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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

308.10 - Alaska Survey Committee


OPR: Director's Office

1. Establishment. Established by Survey Order 208, January 15, 1951.

2. Purpose or Function. To provide a means for discussing matters of mutual interest and importance and to coordinate the work of the Survey in Alaska.

3. Representation.

Chairperson: Director's Representative--Alaska

Members: Chief, Alaska Program Office,

National Mapping Division

District Chief, Water Resources Division, Alaska

Chief, Branch of Alaskan Geology, Geologic Division

EROS Alaskan Field Office, National Mapping Division

4. Type of Organization. Permanent.

5. Reporting. The Chairperson reports to the Director. Committee members report to their respective Division/Office official as listed below:

National Mapping Division: Chief, Rocky Mountain Mapping Center, Denver, CO

Water Resources Division: Regional Hydrologist, Menlo Park, CA

Geologic Division: Chief, Office of Mineral Resources, Reston, VA

EROS: Chief, Science and Applications Branch, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD

6. Staff. Provided by the Chairperson.

7. Meetings. At the call of the Chairperson. (Usually first Monday of each month).

8. Permanent Subcommittees. The Chairperson is authorized to establish subcommittees on an ad hoc or permanent basis with the endorsement of the Committee.

9. Termination Date. None. This Committee will be reviewed every 3 years.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 19-Jan-2005@13:13 (kk)
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