Fort Bragg Soldier coaches youth in art, sport of judo
Ted Chittenden teaches judo students defensive moves Oct. 20. Chittendon, of the 18th Fires Brigade, has been teaching judo at the Fayetteville/Fort Bragg Judo Club, which meets weekly at the Fayetteville Police Department's training center on North Eastern Boulevard.

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Major Ted Chittenden is a first-degree black belt who began judo training as a 20-year-old, college student at the University of Tennessee.

Now, as the father of two sons; William, 8 and Jon, 6, the 18th Fires Brigade major is passing judo down not only to his sons, but to other children as an instructor at the Fayetteville/Fort Bragg Judo Club.

The club, which is sponsored by the Fayetteville Police Department, meets weekly at the police training center on North Eastern Boulevard.

Students and adults who are trained in the club regularly compete in state, national and international tournaments, said Sensei Ron Hansen.

Judo is a sport and martial art that originated in Japan in the 1800s, Hansen said.

Chittenden, who has been teaching since April, said judo is important because it teaches courtesy.

"They (students) learn all the good things like sportsmanship and courtesies and all the fundamentals you would get from a traditional sport," Chittenden said.

Connie Blackburn's three sons are judo students. As the spouse of a retired veteran, Blackburn said she appreciates the time any Soldier takes to teach children.

"They are good role models for these kids."

Lance Delacy, 10, seems to enjoy having Chittenden as a coach and has earned a green belt under his tutelage.

"I think he's a good coach. He helped me a lot on my belts, and he's helping me perfect my throws," Delacy said.

The coaches teach them the easiest way to get things done, said Zechary Blackburn, 10, one of Connie's sons.

Learning the sport encourages healthy competition, said Pamela Lauchengco, the mother of four. Lauchengo's three eldest children - twins, Christian and Connor, 7 and Heather, 5, all take classes at the center.

Lauchengco seems to appreciate the lessons coaches like Chittenden convey.

"They really do this well. They do it with high ethics and morals," said Lauchengco.

For more information about the Fayetteville/Fort Bragg Judo Club, call 818-9593 or visit its website at

Page last updated Fri October 29th, 2010 at 14:59