U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Retirement and Disability Policy.
Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Europe, 2010


Exchange rate: US$1.00 equals 0.62 pounds (£).

Old Age, Disability, and Survivors

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1951.

Current laws: 1974 (social security), implemented in 1975; 1978 (invalid care and disability benefits); 2004 (incapacity); and 2007 (income support), implemented in 2008.

Type of program: Social insurance and social assistance system.


Old-age and survivor benefits: Employed persons; self-employed persons and certain nonemployed persons depending on age and residence.

Disability benefits: All persons residing in Jersey.

Source of Funds

Insured person: 6% of covered earnings (old-age and survivor pensions).

The minimum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £770.

The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £3,646.

The insured's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, and work injury benefits and part of the cost of medical benefits.

Nonemployed persons older than the age at which they can leave school and residing in Jersey for a continuous period of at least 6 months, with some exceptions, contribute 12.5% of covered earned income (old-age and survivor pensions and medical benefits).

The minimum annual earned income used to calculate contributions for nonemployed persons is £8,604.

The maximum annual earned income used to calculate contributions for nonemployed persons is £43,752; £58,336 for total earned and unearned income.

Self-employed person: 12.5% of covered earnings.

The minimum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £770.

The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £3,646.

The self-employed person's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, and work injury benefits and part of the cost of medical benefits.

Employer: 6.5% of covered payroll.

The minimum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £770.

The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are £3,646.

The employer's contributions also finance sickness, maternity, and work injury benefits and part of the cost of medical benefits.

Government: The total cost of income support.

Qualifying Conditions

Old-age pension: Age 65 (age 60 for women registered with the pension system before 1975) with at least 4.5 years of paid or credited contributions including at least 6 months of paid contributions. The full pension is paid with 45 years of paid or credited contributions.

Partial pension: Paid with at least 4.5 years of paid or credited contributions.

Credited contributions may be awarded for up to 3 years of full-time education; for periods of incapacity, disability, or unemployment; for widowed persons; and for parents who do not work for up to 10 years to care for children younger than age 5.

Early pension: A reduced pension is possible from age 63.

The pension paid for a widow or a woman who married before April 2001 is based either on her own contribution record or on that of her husband, whichever is greater.

Dependent's supplement: Paid for a dependent wife younger than age 65, married before April 2001, and who does not receive any other contributory social security benefits; may also be paid for an adult dependent.

Persons receiving the old-age pension (including partial or early pensions) may continue to work.

The old-age pension is payable abroad.

The old-age pension may be combined with income support benefits.

Disability pension: The insured must be assessed with a permanent incapacity for any work (including voluntary work) and have at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between the date the insured first entered the system and the date the disability began.

The disability pension is paid after sickness benefits have been paid for 1 year and is paid until age 65.

Dependent's supplement: Paid for a dependent wife younger than age 65, married before April 2001, and who does not receive any other contributory social security benefits; may also be paid for an adult dependent.

The disability pension is payable abroad.

The disability pension may be combined with income support benefits.

Short-term incapacity allowance: The insured must have at least 3 months of contributions, including paid contributions on earnings above £770 in the quarter before the quarter in which the claim is made. Self-employed persons and nonemployed persons must have paid contributions in the quarter the claim was made. A reduced benefit is paid if contributions were paid on earnings above £770 in only 1 or 2 months of the qualifying quarter.

Dependent's supplement: Paid for a dependent spouse or, under certain conditions, a partner.

The allowance is paid for up to 364 days.

The short-term incapacity allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Long-term incapacity allowance: The insured must be assessed with a degree of disability of at least 5% and have at least 6 months of contributions, including contributions paid on earnings above £770 in the quarter before the quarter in which the claim is made.

Dependent's supplement: Paid for a dependent spouse or, under certain conditions, a partner.

The allowance is paid after short-term incapacity benefits have been paid for 1 year and is paid until age 65.

Persons receiving the allowance may continue in paid or voluntary work.

The allowance is payable abroad for 13 weeks only; may be paid for a longer period under a reciprocal agreement.

The long-term disability allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Invalid care allowance (income-tested): Paid to a person providing care to a person who is eligible to receive a personal care benefit because of an assessed impairment. The caregiver's annual income must not exceed £55,498.

The invalid care allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Survivor allowance: Paid for up to 52 weeks if the deceased was a pensioner at the time of death or had at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between age 18 and the month before death. The full survivor allowance is paid if the deceased had paid continuous contributions until his or her death.

Either the surviving spouse or the insured was younger than age 65 at the time of the insured's death. The eligible survivor must have been married to the deceased at the time of death.

The allowance ceases on remarriage or cohabitation.

The survivor allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Survivor pension: The deceased was a pensioner at the time of death or had at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between age 18 and the month before death. The full survivor pension is paid if the deceased had a full contribution record.

The eligible survivor must be younger than age 65 and have been married to the deceased at the time of death.

The survivor pension is paid after survivor allowance benefits have been paid for 1 year and is replaced by the old-age pension at age 65.

The survivor pension ceases on remarriage or cohabitation.

The survivor pension is payable abroad.

The survivor pension may be combined with income support benefits.

Death grant: The deceased had at least 1 year of contributions, or less than 1 year of contributions and a contribution was paid in the month the death occurred. Part of the cost of funeral expenses may also be met through income support benefits.

Old-Age Benefits

Old-age pension: The full weekly pension is £178.01. The pension is paid monthly.

Partial pension: The pension is reduced proportionately for less than 45 years of contributions.

Early pension: The pension is reduced by 0.58% a month for each month the insured claims the pension before age 65.

Dependent's supplement: A weekly supplement of £117.53 is paid. If the insured receives an early pension, the supplement is reduced by 0.58% a month for each month the insured claims the pension before age 65. The supplement is paid monthly.

Benefit adjustment: Pensions are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Disability pension: The full weekly pension is £178.01 if the insured has 45 years of paid or credited contributions (contributions for the years between the date the disability began up to the retirement age are credited). The pension is reduced proportionately for less than 45 years of contributions. The pension is paid after sickness benefits have been paid for 1 year and is paid until age 65. The pension is paid monthly.

The minimum weekly pension is £17.80.

A medical board consisting of two doctors assesses the degree of incapacity for work. Further medical board examinations may be required.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid.

Short-term incapacity allowance: The weekly benefit is £178.01 and is paid for 2 to 364 days.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid.

After a year of entitlement to the short-term incapacity allowance, a long-term incapacity allowance or a disability pension may be paid.

Long-term incapacity allowance: If the assessed degree of disability is 100%, the weekly allowance is £178.01 and is paid after entitlement to the short-term allowance ceases. The allowance is paid monthly.

A medical board consisting of two doctors assesses the degree of incapacity for work.

Partial disability allowance: If the assessed degree of disability is from 16% to 99%, the allowance is reduced in proportion to the assessed degree of disability.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid.

Disablement gratuity: A lump sum is paid if the assessed degree of disability is between 5% and 15% and varies according to the insured's age.

Invalid care allowance (income-tested): £770.78 a month is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor allowance: The weekly allowance is £213.64 and is paid for the first 52 weeks after the insured's death.

Survivor pension: The full weekly pension is £178.01 and is paid after entitlement to the survivor allowance ceases. The pension is reduced proportionately if the deceased had less than 45 years of contributions.

Death grant: A lump sum of £712.04 is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.je/socialsecurity) administers the program.

Sickness and Maternity

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1951.

Current laws: 1967 (health insurance); and 1974 (social security), implemented in 1975.

Type of program: Social insurance (cash benefits) and universal (medical benefits) system.


Cash benefits: Employed and self-employed persons; coverage for the incapacity allowance only for certain nonemployed persons, depending on age and residence.

Medical benefits: All persons residing in Jersey.

Source of Funds

Insured person

Cash benefits: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Medical benefits: 0.8% of gross earnings. For nonemployed persons, see source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Self-employed person

Cash benefits: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Medical benefits: 2% of gross earnings.


Cash benefits: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Medical benefits: 1.2% of gross payroll.


Cash benefits: None.

Medical benefits: The total cost of hospital care.

Qualifying Conditions

Short-term incapacity allowance: The insured must have at least 3 months of contributions, including paid contributions on earnings above £770 in the quarter before the quarter in which the claim was made. (Self-employed persons and nonemployed persons must have paid contributions in the quarter the claim was made.) A reduced benefit is paid if contributions were paid on earnings above £770 in only 1 or 2 months of the qualifying quarter.

Long-term incapacity allowance: The insured must have an assessed degree of incapacity of at least 5% and have at least 6 months of contributions, including contributions paid on earnings above £770 in the quarter before the quarter in which the claim was made.

Persons receiving the allowance may continue paid or voluntary work.

The allowance is payable abroad for 13 weeks only; may be paid for a longer period under a reciprocal agreement.

The long-term incapacity allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Cash maternity allowance: The insured must have at least 13 weeks of contributions, including paid contributions in the quarter one year before the expected date of childbirth.

Maternity (adoption) grant: At least one of the parents must have paid at least 1 year of contributions.

Medical benefits: The insured must have at least 6 months of contributions or have resided in Jersey for at least 6 months.

Sickness and Maternity Benefits

Short-term incapacity allowance: The weekly benefit is £178.01 and is paid for 2 to 364 days.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid for a dependent spouse or, under certain conditions, partner.

After a year of entitlement to the short-term incapacity allowance, a long-term incapacity allowance or a disability pension (see Old Age, Disability, and Survivors) may be paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Long-term incapacity allowance: If the assessed degree of incapacity is 100%, the weekly allowance is £178.01. The allowance is paid after receiving the short-term incapacity allowance for 1 year and is paid until age 65. The allowance is paid monthly.

A medical board consisting of two doctors periodically assesses the degree of incapacity for work.

Partial incapacity allowance: If the assessed degree of incapacity is from 16% to 99%, the allowance is reduced in proportion to the assessed degree of incapacity.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid for a dependent spouse or, under certain conditions, a partner.

Incapacity gratuity: A lump sum is paid if the assessed degree of incapacity is between 5% and 15% and varies according to the insured's age.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Maternity allowance: £178.01 is paid for 18 weeks, starting between 6 and 11 weeks before the expected date of childbirth. The allowance is paid weekly.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Maternity (adoption) grant: A lump sum of £534.03 is paid for the birth (or adoption) of each child.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Workers' Medical Benefits

Hospitals provide free medical care.

Cost sharing: The cost of general practitioner care varies among practices, but the government subsidizes £15 of each consultation.

Pharmaceuticals prescribed by general practitioners are free.

Dependents' Medical Benefits

Hospitals provide free medical care.

Cost sharing: The cost of general practitioner care varies among practices, but the government subsidizes £15 of each consultation.

Pharmaceuticals prescribed by general practitioners are free.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.je/socialsecurity) administers social security and health insurance.

Department of Health and Social Services (http://www.gov.je/health) administers hospital treatment.

Work Injury

Regulatory Framework

First law: 1930.

Current laws: 1974 (social security), implemented in 1975; and 2004 (social security).

Type of program: Social insurance system.


Employed and self-employed persons.

Source of Funds

Insured person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Self-employed person: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Employer: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Government: See source of funds under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.

Qualifying Conditions

Short-term incapacity allowance: The insured must have at least 3 months of contributions, including paid contributions on earnings above £770 in the 3 months of the quarter before the quarter in which the claim was made. Self-employed persons must have paid contributions in the quarter the claim was made. A reduced benefit is paid if contributions were paid on earnings above £770 in only 1 or 2 months of the qualifying quarter.

After receiving the short-term incapacity allowance for 1 year, a long-term incapacity allowance or an incapacity pension may be paid.

The short-term incapacity allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Long-term incapacity allowance: The insured must have an assessed degree of incapacity of at least 5% and have at least 6 months of contributions, including contributions paid on earnings above £770 in the 3 months of the quarter before the quarter in which the claim is made.

Persons receiving the allowance may continue paid or voluntary work.

The allowance is payable abroad for 13 weeks only; may be paid for a longer period under a reciprocal agreement.

The long-term incapacity allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Incapacity pension: The insured must be assessed as permanently incapable of any work (including voluntary work) and have at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between the date the insured first entered the system and the date the incapacity began.

Dependent's supplement: Paid for a dependent wife younger than age 65, married before April 2001, and who does not receive any other contributory social security benefits; may also be paid for an adult dependent.

The incapacity pension is payable abroad.

The incapacity pension may be combined with income support benefits.

Survivor allowance: The deceased had at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between age 18 and the month before death. The full survivor allowance is paid if the deceased had a full contribution record.

The surviving spouse or the insured was younger than age 65 at the time of the insured's death. The eligible survivor must have been married to the deceased at the time of death.

The survivor allowance may be combined with income support benefits.

Survivor pension: The deceased had at least 6 months of paid contributions, including paid or credited contributions during at least 10% of the period between age 18 and the month before death. The full survivor pension is paid if the deceased had paid continuous contributions until his or her death.

The eligible survivor must be younger than age 65 and have been married to the deceased at the time of death.

The survivor pension is payable abroad.

The survivor pension may be combined with income support benefits.

Death grant: The deceased had at least 1 year of contributions, or less than 1 year of contributions and a contribution was paid in the month the death occurred. Part of the cost of funeral expenses may also be met through income support benefits.

Temporary Disability Benefits

Short-term incapacity allowance: The weekly benefit is £178.01 and is paid for 2 to 364 days.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid for a dependent wife or, under certain conditions, a partner.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Permanent Disability Benefits

Long-term incapacity allowance: If the assessed degree of incapacity is 100%, the weekly allowance is £178.01. The allowance is paid after receiving the short-term incapacity allowance for 1 year and is paid until age 65. The allowance is paid monthly.

Partial incapacity allowance: If the assessed degree of incapacity is from 16% to 99%, the allowance is reduced in proportion to the assessed degree of incapacity.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid for a dependent spouse or, under certain conditions, partner.

Incapacity gratuity: A lump sum is paid if the assessed degree of incapacity is between 5% and 15% and varies according to the insured's age.

A medical board consisting of two doctors periodically assesses the degree of incapacity for work.

Incapacity pension: The full weekly pension is £178.01 if the insured has 45 years of paid or credited contributions (contributions for the years from the date the incapacity began until the retirement age are credited). The pension is paid after receiving the short-term incapacity allowance for 1 year and is paid until age 65. The pension is paid monthly.

The minimum weekly pension is £23.

A medical board consisting of two doctors periodically assesses the degree of incapacity for work.

Dependent's supplement: £117.53 a week is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Workers' Medical Benefits

Hospitals provide free medical care.

Cost sharing: The cost of general practitioner care varies among practices, but the government subsidizes £15 of each consultation.

Pharmaceuticals prescribed by general practitioners are free.

Survivor Benefits

Survivor allowance: The weekly allowance is £213.64 and is paid for the first 52 weeks after the insured's death.

The survivor allowance ceases on remarriage or cohabitation.

Survivor pension: The full weekly pension is £178.01 and is paid after entitlement to the survivor allowance ceases. The pension is reduced proportionately if the deceased had less than 45 years of contributions.

The pension ceases on remarriage or cohabitation; otherwise, paid until age 65 when it is replaced by the old-age pension.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Death grant: A lump sum of £712.04 is paid.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually according to changes in the earnings index.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.je/socialsecurity) administers social insurance benefits.

Department of Health and Social Services (http://www.gov.je/health) administers hospital care.


Regulatory Framework

First law: 1930.

Current law: 2007 (income support), implemented in 2008.

Type of program: Social assistance system.


All persons residing in Jersey.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: None.

Employer: None.

Government: The total cost is financed through local taxes and general revenue.

Qualifying Conditions

Income support (income-tested): Income support provides financial help to adult job seekers. The scheme provides support toward the costs of accommodation, daily living expenses, medical needs, and child care.

The job seeker must have ordinarily resided in Jersey for at least 5 years, currently reside in Jersey, and be actively seeking employment.

The job seeker must have a current Job Seeker's Agreement, drafted and signed by the job seeker and the job seeker's advisor, obliging the job seeker to actively seek training and work. Failure to sign a Job Seeker's Agreement may result in the reduction of benefits.

Unemployment Benefits

Income support (income-tested): Income support is normally paid weekly. The benefit depends on individual household circumstances, including income and assets, the number of persons in the household, level of housing rent paid, and household expenses. Additional components may be paid for child care, impairment, and caregivers. Special one-time payments may also be paid to help with the cost of major expenses and for emergencies. Income support benefits are exempt from income tax.

There is no limit to duration.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.je/socialsecurity) administers social insurance benefits.

Work Zone at the Social Security Department provides advice and support to help job seekers find suitable employment.

Family Allowances

Regulatory Framework

First and current laws: 1972 (family allowances), implemented in 2005; and 2007 (income support), implemented in 2008.

Type of program: Universal system.


All persons residing in Jersey with one or more children.

Source of Funds

Insured person: None.

Self-employed person: None.

Employer: None.

Government: The total cost.

Qualifying Conditions

Income support (income-tested): Income support provides financial help to Jersey residents in need. The scheme provides support toward the costs of accommodation, daily living expenses, medical needs, and child care.

The claimant must have ordinarily resided in Jersey for at least 5 years and the claimant and all other adults in their household must be in full-time employment, exempt from full-time employment, or actively seeking employment.

Family Allowance Benefits

Income support (income-tested): Income support is normally paid weekly. The benefit depends on individual household circumstances, including income and assets, the number of persons in the household, level of housing rent paid, and household expenses. Additional benefits may be paid for child care, impairment, and caregivers. Special one-time payments may also be paid to help with the cost of major expenses and for emergencies. Income support benefits are exempt from income tax.

There is no limit to duration.

Benefit adjustment: Benefits are adjusted annually.

Administrative Organization

Social Security Department (http://www.gov.je/socialsecurity) administers the program.

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