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NNLM MAR 2009-2010 Award Program

On August 19, 2009 NNLM MAR announced four new funding opportunities for its member libraries.  A few weeks ago we announced 2009 funding for three other awards: Small Project, Exhibit and Professional Presentation/Development.  Some of you have already applied and been funded for these, and there are more awards still available.  Detailed information on these and how to apply can be found under the “Funding” tab on the MAR website (

In September and October we anticipate posting “Calls for Applications” for several more funding opportunities. These include: an Outreach and Evaluation Conference (1 award @ $30,000), Outreach to Unaffiliated Health Professionals (3 awards at $30,000 each),  a Technology Awareness Conference (1 award @ $15,000), a Bioinformatics Training Award (1 award @ $4700), and two Emergency Preparedness Conference awards funded at $7500 each.  We will be funding a GoLocal project this year, as well, and encourage a consortium approach.

In all, the NNLM MAR will offer 14 kinds of award opportunities this year and anticipates funding more than 50 projects: seven at $25,000 and above, and 43 for under $15,000.  For those of you who would like to plan a little in advance of the “calls” this fall, award applications share many common elements such as describing your project goals, methods and developing an evaluation plan.  Reviewing application forms for the funding opportunities already posted will offer some information for planning.

Funding priorities reflect the MAR Strategic Plan ( ) which was developed based on member needs and are consistent with the NNLM mission to enhance medicine and the public’s health through access to health information. Brief descriptions of the awards to be offered this fall are given below:

Outreach to Unaffiliated Health Professionals Awards

These awards will encourage development of local programs linking targeted unaffiliated health professional groups to health information. The Strategic Plan identifies targeted unaffiliated health professionals as nursing/long term care professionals, private practice physicians, nurse practitioners, public health departments, and Federally Qualified Health Centers (health clinics for the underserved).

Outreach and Evaluation Conference

This award, as outlined in the Strategic Plan, is intended for a network member to organize a conference on outreach projects and evaluation methods and present lessons learned. The awardee shall share conclusions beyond the conference through the MAR Website and other mechanisms.

Technology Awareness Conference

This award will fund a conference in technology and policy awareness to be organized by a partnership of a Resource Library with either a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) or a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI).

Bioinformatics Training Award

This award will be offered to an institution to allow travel expenses and honoraria (if applicable) for two bioinformatics instructors to teach classes in New York, NY and Rochester, NY on NCBI molecular biology information resources. Molecular biology and genetics are fast-growing areas of scientific knowledge, and this award will build capacity within the region of librarians who can assist clinicians and researchers.

Emergency Preparedness Conference Awards

This award will be offered to a partnership of network members (e.g. a regional consortium or Library Resource Council, regional association) to hold a working meeting on emergency preparedness. The intent is for group members to gather together to draft emergency preparedness documents for their individual libraries.

Creating a Health Information Community

Serving Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Kathleen Burr Oliver, Associate Director; National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region, New York University Langone Medical Center, 423 East 23rd Street, Floor 15 South (23rd & First Avenue), New York, NY 10010; 212 263 4197 (voice); 212 263 4258 (fax);

General Phone: 212-263-2030; Toll-Free-Phone within DE, NJ, NY, PA: 800-338-7657; FAX: 212-263-4258: http/

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