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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

308.64 –Occupational Safety and Health Council


OPR:  Office of Administrative Policy and Services, Safety and Health Management Branch

Instruction:  To align the new Large Vessel Specialized Safety Committee within existing policy.

1.  Purpose.  This Survey Manual chapter provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) policy on the purpose and scope, membership, roles and responsibilities, and operations of the USGS Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Council.  The USGS Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO) established the USGS OSH Council on October 1, 2001.

2.  Scope.  The USGS OSH Council provides Bureau-level occupational safety and health program guidance, program oversight, and policy direction.  The USGS OSH Council also establishes bureauwide goals and objectives and develops the annual USGS Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan.

3.  Authorities and References.

A.  29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1960, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations for occupational safety and health.

B.  Executive Order 12196, dated February 26, 1980.

C.  Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended.

4.  Permanent Membership.

A.  The USGS OSH Council will consist of the following members:

(1)  Bureau DASHO (Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services).

(2)  Bureau OSH Program Manager.

(3)  Eastern Region OSH Committee Chair.

(4)  Central Region OSH Committee Chair.

(5)  Western Region OSH Committee Chair.

(6)  A maximum of nine area- or field-level representatives (three per region), nominated by the Regional OSH Committees (See SM 308.65.) and approved by the Bureau OSH Program Manager.

B.  The Bureau OSH Program Manager or designee will serve as the USGS OSH Council Chair.

C.  USGS OSH Council members will have appropriate authority to represent and speak for their respective areas of responsibility, i.e., Bureau, region, area, field, or Specialized Safety Program, and to make commitments on behalf of the functions or organizations they represent.

5.  Ad Hoc Membership.  The following advisors will serve as ad hoc members to the USGS OSH Council, as needed:

A.  Bureau Industrial Hygienist.

B.  Bureau Environmental Program Manager.

C.  Bureau Aviation Safety Manager.

D.  Bureau Dive Safety Officer.

E.  Bureau Firearms Safety Program Manager.

F.  Bureau Large Vessel Safety Program Manager.

G.  Bureau Radiation Safety Board Manager.

H.  Bureau Watercraft Safety Program Manager.

I.  Bureau Office of Workers' Compensation Program Manager.

J.  Bureau Office of Employee Development Representative.

6.  Roles and Responsibilities.  The USGS OSH Council will:

A.  Develop the annual USGS Occupational Safety and Health Program Plan to ensure that program objectives and goals are prioritized and in concert with the Department of the Interior (DOI) Occupational Safety and Health Strategic Plan and recommends actions to the Bureau DASHO for implementing the plan.

B.  Provide a focal point for the oversight, coordination, and direction of the USGS OSH Program.

C.  Make decisions regarding USGS OSH Program activities, actions, and initiatives; incorporates DOI initiatives; and includes USGS Regional OSH and Specialized Safety Program Committee activities and recommendations in the plan.

D.  Advise the Bureau DASHO regarding the implementation of programs involving occupational safety and health activities.

E.  Serve as an advisory body to the Bureau Executive Leadership Team, through the Bureau DASHO, on occupational safety and health program matters.

F.  Provide USGS OSH Program interpretation, coordination, and assistance in implementing Regional occupational safety and health program activities.

G.  Provide a forum for the exchange of information between the Bureau headquarters and Bureau Specialized Safety Program Committees and regional headquarters committees.

H.  Act collaboratively in performing functions as identified by Occupational Safety and Health Administration, DOI, and USGS regulations.  These functions include:

(1)  Establishing an occupational safety and health program.

(2)  Recommending a sufficient amount of funds and personnel to implement the program.

(3)  Establishing a set of procedures that ensures effective program implementation.

(4)  Setting goals and objectives for reducing and eliminating accidents, injuries, and illnesses; and setting priorities with respect to injury and illness causal factors to ensure that appropriate corrective actions will be taken.

(5)  Establishing plans and procedures for evaluating program effectiveness.

I.  Serve as the reviewing and approving body for USGS safety awards.

Note:  Additional information regarding roles and responsibilities is provided in the USGS OSH Council Charter (See SM 308.64, Appendix A).

7.  Reporting.  The USGS OSH Council reports to the Bureau DASHO.

8.  Meetings.  The USGS OSH Council will meet quarterly, including one face-to-face meeting per year (preferably scheduled to coincide with a Bureau Environmental Management Council meeting [see SM 308.63]).

9.  Minutes.  The minutes of each USGS OSH Council meeting will be recorded and distributed to all members, the Bureau DASHO, and the Regional OSH Committees.  The Chair of the USGS OSH Council will ensure that meeting minutes are retained for a minimum of 2 years from the date of the meeting.

10.  Working Groups.  The USGS OSH Council is authorized to establish working groups, as needed.

11.  Salary, Travel, and Incidental Costs.  The costs of USGS OSH Council regional, area, field, and Specialized Safety Program participants are borne by the participants’ local or regional organizations.  USGS OSH Council participant costs are borne by the Bureau Safety and Health Management Branch

12.  Termination Date.  None.

Appendix A

/s/ Karen D. Baker                                                                                                      10/29/09
_________________________________                                                      __________________
Karen D. Baker                                                                                                             Date
Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services

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