentage of survivors younger than age 65 with full Medicaid coverage among those aliveat selected time points, by SSI payment eligibility status during given month: SSI-only awardees
Month since first award (month of award = month 1) On SSI Off SSI
3 73 50
6 79 54
12 84 50
24 90 47
36 93 44
48 93 40
60 94 39
72 95 36
SOURCES: Authors' calculations from Social Security and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrative records.