Baldrige Executive Fellows Program

Applications now being accepted for the 2013 Baldrige Executive Fellows Program!

About the Fellows Program

The Baldrige Fellows Program article by Harry Hertz, "Peer Learning" (PDF) is featured in the July 2012 issue of Leadership Excellence.

Senior Executive Development

The Nation’s premier performance excellence education and award program is now offering the Baldrige Fellows Program. The next group of Fellows will be selected in December 2012.  The first session will be April 7-9, 2013 in Baltimore MD, followed by two-day sessions in June, September 17-18, and January finishing up April 6-7, 2014 (some dates TBD).


To offer an executive development program centered on forming relationships with and learning from Baldrige Award recipients and their senior executives.  For more information, view the 2013 Prospectus, Core Program Components, and Benefits for Participants documents (all PDF files) and video testimonials linked in the Resources column.

Ideal Candidate

Rising senior executive committed to organizational and personal performance excellence—business unit leaders or direct report to CEO.

To Apply

Submit the following to Robert Fangmeyer, Bldg 101/A600, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 or no later than December 15, 2012: 1) Your resumé, including e-mail, postal address, and telephone contact information; and the name and e-mail address of an assistant or alternate contact person 2) An organizational chart that includes names and titles showing your position within the organization 3) A recommendation letter from your highest ranking official showing the organization’s support of your participation in the Program 4) A list of key competitors (in order that we may avoid creating a cohort that would be unable to share effectively due to competitive situations).

Selection Process

Selection decisions will be based on 1) sector mix, 2) proper level within the organization, 3) likelihood to follow through, 4) diversity, and 5) no direct competitors with participating Award Recipients or other Fellows. Candidates will be notified of the decision by January 15, 2013. Tuition payment of $25,000 is due by February 15, 2013. The fee includes all materials, as well as a standard hotel room and at least four meals for each session. Serious candidates should block the session dates as soon as possible!

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Baldrige Fellows Program, email or call 301-975-4781.

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