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370.296.3 - Effective Date of Personnel Actions


OPR: Admin/Office of Personnel

1. Actions to be Effected the First Day of a Pay Period.

A. After Administrative Approval. When combined with a headquarters change, apply instructions in 2B.

(1) Conversion. Exception: (1) Date is set in accordance with instructions from the Office of Personnel Management for specific actions, or (2) the appointment from which conversion is made expires before the pay period date, in which case the conversion is effected the day after the expiration date.

(2) Grade Promotion. Includes promotion made while on military furlough, leave without pay, or detail or transfer to an international organization under PL 85-795.

(3) Change to Lower Grade.

(4) Reassignment.

(5) Change in Work Schedule. Change from or to intermittent, part-time, or full-time.

(6) Appointment Which Simultaneously Terminates a Limited Appointment. Exception: When the prior appointment expires before the pay period date, the new appointment is effected the day after the expiration date.

(7) Temporary Promotion Made Permanent. Exception: When a temporary promotion expires before the pay period date, the permanent promotion is effective the day following the expiration of the temporary promotion.

B. After Completion of Certain Service and Performance Requirements. Within-grade increases of Classification Act, Federal Wage System, and FC-grade employees.

2. Actions to be Effected Otherwise.

A. Accession. After administrative approval, effected upon entrance on duty except:

(1) Transfer (inter- or intra-agency). Effected on a negotiated date.

(2) Overseas Appointment. Effected (a) on date of departure from point of induction in continental United States (Alaskan seasonals are inducted at Seattle or Tacoma, Washington) or (b) the date the employee reports for special training or orientation prior to travel to the overseas post.

(3) When entrance on duty is on Monday, the appointment is effected on the Sunday prior to the entrance on duty date.

NOTE: Earnings for full-time employees start from the beginning of the entrance-on-duty day even though the employee reports at a later hour in the day.

B. Headquarters Change. After administrative approval (Form 9-1327, Change in Headquarters, Attachment 1), effected the date the employee arrives at the new headquarters, even though arrival may be after working hours or on a nonworkday. However, if the employee is on duty at the new headquarters when the action is approved, the change is effected on the date he/she receives the approval notice. Exception to the above may be authorized when necessary to prevent a break in service when a relocation is necessary and the losing office is unable to carry the employee on their rolls. In this situation, the effective date should be the date the employee begins travel to the new headquarters.

C. Military Furlough. Effected the date of entrance into military service. However, an employee entitled to military leave shall be granted the leave upon entrance into military service and the effective date of military furlough is postponed to the day following the military leave grant. (See SM 370.630.9 for military leave information.)

D. Return From Military Furlough Without Simultaneous Position Change, or Return From LWOP In Excess Of 30 Days. Effected upon resumption of official duties. When the employee is returning to duty on Monday, the return to duty action is effected on the Sunday prior to the return to duty date.

E. Reemployment After Military Service or Return From Military Furlough With Simultaneous Position Change. After administrative approval, effected upon entrance on duty.

F. Separation. (See SM 370.630.3.4F for limitation on granting terminal annual leave, SM 370.630.4.3F for terminal sick leave, and SM 370.630.12.7D for terminal shore leave.)

(1) Resignation. Effected on date specified by employee. If a resignation date is set to include a period of unauthorized leave, such period is charged as absence without leave (AWOL). An employee who resigns to enter military service is not entitled to military leave for any portion of the service period.

NOTE: An employee may be permitted to withdraw his/her resignation at any time before it becomes effective. A denial of withdrawal must be for a valid reason which must be explained in writing to the employee and shown on the SF 52. A desire to avoid taking adverse action would not be a valid reason. However, administrative disruption or the hiring or commitment to hire a replacement would be legally acceptable reasons.

(2) Removal, Reduction In Force, Furlough, Suspension, Return to Duty from Suspension, or Transfer of Function. Effected on an administratively determined date.

(3) Termination Of Limited Appointment. Provided appropriate advance notice is issued, effected upon expiration of appointment or, in cases other than expiration of appointment, effected the last actual work day.

(4) Completion Of Overseas Assignment. Effected on day employee would ordinarily arrive at his/her point of induction in the continental United States by the usually traveled route.

(5) No Return From Military Furlough. Effected the day before the military furlough was effected.

(6) Transfer (inter- or intra-agency). Effected close of day preceding date hiring agency or bureau effected appointment.

(7) Retirement.

(a) Optional. Effected on date of separation. An employee may be permitted to withdraw his/her application before the effective date of separation. A denial of withdrawal must be for a valid reason which must be explained in writing to the employee and shown on the SF 52. Administrative disruption or the hiring or commitment to hire a replacement would be legally acceptable reasons.

(b) Disability. Effected in accordance with Office of Personnel Management instructions. (8) Death. Effected close of day of death.

G. Change in Name. Effected on date the "Notification of Personnel Action," SF 50, is prepared.

H. Suspension. Effected first day in a nonpay status.

I. Extension. Effected day following expiration date of action to be extended.

J. Correction or Amendment. Same as effective date of the original action unless the effective date itself is being corrected.

K. Detail. Effected upon entrance on duty in position to which detailed. Details to foreign countries are effected on the date specified by the operating office (Form 9-2060, Detail Action-To Foreign Country Only (Attachment 2)).

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Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 26-Jan-2005@07:06 (kk)
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