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Training Materials

Education Training Materials

Next Step Higher Education Video Provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, this video presents personal stories of five Texans with disabilities who enrolled in colleges, universities or technical schools.

Building the Legacy: A Training Curriculum on IDEA 2004 The Building the Legacy training curriculum was produced by the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities at the request of the Office of Special Education Programs at the United States Department of Education. The curriculum is intended to help all those involved with children with disabilities understand and implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the nation's special education law.

Family Support Training Materials

The Risk and Prevention of Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities Published by the Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, this document considers the scope and nature of the problem and ways to prevent it in light of current research.

Military Lifestyle Training Materials

American Red Cross Coping with Deployments Psychological First Aid for Military Families Course This training course was developed out of the Red Cross's continuing commitment to serve military families and was designed specifically for the spouses, parents, siblings and significant others of service members. It provides useful information on how to strengthen the ability to successfully respond to the challenges that military family members may encounter throughout the deployment cycle and how to provide psychological first aid to others experiencing stressful feelings or events. More information on the nearest course can be found through local American Red Cross Chapters.

Medical Training Materials

Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities Provided by the United States Department of Justice, this online Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) course explains how the ADA applies to businesses in ten short lessons to ensure that businesses comply with the ADA and welcome a whole new group of customers.

Universally Designed Technology in Schools: Online Training Provided by PACER Center, this training provides an overview of universally designed technology that can give students with disabilities equal access to the school curriculum. This training is for anyone interested in learning about accessible, universally designed education technology, including assistive technology specialists, curriculum planners, disability advocates, parents, school administrators, special and general education professionals, and technology coordinators.