Public Use Data Files

Federal Support Survey: Fiscal Year 1996 (NSF 98-323)

After completion of the annual data-processing cycle for the NSF Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions (Federal support survey), the data collected are stored in files for public use. These files include any corrections to prior-year data that survey respondents may have submitted. "Public-use" files are generated specifically for use by data users outside NSF. As such, these files omit any information that is considered confidential by NSF or an institution.

For a detailed description of the file format, see the Guide to the Data Files from the National Science Foundation's Federal Support Survey.

You can obtain these files via the Internet, as an attachment to e-mail, or on a CD-ROM disk.

Downloading via the Internet top

You can download data files for the Federal support survey through this World Wide Web page. The files are compressed using PKZIP 2.04g. Use PKUNZIP or any other uncompress program that supports the .ZIP format to uncompress the files on your local hard disk. The uncompressed files are approximately four times as large as the compressed .ZIP files.

Archival Data Files

FY 1996 (98k) FY 1978 (172k)
FY 1995 (182k) FY 1977 (161k)
FY 1994 (195k) FY 1976 (156k)
FY 1993 (193k) FY 1976  (104k) TQ [1]
FY 1992 (206k) FY 1975 (158k)
FY 1991 (189k) FY 1974 (158k)
FY 1990 (176k) FY 1973 (151k)
FY 1989 (187k) FY 1972 (162k)
FY 1988 (177k) FY 1971 (171k)
FY 1987 (177k) FY 1970 (1k)
FY 1986 (156k) FY 1969 (1k)
FY 1985 (155k) FY 1968 (1k)
FY 1984 (149k) FY 1967 (1k)
FY 1983 (143k) FY 1966 (1k)
FY 1982 (173k) FY 1965 (1k)
FY 1981 (186k) FY 1964 (1k)
FY 1980 (183k) FY 1963 (1k)
FY 1979 (182k)  

[1] This was a transition quarter.

Having files sent via e-mail top

Quantum Research Corporation (QRC) can also send the archival data files as an attachment to regular e-mail. Please send a note to the survey staff ( requesting the desired fiscal year data files.

Ordering the data files on CD-ROM disk top

The archival data files are also available on CD ROM disks. The cost is $100 for the first year and $35 for each subsequent year.

To order, indicate the desired data files and return with your check or purchase order to:

Quantum Research Corporation
ATTN: FSS Data Files
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400W
Bethesda, MD 20814
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