Federal Aviation Administration

System Operations

Ellen King,<br />Director, System Operations

Ellen King,
Director, System Operations

The System Operations Organization is responsible for planning, directing, implementing, overseeing, and continuously monitoring all programs related to air traffic control systems used by the FAA at the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC), located in Herndon, Virginia, and throughout the United States.

The System Operations Director provides direction and management to Directors of Tactical Operations (DTOs), supervisory air traffic control specialists, managers, and staff members.  The director collaborates with domestic and foreign air traffic service providers and aviation representatives on a regular basis to tactically and strategically evaluate system capacity and demand.  The director provides leadership, direction, and guidance in the development of procedures and standards for air traffic control in support of FAA customers utilizing the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) process.

The ATCSCC monitors and manages the flow of air traffic throughout the NAS, producing a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic while minimizing delays.

ATCSCC responsibilities:

  • Implement national traffic management programs
  • Monitor and analyze system components and weather patterns for potential system impact
  • Serve as focal point for regulating the daily traffic management functions
  • Determine when NAS capacity is, or will likely be, reduced to the extent that the implementation of a traffic management initiative is required
  • Implement national traffic management initiatives, when necessary, to ensure the safe and orderly flow of traffic throughout the NAS
  • Monitor traffic management initiatives issued throughout the system for effectiveness and take action to cancel or modify where appropriate
  • Recommend and approve traffic management alternatives when national initiatives are not appropriate
  • Serve as the final approving authority regarding all inter-facility traffic management initiatives

Page Last Modified: 01/13/12 14:13 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/systemops/system_ops/