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Archive for September, 2009

NLM Technical Bulletin Article: PubMed Redesign

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

NLM® is pleased to announce a redesign of the PubMed interface. While retaining the robust functionality, the interface was simplified to make it easier to use while promoting scientific discovery…

Read the full article in the NLM Technical Bulletin.

And link to the redesign preview page from PubMed.

NIH Request for Information on Consumer Health Information

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Communications and Public Liaison and the NIH Director’s Council of Public Representatives have partnered to develop a Consumer Health Information RFI in response to a Directive by President Barack Obama to all Federal agencies calling for greater transparency, public participation, and collaboration.

In conjunction with the NIH goals for public input and effective dissemination of science-based health resources and information to the public, the RFI will provide insight and better understanding of the health information needs and information-seeking behaviors of NIH health consumer audiences.

Information gathered will assist the agency in developing and disseminating health, medical, and scientific information to a broader variety of audiences.

The RFI may be completed online in English or downloaded from the Web site in Spanish.

Questions may be directed to NIH Office of Communication and Public Liaison


Información sobre salud para el público general Solicitud de información

Nos gustaría saber de usted!

Por favor, visite para imprimir la versión en español de nuestro cuestionario de información sobre salud.

En respuesta a una directiva del Presidente Barack Obama, dirigida a todas las agencias federales, en la que exhorta a una mayor transparencia, participación pública y colaboración, la Oficina de Comunicacións y Relaciones Públicas (OCPL) de los NIH y el Consejo Asesor de Representantes del Público (COPR) del Director de los NIH, se han asociado para elaborar un cuestionario acerca de la información sobre salud del público general. En la misma línea de los objetivos de los NIH de lograr una mayor participación del público y una divulgación más efectiva de recursos e información fundamentados en la ciencia, esta solicitud de información arrojará luz y permitirá comprender mejor las necesidades de información sobre la salud de la población y la forma en que el público la busca. La información recopilada permitirá desarrollar información médica, científica y de salud más apropiada y difundirla a un público más amplio.

Para más información por favor visite:

NLM Associate Fellowship Program, Bethesda, MD

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is accepting applications for its Associate Fellowship program, a one-year training program for recent MLS graduates and librarians early in their career.

In the first half of the year, a formal curriculum offers exposure to library operations, research and development, intramural and extramural research, development and lifecycle of NLM’s web-based products and services and the extensive outreach and education program reaching consumers, special populations, health professionals and librarians. In the second half of the year, Associate Fellows have the opportunity to choose projects based on real-world problems proposed by library divisions and work with librarians and library staff over a six-seven month period. Successful projects have led to peer-review publications and to services that have become a regular part of library operations.

The September through August program also offers professional development and an introduction to the wider world of health sciences librarianship that may include:

  • Supported attendance at national professional conferences, often including the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting, the American Medical Informatics Association annual meeting and others
  • Spring Practicum at a health sciences library in the contiguous United States
  • Additional brown bags, seminars, field trips and learning opportunities available on the National Institutes of Health campus
  • Opportunities to meet and interact with senior management at the National Library of Medicine
  • Experienced preceptors from National Library of Medicine staff
  • Potential to compete for a second year fellowship at a health sciences library in the United States

The Fellowship offers:

  • A stipend equivalent to a U.S. Civil Service salary at the GS-9 level ($50,408 in 2009)
  • Additional financial support for the purchase of health insurance
  • Some relocation funding
  • Assistance in finding housing

Who is eligible?

All U.S. and Canadian citizens who will have earned a MLS or equivalent degree in library/information science from an ALA-accredited school by August 2010.  Both recent graduates and librarians early in their career are welcome to apply.  Priority is given to U.S. citizens.

Applications and additional information are available on the Web at  Application deadline is February 5, 2010.   Between 4 and 7 fellows will be selected for the program.

Feel free to contact Kathel Dunn, NLM Associate Fellowship Coordinator for further information: 301-435-4083 or dunnk(at)

NNLM MAR Welcomes New Resource Library Director

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Please join me in extending a warm welcome and congratulations to Donna Gibson, new Director of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Library, a MAR Resource Library.  Posted below is the full announcement from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Pat Skarulis:


On Behalf Of Patricia C. Skarulis

Memorial Sloan-Kettering is pleased to announce the promotion of Donna Gibson to the Director of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Library.  Donna joined MSKCC in 2004 as Associate Director, User Services.  She has more than 20 years of experience managing research libraries and information centers, and obtained her Master of Library Science degree in 1985 from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.  Prior to joining MSKCC she served as Associate Director, Communication and Training for the Library Operations at Bristol-Myers Squibb and launched several successful user services awareness campaigns. 

Donna continues to participate in continuing education opportunities and in many professional organizations in order to network with colleagues and peers with similar interests.  She is currently the Director of Program Planning for the Knowledge Management Division, Special Libraries Association (SLA).  Donna is focused on the user experience and leveraging usability techniques to enhance her client’s use of resources.  She places an emphasis on understanding and developing strong relationships with library users.

Pat Skarulis, VP and CIO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


Kate Oliver

Kathleen Burr Oliver, MSLS, MPH, Associate Director

National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, New York University Langone Medical Center, 423 East 23rd Street, Floor 15 South (23rd & First Avenue), New York, NY 10010; 212 263 4197 (voice); 212 263 4258 (fax);; General Phone: 212-263-2030; Toll-Free-Phone within DE, NJ, NY, PA: 800-338-7657; FAX: 212-263-4258: http/

Creating a Health Information Community Serving Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Update: Free Library of Philadelphia to Stay Open

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

Breaking News – Legislation to keep libraries open passes!

Read the full article here.

MAR Announces Bioinformatics Training Call

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

The NNLM MAR announces a Bioinformatics Training Award. Deadline for applications is October 23, 2009. The NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), as part of its library improvement program, is accepting applications from MAR full and affiliate network members for a Bioinformatics Training Award that will instruct information professionals on molecular biology and bioinformatics resources to support researchers, clinicians, and other users.

The purpose of the Bioinformatics Training Award program is to train on and promote awareness about publicly available molecular biology information resources, including resources from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Molecular biology and genetics are fast-growing areas of scientific knowledge, and this award will prepare librarians in the region to assist bioinformatics information seekers. The intent of this award is to recognize and develop bioinformatics expertise among MAR librarians.

This award will fund travel expenses, materials, and honoraria (if applicable) for an individual or team to teach classes multiple times within the Middle Atlantic Region (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) on freely available molecular biology information resources. In person and online instruction may be offered to maximize participation throughout the MAR region.

The target audience for these classes is librarians and information professionals. Classes should take a “train the trainer” approach and show librarians how to teach clinicians, researchers, and students to use bioinformatics information resources.

Instructors may be bioinformatics researchers and/or information professionals. Training partnerships between MAR member librarians and subject matter experts in bioinformatics or molecular biology (such as faculty members or researchers) are strongly encouraged.

One award up to $4,700 is available. Funds will be awarded on a cost reimbursement basis. Awardees will invoice MAR for costs associated with the Bioinformatics Training Award activity. If you have questions or require assistance, contact Arpita Bose, Outreach and Communications Coordinator, at 212-263-4176 or Awards will be announced on the MAR discussion list, MARL, as well as the MAR blog, the MARquee. Funded award activity must be complete by April 30, 2011. See for more detail about the award, its requirements and application.

Free Library of Philadelphia Scheduled to Close October 2

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

All Free Library of Philadelphia Branch, Regional and Central Libraries Are Scheduled to Close Effective Close of Business October 2, 2009. Read the full announcement here.

You can take action through the library’s homepage.

New York Public Library to Expand Hours at Some Branches

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Seeing an increased demand for library services the New York Public Library has decided to increase the number of hours that some of their branches are open.

Read about it!

September Issue of NIH News in Health Now Available

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Check out the September issue of NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research.

In this edition:

Time to Study
How Parents Can Help With Schoolwork
There are so many distractions to pull your kids’ attention away from what needs to get done for school. Here’s how to help them focus and succeed.
full story

Time To Let Them Go
Staying in Touch With College-Bound Kids
If you’ve recently had a child go off to college, you’re likely facing a whole new set of worries. This time in your child’s life is one of great transition. It’s important to give your child enough space to do some growing.
full story

Health Capsules:

Click here to download a PDF version for printing.

Visit our Facebook wall to suggest topics you’d like us to cover, or start a discussion about how you use the newsletter. We want to hear what you think! Also check out the NIH Health & Science Gifts and send some to your Facebook friends.