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404.2 - Advance Procurement Planning


OPR: Admin/Procurement and Contracts

1. Purpose. This chapter implements the policy for Advance Procurement Planning as cited in Part 404 of the Departmental Manual and establishes policies and procedures in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for coordinating contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements through the use of Advance Procurement Planning. This chapter is in conformance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 7 and Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation (DIAR) Part 1407. See Survey Manual (SM) Chapter 600.4 for implementation of planning requirements of Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR) 201.18.

2. Policy.

A. It is the policy of the Department of the Interior (DOI) and of the USGS that technical, program, budget, and procurement officials in each procuring activity shall cooperatively prepare an Advance Procurement Plan (APP) for anticipated procurement requirements for each fiscal year in order to:

(1) Initiate procurement actions with sufficient lead time to complete the procurement process within program need dates and prior to expiration of funds;

(2) Maximize utilization of procurement staff and resources by planning a uniform distribution of procurement workload throughout an entire fiscal year;

(3) Establish realistic Business and Economic Development Program procurement goals and monitor their achievement; and

(4) Maintain a system for monitoring procurement activities and a means of updating the scheduling of procurement actions as changes in requirements occur.

B. The APP contains procurement planning data and must not be released outside the Government without the approval of the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator.

C. The requirements of this chapter do not apply to the requirements to be awarded as delivery orders against USGS contracts or against mandatory sources of supply, e.g., Federal Supply Schedules, GSA Stock Programs, Federal Prison Industries (UNICOR), or Government Printing Office.

D. Requisitions will not be released to contracting offices if the time remaining for obligation of expiring fiscal year funds does not provide sufficient administrative lead time to complete the action in compliance with acquisition regulations. This does not preclude submission of emergency requisitions for requirements meeting public exigency exceptions. (See 404 DM 5.4.E.)

3. Responsibilities.

A. The Chief, Office of Procurement and Contracts, will appoint one individual as the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator. The Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining the written plan for the Geological Survey.

B. Each Division Chief will appoint one individual at Headquarters as the Division Procurement Planning Coordinator for his/her respective division, and when appropriate, one individual in each regional center as a Regional Procurement Planning Coordinator. The Division Procurement Planning Coordinators at Headquarters will have the responsibility of reporting all procurements (i.e., regional as well as Headquarters requirements) to the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator.

C. Management, project, budget, and contracting personnel involved in the procurement process, acting as a team, have the responsibility for maximizing the effectiveness of advance procurement planning and fulfilling the policies of this chapter by ensuring that the data in the APP is current, accurate, and complete.

4. Procedures.

A. Each division shall analyze budget and program plans and prepare a preliminary listing of its procurement requirements nationwide for the upcoming fiscal year. The Division Procurement Planning Coordinator will review the preliminary listing to ensure balance between planned actions for the upcoming year and the division's historical contract spending, taking into consideration any changes in program budget levels and allowing for actions exempt from the APP process. The preliminary listing of all planned procurement actions in excess of $25,000 (except see paragraph 2.C) shall be submitted to the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator by August 15.

(1) Each individual action planned shall include the data elements identified in Form 9-2010 (Figure 1). Each Division shall establish procedures to ensure that the requisition number assigned to an action on the plan is used only for the action assigned.

(2) The description of each action planned shall be written in clear language using layman's terms. Acronyms are not acceptable. Actions that will exercise options under existing contracts shall be identified under "comments" (i.e., Option under 21227).

(3) In order to help increase the number of awards made to small and small disadvantaged businesses, women-owned enterprises, and labor surplus area firms, the divisions should indicate any projects which may be awarded in whole or part to these concerns. After consultation with the requisitioner, the Contracting Officer with concurrence of the Business Utilization and Development Specialist (and the Small Business Administration Procurement Center Representative, if applicable) will make the final determination once the requisition is received in accordance with FAR 19.501(b)(c).

(4) Requisitions already submitted to a procurement office for the upcoming fiscal year shall be included in the submission of the preliminary listing.

(5) These procurement plans require approval by the Division Chief, or designee, prior to submission to the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator.

(6) Additions, deletions or changes should be forwarded as they are recognized. They may be reported either on Form 9-2010 or in memo form provided all necessary data is included. These additions or changes must be approved by the Division's Procurement Planning Coordinator.

B. Each procurement branch will:

(1) Contact individual project officers, or Division Procurement Planning Coordinators in their absence, for each planned action included on the preliminary listing to ensure correct identification and assignment of requirements. Confirm planned award/start date, determine appropriate submit dates, review competitive and set-aside opportunities, and assign commodity code;

(2) Furnish a revised preliminary listing of each division's procurement plan for the branch to the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator in order that the Departmental submission requirements of 404 DM 6 can be met;

(3) Use the plan for allocation of resources, monitoring timely submissions of requisitions and awarding of contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements; and

(4) Review APP when requested by the Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator and indicate status of requirements due first and second quarters (i.e., awarded, canceled, not received) and provide information to Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator.

C. The Bureau Advance Procurement Planning Coordinator will:

(1) Communicate with each division's Procurement Planning Coordinator in June to confirm the submission date for a preliminary listing of upcoming fiscal year requirements and advise of any changes in required information;

(2) Review each division's preliminary listing of proposed procurement actions and consolidate into a Bureauwide preliminary listing. Furnish copies of this listing to each procurement branch, coordinate input from procurement branches, and provide the resultant APP to Division Procurement Planning Coordinators;

(3) Incorporate additions and changes to the APP throughout the year and forward to appropriate procurement branches. Coordinate status of actions due first and second quarters with procurement branches and furnish updated APP to Division Procurement Planning Coordinators;

(4) Provide summary of the APP to DOI in accordance with 404 DM 6; and

(5) Furnish a copy of the APP and any updates to the Chief Financial Officer.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 13-Jul-2005@14:22 (kk)
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