BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Capital Punishment, 2006 - Statistical Tables

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Table 5. Demographic characteristics of prisoners under sentence of death, 2006

    Percent of prisoners under
sentence of death, 2006
Characteristic Yearend  Admissions  Removals
  Total 3,228   115   132  
  Male 98.3 % 95.7 % 98.5 %
  Female 1.7   4.3   1.5  
  White 55.8 % 62.6 % 54.5 %
  Black 41.9   36.5   42.4  
  All other races* 2.3   0.9   3.0  
Hispanic origin            
  Hispanic 11.1 % 11.5 % 12.0 %
  Non-Hispanic 76.1   88.5   88.0  
  Number unknown 414   19   15  
  8th grade or less 13.9 % 11.7 % 20.5 %
  9th-11th grade 37.0   40.3   33.3  
  High school
40.0   40.3   35.9  
  Any college 9.0   7.8   10.3  
  Median 11th   11th   11th  
  Number unknown 486   38   15  
Marital status            
  Married 21.7 % 17.7 % 32.8 %
  Divorced/separated 20.6   22.9   17.6  
  Widowed 3.0   3.1   1.6  
  Never married 54.8   56.3   48.0  
  Number unknown 348   19   7  
Note: Calculations are based on those cases for which data were reported. Detail may not add to total due to rounding.
*At yearend 2005, inmates of "other" races consisted of 31 American Indians, 34 Asians, and 12 self-identified Hispanics. During 2006, one Asian was admitted, and three American Indians and one self-identified Hispanic were removed.
Source: National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS-8).
   See also Methodology.
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