
In the Field. In the Classroom. Online.

This course is designed to enhance the peacemaking capacities of individuals and faith-based organizations by focusing on objectives, methods, and best practices of interfaith dialogue, a form of religious peacemaking increasingly recognized for its relevance to 21st century conflict.

Originally developed to provide training for U.S. candidates for positions with OSCE, and its Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT) in particular, the course describes OSCE's principal areas of operation, including Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Disputes and grievances over land and property are implicated in practically all conflicts. This course provides policymakers and practitioners with analytical tools for assessing and addressing an array of complex land and property disputes, from competing ownership claims and restitution to customary land rights and illegal urban settlements. Drawing on case studies of peace operations and peacebuilding efforts, participants explore the range of entry points (humanitarian, human rights, state building, development, etc.) and options for dispute resolution and structural reform.

Provides a thorough conceptual framework to help practitioners structure their efforts in negotiation and develop effective overall negotiating strategies, as well as keys to successful negotiation and practical steps to help you negotiate more effectively in real-world situations.

Learn how to develop effective strategies for establishing stable institutions and a robust civil society, including how to address the interplay among issues of corruption, accountability, rule of law, elections, political party development, public administration, and economic reconstruction in divided societies.

Maximize your effectiveness by learning how to anticipate threats of deadly conflict, halt and reverse the escalation into violence, and build effective coalitions. Conflict examples include violent insurgencies, large-scale criminality, civil wars, or transitional conflicts.

Learn how to strengthen the capacity of individuals, institutions, and society as a whole in post-conflict environments. Master the transfer of knowledge including adult learning principles, building rapport, developing conflict sensitivity, assessing local capacity, and supporting local ownership and sustainability.

An in-depth and multi-disciplinary perspective on civilian-based movements and campaigns to defend and obtain basic rights and justice around the world. This course will focus on governance, civil society, grassroots movements, and human rights.

Understand foundational theories of rule of law assistance in conflict-affected states. Through the use of case studies and interactive exercises, participants practice core rule of law skills and look at the dilemmas faced in rule of law promotion.

Provides an introduction to the theory and practice of conflict analysis by illustrating analytical tools used, with reference to two extended case studies, the conflict in Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda.