USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

302.2 - Automatic Succession - Director

Date: 8/14/12

OPR:  Director's Office

Instruction:  This chapter is being revised to reflect the current designation of successors to the Director of the USGS.

1.  Purpose.  Pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 (Vacancies Act), 302 DM 2 requires that permanent arrangements be made for automatic succession of Presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed positions, such as the Director, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).  The purpose of this chapter is to designate automatic successors in compliance with this requirement.  

2.  Authority.  

A.  Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 5 U.S.C. 3345 et seq.

B.  Concurrence of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science dated June 7, 2012.

3.  Automatic Succession - Director.  Subject to the Vacancies Act, the USGS positions listed below will automatically succeed the Director in the event of a vacancy or absence of the incumbent, in the order listed.  Incumbents in all of the positions listed are delegated the authority to perform all duties and responsibilities of the Director when required to ensure continued uninterrupted direction and supervision and to perform essential functions and activities of the office.  The authority of the Director should be exercised only when an official in one of the following positions is reasonably certain that no superior on the list is able and available to exercise the authority and when the nature of the situation requires immediate action.  Individuals exercising authority of the Director will be relieved of this responsibility as soon as a superior on the list is available and able to exercise the authority of the Director or when an official with the requisite authority designates a permanent or acting Director.  Individuals exercising the authority of the Director shall sign documents and use the title of the position occupied preceded by the word "Acting," and keep a record of important actions taken and the period during which the authority was exercised.

A.  Deputy Director.  

B.  Associate Director for Water.

C.  Associate Director for Hazards.

D.  Associate Director for Energy and Minerals, and Environmental Health.

E.  Director of the Office of Science Quality and Integrity.

F.  Regional Executive for the Northeast Area.

G.  Associate Director for Climate and Land Use Change.

H.  Regional Executive for the Southeast Area.


/s/ Marcia McNutt                                                                  August 14, 2012
________________________________________                _____________
Marcia McNutt                                                                                   Date
Director, U.S. Geological Survey                                                

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