Digital. Global. Action.

Make sure to catch the live stream of the entire event right here on the Social Good Summit site. The New York event will be live streamed September 22, 1p.m.-6p.m. EDT; September 23, 1p.m.-5.30p.m. EDT and September 24, 11a.m.-6p.m. EDT. On September 24, we’ll also be live streaming our satellite events from Beijing, Mogadishu, and Nairobi from 2.30 a.m.-11a.m. EDT

The Social Good Summit is a three-day conference where big ideas meet new media to create innovative solutions. Held during UN Week from September 22-24, the Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders to discuss a big idea: the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve our greatest challenges. The most innovative technologists, influential minds and passionate activists will come together with one shared goal: to unlock the potential of new media and technology to make the world a better place, and then to translate that potential into action.


This year’s Social Good Summit will be more engaging than ever. People from around the world, in both the developed and the developing world, will unite in person and online to participate in The Global Conversation – the world’s largest conversation on how technology can grow communities and improve life for all of us as we move toward being a networked society. The Social Good Summit in New York City takes place September 22 – 24, 2012, but this is just the beginning of the global conversation.

On September 24, 2012 the Social Good Summit is coming to China and Kenya. Key leaders and citizens of Beijing and Nairobi will unite and explore the same themes that inspired the birth of the Social Good Summit. You’ll hear directly from these countries via Livestream, and can witness the live intersection of New York, Nairobi and Beijing on Monday morning from the stage of the 92Y in New York City.

The 2012 Social Good Summit is brought to you by Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the United Nations Foundation, Ericsson, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

You can take action by joining this global conversation:

-Attend the Social Good Summit in New York City from September 22 -24
-Organize or attend a Social Good Summit Meetup in your own hometown or anywhere around the world as part of The Global Conversation
-Watch the Summit livestream on this site and interact in real-time with the Social Good Summit community via social media with the hashtag #SGSglobal

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Take Action

No matter where you live, this year YOU have a seat at the Social Good Summit.

On Monday September 24, 2012, we are going to make history. On that day (or around that day if it works better for you) we are inviting people all over the world to create and join Meetups to connect with people around you about the biggest challenges facing our world. And we’re all answering the same big question: “How can new technology and new media create solutions for the biggest problems facing my community?”

Our goal is to hear the voices and ideas of people everywhere. We are bringing together a global social good community, tackling the same question, exchanging information and sharing the same spirit and the same hashtag #SGSglobal.

In the weeks that follow the Social Good Summit, we’ll be sharing and starting conversations around all the local discussions. And at the end of the year we’ll bring together all the local discussions into one “worldwide paper,” a crowdsourced global action plan that highlights the opportunities – and challenges – we all face.

We want to create one of the biggest, most global and most powerful conversations the world has ever seen. And we want you to join us. To do this, we need the social good community everywhere to get engaged.

Organize Your Meetup

Organizer Tools

Make sure to catch the live stream of the entire event right here on the Social Good Summit site.  The New York event will be live streamed September 22, 1p.m.-6p.m. EDT; September 23, 1p.m.-5.30p.m. EDT and September 24, 11a.m.-6p.m. EDT.  On September 24, we'll also be live streaming our satellite events from Beijing, Mogadishu, and Nairobi from 2.30 a.m.-11a.m. EDT
RSVP for the Social Good Summit Livestream
Eventbrite - Livestream of Social Good Summit 2012
Download Logo
Video Tutorial
How to organize a Meetup

Together, we'll explore how communities and audiences are connecting with each other through social and digital innovations to solve global problems. This will come in the form of keynote speeches, Q&As, conversations, case studies and networking sessions.

Saturday, September 22, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Welcome to the Social Good Summit

Sol Adler, Executive Director, 92Y

Hans Vestberg, CEO, Ericsson

Pete Cashmore, CEO & Founder, Mashable

The World in 2015: Millenium Development Goals

Pete Cashmore, CEO & Founder, Mashable

Helen Clark, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

Kathy Calvin, CEO, United Nations Foundation

Maintaining the Momentum: Delivering Solutions for Girls & Women

Jill Sheffield, President, Women Deliver

Chrysula Winegar, Community Manager, Million Moms Challenge

Unleashing The Power Of Open Innovation In Government

Todd Park, U.S. Chief Technology Officer, The White House

How Digital is Redefining Diplomacy

Victoria Esser, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital Strategy, U. S. State Department

Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States

Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan, Ambassador of Mexico to the United States

Chrystia Freeland, Digital Editor, Thomson Reuters

Charles Ray, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe

Can Mobile Phones Eliminate Pediatric AIDS?

Josh Nesbit, CEO, Medic Mobile

Anu Gupta, Director in Corporate Contributions, Johnson & Johnson

Robert Fabricant, Vice President of Creative, Frog Design

Wrestling Malaria: Uniting Fans Online & Offline for Social Good

Stephanie McMahon, Executive Vice President of Creative, World Wrestling Entertainment

Elizabeth Gore, Vice President of Global Partnerships, United Nations Foundation

Ocean Conservation In The Digital Age

Fabien Cousteau, Ocean Producer, Founder & Executive Director, Plant-A-Fish

Sylvia Earle, Explorer-In-Residence, National Geographic

Disappearing Degrees of Separation: Creating Community Connections

Mike Fogarty, Global SVP & Board Member, BabyCenter LLC

Sophie Blackall, Illustrator & Artist

Kristin van Ogtrop, Managing Editor, Real Simple

Devi Thomas, Director of Shot@Life Campaign, United Nations Foundation

How Google Earth is Changing the World

Rebecca Moore, Engineering Manager, Google Earth Outreach & Earth Engine Google, Inc.

Project Diaspora: Africa's Technology Renaissance

TMS “Teddy” Ruge, Co-Founder, Project Diaspora

Kris Balderston, Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Office of the Secretary of State, Global Partnership Initiative

Zoe Fox, Mashable

Twitter & Thomas Jefferson: Social Media, Philosophy, & The 'Good Life'

Rob Reich, Associate Professor, Co-Director of the Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society, Director of the Program on Ethics in Society, Stanford University

The Future Is Broadband

Hans Vestberg, President & CEO, Ericsson

Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union

Lance Ulanoff, Mashable

Internet Freedom, Mobile Technology and Human Rights: Special Conversation led by Andrew Rasiej

Andrew Rasiej, Founder, Personal Democracy Media

How Millennials Will Save The World

Adora Svitak, Author, Teacher, Speaker & Activist

Mobile Revolution: How Your Phone Will Become The Most Dangerous Weapon In The Fight For Social Justice

Alnoor Ladha, Partner, Purpose & Co-Founder, The Rules

I Was Here: One Billion Messages of Hope For Humanitarian Relief

Valerie Amos, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs & Emergency Relief Coordinator

Andrew Essex, CEO, Droga5

Brian Hernandez, Mashable

Save the Children: Every Beat Matters

Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Save the Children

8 year old YouTube Sensation: Musical Performance & Inspiration

JD Malkin, Youth Ambassador, Save the Children

Sunday, September 23, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Global Sustainability in the 21st Century

Dr. Gro Brundtland, Former Prime Minister, Norway

Sigrid Kaag, Assistant Secretary-General & Assistant Administrator, UNDP Bureau of External Relations & Advocacy

Connecting & Empowering Women Globally

Maria Bello, Actor & Women's Rights Activist

Brian Sirgutz, Co-Founder & Editor of Impact, The Huffington Post

Drones, Digital & #OWS

Tim Pool, Independent Journalist

Zoe Fox, Mashable

Connecting News With Digital Action

Christina Bellantoni, Political Editor, PBS NewsHour

Mat Morgan, Founder, ShoutAbout

A Conversation With Ambassador Susan Rice

Susan Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Pete Cashmore, CEO & Founder, Mashable

Jan Karski's Legacy: Preventing Genocide in the Digital Age

Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Former Prime Minister of Poland

Ewa Wierzynska, Leader, Jan Karski Legacy Program & Head of International Cooperation, Polish History Museum

Wanda Urbanska, Director, Jan Karski U.S. Centennial Campaign

Social Business

Professor Muhammad Yunus, Founder, Grameen Bank & 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Stacy Green, Mashable

Climate & Energy: The Next Digital Frontier

Special Video Message From Al Gore

Maggie L. Fox, President & CEO, Climate Reality Project

Senator Tim Wirth, President, United Nations Foundation & Better World Fund

Alex Fitzpatrick, Mashable

Digital Tracking for Human Trafficking

Ambassador Luis CdeBaca, Ambassador-at-Large, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Department of State

Alison Friedman, Senior Coordinator for Public Engagement, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Department of State

Justin Dillon, Executive Director, Slavery Footprint

Shrinking the "Digital Divide": The Future of Mobile

Larry Irving, Co-Founder, Mobile Alliance for Global Good

Digital Disaster Relief

Wendy Harman, Director of Social Strategy, American Red Cross

David Kobia, Director of Technology Development, Ushahidi

Samantha Murphy, Mashable

Mobilizing Young People For The Next Generation of Social Good

Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, UNFPA

Jeff Martin, Co-Founder & CEO, Tribal Brands and mPowering

Brooke Loughrin, First-Ever U.S. Youth Observer at the United Nations

Bridging the Opportunity Divide: Microsoft & Global Giving

danah boyd, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research

Lori Harnick, General Manager of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Microsoft

Mary Mwende, Youth Beneficiary, Global Give Back Circle

Mari Kuraishi, Co-Founder, GlobalGiving Foundation

Anthony Carmona, Youth Beneficiary, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship

Using Mapping Technology to End Polio

Nicole Newnham, Documentary Film Maker & Writer, The Revolutionary Optimists

Linord Moudou, Anchor & Reporter, Voice Of America

Sherine Guirguis, Communications Specialist, UNICEF

Embracing Technology to Foster Peace

Forest Whitaker, Artist & UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

Jeffrey Sachs, Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia University & Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon

Hans Vestberg, President & CEO, Ericsson

Mira Sorvino, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and Trade of Innocents: Fighting against human trafficking

Mira Sorvino, Academy Award Winning Actress & UN Goodwill Ambassador to Combat Human Trafficking

Laurie Bolthouse, Producer, Trade of Innocents

Under Secretary-General Yury V Fedotov, Executive Director, UNODC

Matthew Bishop, U.S. Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief

GSMA mWomen Design Challenge Launch: Redefining the User

Maura O'Neill, Chief Innovation & Senior Counselor, USAID

Peter Baxter, Director General, AuSAID

Dr. Nasser Mohammed Marafih, CEO, Qtel Group

Chris Locke, Managing Director, GSMA Development Fund

Michal Pasternak, Partner of User Experience, Huge

Marcelo Eduardo, Product Design Director, Huge

Check In. Save Lives

Deborah Dugan, CEO of RED

Jon Steinback, VP of Marketing, Foursquare

Special Musical Performance

Apple Juice Kid & Pierce Freelon

Monday, September 24, 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Commit To ACT: Achieving Cyber-security Together

Janet Napolitano, Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security

Moira Forbes, President & Publisher, ForbesWoman

The Global Conversation: Bringing Voices from Around The World to New York

Designed To Move: A Physical Activity Action Agenda

Allyson Felix, Olympic Gold Medalist

Charlie Denson, President, NIKE Brand

Professor Bill Kohl, Epidemiology & Kinesiology, University of Texas School of Public Health

Adam Ostrow, Mashable

Can Pop Culture Impact Public Policy>

Tim Sexton, Executive Producer, Live 8 Concerts & Producer, Idol Gives Back

Hugh Evans, Humanitarian & Founder of Oaktree Foundation

Annie Colbert, Mashable

Crowd-Powered Philanthropy: The New Model for Doing Good

Scott Heiferman, Co-Founder & CEO, Meetup

Danae Ringelmann, Co-Founder, Indiegogo

Paull Young, Director of Digital, charity: water

Matt Silverman, Mashable

Social Gaming For Good

Nick Kristof, Columnist & Two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner, New York Times

Asi Burak, Co-President, Games for Change

Morra Aarons-Mele, Founder, Women Online & The Mission List

New Ideas in Philanthropy

Chris Kelly, Entrepreneur & Internet Privacy Expert

Zaw Thet, Entrepreneur & Founder

Doing Well By Doing Good: How Corporations & NGO's Are Coming Together for Social Impact

Kyle Peterson, Managing Director, FSG

Neal Keny - Guyer, CEO, Mercy Corps

Martyn Parker, Chairman of Global Partnerships, Swiss Re

Todd Wasserman, Mashable

Women Editors Take On the Intersection of Print, Digital & Social Good

Catherine Sharick, Managing Editor, TIME

Elizabeth Gore, Vice President of Global Partnerships, United Nations Foundation

Alanna Stang, Editor in Chief, Whole Living

Wendy Naugle, Executive Editor, Glamour

Take A Byte - Nutrition & Technology

Adrianna Logalbo, GAIN & Future Fortified Campaign

Navyn Salem, Executive Director, Edesia Global

Steve Ollis, Chief Operating Officer, D-Tree International

Chuck Slaughter, Founder & CEO, Living Goods

Connecting Girls Around the World

Elaine Weidman-Grunewald, Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CR), Ericsson Group worldwide

Sarah Brown, CEO, Office of Gordon & Sarah Brown

Holly Gordon, Executive Director, 10X10

Kathy Calvin, CEO, United Nations Foundation

Sofia Stafford, Teen Advisor, Girl Up

Maame Yankah, Student & Girls Empowerment Activist

Women, Social Media and An End to Poverty

America Ferrera, Actor & Producer

Alexis Bledel, Actress

Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Leads Social Innovation, Twitter

Molly Kinder, Director for Agriculture & Europe Policy, ONE

Trends in Child Mortality & New Data

Dr. Hans Rosling, Professor & Chairman, Gapminder Foundation

Technology for Development: Renewing the Promise for Child Survival

Anthony Lake, Executive Director, UNICEF

Clay Shirky, Writer & Educator

Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Health, Ethiopia

Zain Verjee, Anchor, CNN

Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID

Conversation on Social Media & High-Level Advocates

Angelique Kidjo, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

Zain Verjee, Anchor, CNN

Anthony Lake, Executive Director, UNICEF

The Power of Crowd-Sourcing

Jimmy Wales, Founder Wikimedia Foundation &

Gabriel Jaramillo, General Manager, Global Fund

Pete Cashmore, CEO & Founder, Mashable

Refugee Reconnection

Christopher Mikkelsen, Co-founder Refugees United

Elaine Weidman-Grunewald, Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CR), Ericsson Group worldwid

Spirituality in the Digital Age

Deepak Chopra, New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder, The Chopra Foundation

Stand Up for Social Good - Special Comedic Performance

Andy Borowitz, New York Times Best-Selling Author & Comedian


92nd Street & Lexington Avenue, NYC
Kaufmann Concert Hall + Weill Art Gallery

Press & Bloggers
Press and bloggers will be given exclusive access to a fully connected Digital Media Lounge.
Buy Tickets

The Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders to discuss a big idea: the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve our greatest challenges. It ignites conversations between a live audience in New York City and thousands around the world participating via YouTube.

You can purchase tickets on the 92Y website.

Pete Cashmore
CEO & Founder

Pete Cashmore is the founder and CEO of Mashable, an award-winning site and the largest independent source for news, information and resources for the Connected Generation.

Pete founded Mashable in 2005 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland when he was 19. His passion for sharing how web tools and social networks were transforming human interactions and reshaping cultures drove him to create what would become Mashable.

Mashable’s 20 million monthly unique visitors and 6 million social media followers have become one of the largest, most engaged online communities. Mashable has been named a must-read site by both Fast Company and PC Magazine and is ranked as the most influential media outlet by Klout.

Pete was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2012. He was featured on Forbes 30 under 30 list, named one of Ad Age’s 2011 influencers, and was named a Young Global Leader by The World Economic Forum.
Stacy Green
Stacy Green
Vice President of Marketing and Communications
Stacy Green is vice president marketing and communications. She oversees marketing, strategic communications, internal communications and events. Stacy joined Mashable in December 2010 as communications director. Before joining Mashable, she held several positions in communications and marketing at The New York Times. She was responsible for digital communications for, and served as a spokeswoman for the website. 

 She is on the board of directors for New York Women in Communications, where she serves as the vice president for digital media and integrated marketing. She is a graduate of Towson University and hails from the great state of Maryland.
Lance Ulanoff
Lance Ulanoff
Editor in Chief
Lance Ulanoff is a 25-year industry veteran and award-winning journalist. As editor in chief of Mashable, he is responsible for editorial direction and strategy. Before joining Mashable, Ulanoff was editor in chief of and senior vice president of content for Ziff Davis, where he oversaw content strategy for all Ziff Davis websites. Lance has covered technology since PCs were the size of suitcases, “on line” meant “waiting” and CPU speeds were measured in single-digit megahertz. He’s traveled the globe to report on a vast array of consumer and business technology. His long-running column on has earned him a Bronze award from the American Society of Business Publication Editors., and have all been honored under Lance’s guidance. Lance makes frequent appearances on national, international and local news programs including Fox News, Today Show, Good Morning America, CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, NY1, CNN HLN, BBC, New York’s Eyewitness News, News Channel 4 and WCBS, among many others.
Morra Aarons-Mele
Morra Aarons-Mele
Women Online & The Mission List

Morra Aarons-Mele is the founder of digital marketing firm Women Online and The Mission List, an online marketing network for women who want to use their social media influence for good. She is an Internet marketer who has been working with women online since 1999. She helped Hillary Clinton log on for her first Internet chat, and launched Wal-Mart’s first blog. She was founding Political Director for, and has written for BlogHer as well as The Huffington Post, MomsRising, The New York Times, and The Guardian.

Morra’s Internet experience spans politics and the private sector. During the 2004 Presidential Election, Morra was the Director of Internet Marketing for the Democratic National Committee. After the 2004 election she founded Edelman’s digital public affairs team where she worked with Fortune 50 clients. Morra worked in various roles at leading online companies, including,, and at iVillage UK, where she managed public relations and marketing. Morra has degrees from Harvard’s Kennedy School and Brown University.
Sol Adler
Executive Director

As Executive Director of 92nd Street Y, Sol Adler oversees all of the activities of the world-class nonprofit community and cultural center.

Founded in 1874, 92Y has an operating budget of over $52 million; more than 30 distinct programs in the arts, education, Jewish life, early-childhood education, community service, and health and fitness; a full-time staff of more than 300 and three facilities. 92Y serves more than 300,000 children, young people and adults annually through roughly 5,000 individual offerings.

During his tenure, Mr. Adler has doubled the number of programs 92nd Street Y offers and tripled the organization's budget; launched 92Y's foray into e-commerce; created a satellite broadcast program, Live from New York's 92nd Street Y™ and created partnerships with a variety of technology companies that bring 92Y's content to viewers and listeners around the country. He has raised more than $80 million through two capital campaigns; forged a partnership with Ford Motor Company that led to the Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y™, an annual professional development program for NGO leaders from around the world; and initiated a diplomatic outreach program that has established relationships with more than 100 countries through their New York consulates and other diplomatic entities.

Sol Adler joined the staff of 92nd Street Y in 1978. Before being named executive director in 1988, he twice held the position of acting executive director and served as associate executive director for administration and director of budget and finance. Previously, Mr. Adler was employed as a senior field auditor for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Greater New York.

Mr. Adler is a member of the board of the Coney Island Development Corporation. He received a BA in economics and sociology from Brooklyn College, where he later received a degree in accounting. The father of three, Mr. Adler lives in Brooklyn with his family.
Valerie Amos128
Valerie Amos
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
United Nations - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

On 6 September 2010, Valerie Amos of the United Kingdom took up the post of Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, to which she was appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 9 July 2010. Ms. Amos brings extensive knowledge and experience to the post.

She has demonstrated her leadership skills, ability to forge consensus, deliver results and work with diverse stakeholders in a range of roles. She was most recently the United Kingdom’s High Commissioner to Australia. She has campaigned on issues of human rights, social justice and equality, and spent the last decade in various high-level government positions, including as Cabinet minister with responsibility for international development. From 2007 to 2009, Ms. Amos was Chair of the Royal African Society and a Fulbright Commissioner. Between 2003 and 2007, she served as Leader of the House of Lords and Secretary of State for International Development. In the latter role, she was called upon to participate in discussions and negotiations to tackle conflict and post-conflict situations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Liberia and other parts of the world. From 2001 to 2003, she served as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, with responsibility for Africa, the Caribbean, Consular Affairs, the Commonwealth and Britain’s overseas territories.

Between 1998-2001, Ms. Amos was a Baroness-in-Waiting and Government Whip in the House of Lords, as well as a Spokesperson on International Development, Women's Issues and Social Security. She was appointed to the House of Lords in 1997.

Born in Guyana, she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology, a Master of Arts in cultural studies and honorary doctorates from eight UK and one US University. She was awarded the order of the Volta by the Government of Ghana and was also recognised by the Smithsonian Museum for African Art for her work on the continent.
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Kris M. Balderston
Special Representative for Global Partnerships
Office of the Secretary of State, Global Partnership Initiative

Kris M. Balderston serves as the Special Representative for Global Partnerships at the Global Partnership Initiative within the Office of the Secretary of State. In this role, Kris leads global public-private partnerships in support of the Secretary’s priorities, including the Accelerating Market-Driven Partnerships, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, International diaspora Engagement Alliance, and Partners for a New Beginning.
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Christina Bellantoni
Political Editor
PBS NewsHour

Christina Bellantoni joined the PBS NewsHour in January 2012. In her role as Politics Editor, she directs coverage of campaign, White House and congressional news and appears on the program for on-air analysis. Bellantoni has spent over a decade covering national political and business news in Washington, D.C., and California.

She served as Associate Politics Editor at Roll Call for more than a year before joining the NewsHour. She has appeared regularly as a political analyst on national television programs such as "Hardball," "Countdown," "On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren," "Reliable Sources," "TopLine," "The Rachel Maddow Show" and "The Daily Rundown."

Prior to her time at Roll Call, Bellantoni was a senior reporter-blogger at Talking Points Memo's Washington bureau covering the White House and national politics. Before joining TPM, Bellantoni was a White House correspondent for The Washington Times, a post she took after covering the 2008 presidential campaign. She joined the Times in December 2003, covering state and congressional politics before moving to the national political beat for the 2008 election.

Bellantoni began her journalism career in 1998 covering business in her home state of California. She won two national journalism awards for Best Scoop in 2001 for her story in Silicon Valley Biz Ink that revealed the San Jose Sharks were up for sale. A graduate of University of California, Berkeley, Bellantoni majored in mass communications. She led a study group for undergraduate students as an Institute of Politics Fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School in fall 2011.
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Maria Bello
Actor & Women's Rights Activist

Maria Bello is an internationally renowned actor and women’s rights activist and the co-founder of We Advance ( We Advance is a women’s movement and NGO based in Cite Soleil, Haiti. The organization advocates for women throughout the country to have full political, economic, and social participation.

Having starred in over 30 movies (including “Coyote Ugly,” “A History of Violence,” and “The Cooler”), Bello has had several nominations and wins for her acting, including the Golden Globe Awards and the NY Film Critic’s Awards. She was most recently seen playing Det. Jane Timoney on the critically acclaimed NBC drama “Prime Suspect,”” as well as Adam Sandler’s “Grown Ups Two,” slated for a summer 2013 release.

She began her career as an activist at Villanova University, where she majored in Peace and Justice Education and worked at the Women’s Law Project in Philadelphia. In 2009 she was voted one of Variety magazine’s most powerful women in Hollywood for her activism with women in Darfur. Since 2008, she has worked in Haiti with Artists for Peace and Justice and Femmes en Democratie. She raised funds and produced a women’s media campaign for the elections in November.

She spearheaded the opening of the women’s clinic in the Petionville Camp immediately following the earthquake. She is a member of CGI and works on gender policy within the Haiti Network. She was named a Vital Voices Global Ambassador for women and participated in the first ever Vital Voices / Bank of America International Women’s Conference in Haiti.

She speaks around the world on social impact investing, Haiti, and women’s rights. In 2012, she was a keynote speaker at the State Department’s Forum on Impact Investing and also awarded with the Starkey Foundation’s “So the World May Hear Award’. She was named the Goodwill Ambassador for Women in Haiti.
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Matthew Bishop
US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief
The Economist

Matthew Bishop is the US Business Editor and New York Bureau Chief of The Economist, and the co-author, with Michael Green, of several acclaimed books, including "Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World" and "The Road From Ruin", and the e-book "In Gold We Trust? The Future of Money in an Age of Uncertainty”.

He was previously the magazine's London-based Business Editor and is the author of "Essential Economics", the official Economist guide to economics. He has also written several of The Economist's special report supplements, including most recently The Great Mismatch, about the future of jobs; A Bigger World, which examines the opportunities and challenges of the rise of emerging economies and firms; The Business of Giving, which looks at the industrial revolution taking place in philanthropy; Kings of Capitalism, which anticipated and analyzed the boom in private equity; and Capitalism and its Troubles, an examination of the impact of problems such as the collapse of Enron.

Before joining The Economist, he was on the faculty of London Business School, where he co-authored three books for Oxford University Press. He has served as a member of the Sykes Commission on the investment system in the 21st Century, the Advisors Group of the United Nations International Year of Microcredit 2005, and is a regular participant in events such as the World Economic Forum and the Clinton Global Initiative. He is a graduate of Oxford University.
Sophie Blackall
Illustrator & Artist

Sophie Blackall is a Brooklyn-based Australian artist who has illustrated over twenty books for children, including the Ezra Jack Keats Award-winning Ruby’s Wish, Meet Wild Boars, which won a Founder’s Award from the Society of Illustrators and a BCCB Blue Ribbon Award, Big Red Lollipop, which was a New York Times Top Ten Picture Book for 2010, Pecan Pie Baby, which won a Horn Book honor in 2011, and the New York Times bestselling series, Ivy and Bean.

Blackall’s first book for adults, Missed Connections: Love, Lost & Found (Workman Publishing; October 2011), began as a blog——in early 2009 and continues today as a series of paintings based on real, anonymous messages posted online by lovelorn strangers.

Her editorial illustrations have appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, TIME, and many others. Her poster commissioned by the MTA Arts for Transit program can currently be seen in subway cars all over New York City.

She is honored to be collaborating with The Measles and Rubella Initiative on a series of illustrations to promote the elimination of measles through immunization.
Website: Blog:
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Alexis Bledel

Alexis Bledel is a versatile actress in both film and television. Next, Alexis stars opposite Saoirse Ronan in Violet and Daisy. The film centers on a pair of teenage assassins who are lured into what is supposed to be just another quick and easy job, only to find complications as the man they’re supposed to kill is not what they expected.

Alexis recently starred as Chrissie Myers in the world-premiere production of playwright Matt Charman's Regrets for the Manhattan Theatre Club. Alexis plays a young local woman of questionable reputation in the play about men biding their time at a Nevada ranch while waiting for quick divorces in the 1950s. She also performed in an Off-Broadway production of Nora Ephron’s Love Loss and What I Wore.

Alexis made her television debut in the critically acclaimed series Gilmore Girls. For seven successful seasons, Alexis starred as Rory Gilmore, the teenage daughter in this dramedy about a close-knit relationship between a single mother and a savvy daughter. Alexis’ portrayal of Rory Gilmore earned her the 2005 and 2006 Teen Choice Award for Choice Actress in a Comedy and the 2002 Family Friendly Forum Award for Best Actress in a Drama.

Alexis starred as Lena in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. The coming of age story also stars Amber Tamblyn, Blake Lively and America Ferrera.

Alexis made her feature film debut in 2002 in Disney’s Tuck Everlasting, which is based on the acclaimed novel by Natalie Babbitt. She was also part of the ensemble cast of the Robert Rodriguez film Sin City with Bruce Willis, Josh Hartnett, Rosario Dawson, and Brittany Murphy. She also appeared with James McAvoy and Robin Wright Penn in Director Robert Redford's period drama The Conspirator.

Bledel’s other films include Post-Grad for Fox Searchlight, The Good Guy, which premiered at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival, Bride and Prejudice, an Indian musical version of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, directed by Gurinder Chadha (Bend It Like Beckham), and the independent films Orphan King and I Am Reed Fish opposite Jay Baruchel.

In 2009, Alexis guest starred as Dr. Julia Wise in the two-hour series finale of the NBC hit series ER, which drew over 16 million viewers. She also recently guest starred as Beth Dawes on AMC’s Mad Men.
Laurie Bolthouse128
Laurie Bolthouse
Trade of Innocents

Laurie is the producer for the new movie "Trade of Innocents" set to release in theaters October 2012. Starring Dermot Mulroney and Mira Sorvino the drama portrays the realities of the brothels in Cambodia and those trying to fight this injustice.

Laurie, her physician husband Bill and their three daughters travel the world extensively to be a part of their philanthropic efforts thru a variety of NGO's. Their lives have been turned upside down for the better after meeting many children who have suffered in this humanitarian crisis. It is their privilege to bring you this film. When not traveling and advocating for the poor and oppressed they find themselves living a simpler life in the Rocky Mountains.
Andy Borowitz
New York Times Best-Selling Author & Comedian

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian, and has written for The New Yorker since 1998. In 2001, he created the Borowitz Report, a satirical news column that has been read by millions around the world and for which he won the first-ever National Press Club award for humor. He has published two best-selling books in the past year: “The 50 Funniest American Writers,” which became the first title in the history of the Library of America to make the Times best-seller list; and his memoir, “An Unexpected Twist,” which Amazon named the Best Kindle Single of 2012. His Twitter feed, @BorowitzReport, has more than two hundred and seventy thousand followers and was voted the best Twitter feed of 2011 in a poll by Time.

As a comedian, he performs to sold-out theatres across the country and has made countless television and radio appearances, including on National Public Radio, VH1, and Comedy Central. He has been called a “Swiftian satirist” (the Wall Street Journal), “America’s satire king” (the Daily Beast), “the funniest human on Twitter” (the Times), and “one of the funniest people in America” (CBS News’ “Sunday Morning”).
Danah Boyd 128
Danah Boyd
Senior Researcher
Microsoft Research

Danah is a senior researcher for Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor in media, culture, and communication at New York University, a visiting researcher at Harvard Law School, a fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center, and an adjunct associate professor at the University of New South Wales.

Her research examines intersections between technology and society, in particular, how young people use social media as part of their everyday practices.
Gro Brundtland 128
Gro Brundtland
Former Prime Minister of Norway

Ten years as physician and scientist in the Norwegian public health system. 
Political career: Appointed minister of the Environment in 1974. Prime minister in 1981,1986-1989 and 1990-1996.

In 1983 the then UN Secretary-general invited her to establish and chair the world Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission), which published its report "Our Common Future" in April 1987.

Dr. Brundtland was Director General of the World Health Organization from July 1998 to July 2003.
From 2007 through 2009 she was the UN secretary General`s Special Envoy for Climate Change.
Dr.Brundtland serves on the UN Secretary General`s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability since its launch in August 2010.
Asi Burak_128
Asi Burak
Games for Change

Asi Burak is Co-President of Games for Change. In his role there, he leads on the development of programs to raise the quality and reach of social impact games, and co-produces the Annual Games for Change Festival, the largest gaming event in New York. For partners including USAID, The World Bank, American Museum of Natural History, and Pulitzer Prize-winning NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof (“Half the Sky”), he is guiding the investment of $8 million into new game projects. For his work at G4C, Burak was named one of the “Digital 25: Leaders in Emerging Entertainment” by the Producers Guild of America (PGA) and Variety Magazine.

Before Games for Change, Burak co-founded and led Impact Games, the creators of the acclaimed “PeaceMaker” and “Play the News” gaming platforms (acquired 2010). He is often interviewed by international media, and has been invited to speak at conferences and institutions including TEDTalks, Harvard Kennedy School, Sundance, Skoll Forum, CES, SXSW, and the US Army War College. He is a faculty member at the School of Visual Arts’ MFA in Design for Social Innovation, and holds a Master of Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University.
Kathy Calvin
United Nations Foundation

Kathy Calvin is the Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation. The UN Foundation was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner's historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation advocates for the UN and connects people, ideas, and resources to help the United Nations solve global problems. As a public charity with many other partners, the UN Foundation's work is focused on decreasing child mortality, empowering women and girls, creating a clean energy future, using mobile technology for development, and improving U.S.-UN relations.

Prior to joining the UN Foundation in 2003, Kathy served as President of the AOL Time Warner Foundation, guided AOL Time Warner's other philanthropic activities and was the chief architect of the company's corporate responsibility initiatives. She joined America Online in 1997 as Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer.

Immediately prior to joining AOL, she was a Senior Managing Director at Hill and Knowlton, a global public relations company, where she led the U.S. Media Relations practice. For 12 years before that, she was the Director of Editorial Administration for U.S. News & World Report. From 1976 through 1984, Kathy served as Senator Gary Hart's press secretary in his Senate office and 1984 Presidential campaign.

Throughout her career, Kathy Calvin has taken an active role in a range of philanthropic activities, including the boards of the International Women's Media Foundation, City Year, Internews, Newseum, Share Our Strength, the United Nations Association of the United States of America, and the East-West Center.

Kathy is a graduate of Purdue University and the recipient of numerous awards for leadership and philanthropy.
Anthony Carmona
Youth Beneficiary
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship

Through support and mentorship from a Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) course, Anthony, a local New York teen, created a business model that his mentors say could one day turn into a sustainable enterprise.

Anthony established his own business, Anthony Knows Computers (A.K.C.), a computer/networking setup, repair and maintenance service that allows people an affordable, reliable and efficient service in the comfort of their home. He is now a senior at August Martin High School and won last year’s NFTE New York Metro Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge.

He donates some of his proceeds to promote technology literacy and provides free technology seminars.
Deepak Chopra 128
Deepak Chopra
New York Times Bestselling Author & Founder
The Chopra Foundation
Deepak Chopra is the author of more than sixty books translated into over eighty-five languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Adjunct Professor of Executive Programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization. Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as ‘the poet-prophet of alternative medicine’. For more information visit :
Cimoszewicz Wlodzimierz_128
Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz
Former Prime Minister of Poland & Chairman of the Polish Senate's Foreign Relations Committee

Minister Cimoszewicz graduated from the Warsaw University Law Faculty in 1972 and has been awarded honorary doctorates from two US universities, Appalachian State University and the University of South Carolina, as well as from Odessa University in the Ukraine.

Between 1972 and 1985 he worked as a research associate and then assistant professor at Warsaw University. He also was a farm owner before entering politics in 1989. He was Prime Minister of Poland between 1996 and 1997. He was Minister for foreign affairs between 2001 and 2004. Since 2006, Minister Cimoszewicz has taught at Warsaw University and Vistula University in Warsaw.

As a member of Poland's parliament (Sejm), he was deputy chairman of the Committee on National and Ethnic Minorities and a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He was instrumental in drawing up and adopting the constitution for the Republic of Poland, among many other government responsibilities.

Minister Cimoszewicz has a deep interest in human rights, especially about Jan Karski, the World War II underground hero who was among the first to warn the West about the Holocaust as it was underway. He will speak about the relevance of Jan Karski's story to today and about how social media platforms might have impacted the atrocities of World War II had they been available in that era.
Helen Clark
United Nations Development Programme

Helen Clark is no newcomer to politics. She has remained a fixture on Forbes’ list of the World’s Most Powerful Women since her election as Prime Minister of her native New Zealand in 1999. She had already served as a member of Parliament for 18 years before being elected an impressive three times as Prime Minister, serving for a total of nine years. Under her leadership, New Zealand enjoyed significant economic growth, low levels of unemployment, and high investment in education, health, and the well-being of families and older citizens.

In 2009, she became the first woman to head the UN Development Program—the United Nations global development agency--where she is responsible for leading the UN’s development activities in more than 170 countries worldwide. Since assuming this position, she has advocated consistently and tirelessly for women’s empowerment, particularly in the poorest countries, meeting with groups of influential women in each and every country she visits to ensure their voices and needs are heard – thus far, 50 countries and counting.

As the head of UNDP, and therefore as the third-ranking official in the United Nations, more than 50 percent of senior staff she has hired are women, including her deputy, and I know she is working her way down the ranks.

And while she wasn’t yet alive when New Zealand became the first country on Earth to give women the right to vote in 1893, she has certainly carried on that legacy.
Fabien Cousteau
Ocean Producer, Founder & Executive Director

Growing up on decks of his famous Grandfather’s ships, Calypso and Alcyone, Fabien Cousteau was destined to work to protect our planet’s immense and endangered marine habitats.

From his vast experience in the field, coupled with a degree in environmental economics from Boston University, he has refined a public policy platform grounded by his strong belief that environmental discipline can be the basis for innovative solutions that strike a balance between regional and global environmental problems and the realities of market economies.

In 2006, Fabien partnered with his father, Jean-Michel Cousteau, and sister, Celine, to complete a three-year multi-hour series for PBS called Ocean Adventures. In 2010, he launched Plant A Fish, an innovative nonprofit organization designed to empower communities and children to help restore their local water ecosystems through the healthy “replanting” of key marine species. Current initiatives include restoration projects in El Salvador, New York City, South Florida and the Maldives. Expansion to Haiti and Nicaragua is expected in late 2012.

An active writer, he is currently working on a children’s book trilogy. Fabien is routinely seen on network television, the Oprah Winfrey Show, Gayle King, and as a guest/contributor to NBC’s Today Show. He shares his guidance as a member of multiple boards including Water Innovation Alliance, Millennium Project and Blue Ocean Film Festival and serves as an advisor to the International SeaKeepers Society, Plastic Pollution Coalition, One World One Ocean, Points of Light Foundation, Antarctic Ocean Alliance and New York Harbor School.
Charlie Denson
NIKE Brand

As President of the Nike Brand, Charlie Denson is responsible for leading the strategy of the world’s most distinctive, authentic and connected brand in sports, including oversight of the company’s major, global categories: Action Sports, Basketball, Football (Soccer), Men’s Training, Running, Sportswear, and Women’s Training, as well as the Jordan Brand and Nike Golf.

After more than three decades, Denson has developed a deep expertise of the athletic consumer products industry and been instrumental in growing Nike to become one of the world’s biggest brands. Starting as an assistant manager at Nike’s first retail store in Portland, Oregon in 1979, he learned the business from the ground up and understands the importance of creating and maintaining a strong connection with consumers.

In his career, Denson ran the company’s U.S. and European operations and pioneered Nike’s expansion into China, India and Brazil. He’s been a constant innovator in developing sales and distribution strategies and driving global growth as Nike expanded into more than 160 countries. Nike Brand revenues surpassed $21 billion in FY12, a growth of 16%.
Claire Diaz Ortiz
Leads Social Innovation

Claire Diaz-Ortiz leads social innovation at Twitter, Inc. She wrote Twitter for Good: Change the World one Tweet at a Time and has been named one of the 100 Most Creative People in Business by Fast Company.

She is a frequent international speaker on social media, business and innovation and writes a popular business blog at As an early employee at Twitter, she is known for developing the TWEET model — a framework to help organizations and individuals best excel on the platform.
Claire holds an MBA from Oxford University, where she was a Skoll Foundation Skollar, and other degrees from Stanford University. She is the co-founder of Hope Runs, a non-profit organization operating in AIDS orphanages in Kenya, and serves as an advisor to startups and social enterprises.
Read more about her at or via @claire on Twitter.
Justin Dillon
Executive Director
Slavery Footprint

Justin came across the issue of human trafficking like a lot of people – through reading the newspaper. It was a New York Times article by Nicholas Kristoff about the global sex trade that caught his eye. And yet while the story caught his attention, he merely thought it was a terrible ordeal that would never affect him.

A few months later, Justin’s band went on a tour in Russia. It was there that he learned firsthand what Kristoff was talking about. He met young women who were being deceived and solicited by traffickers promising a better life, job and opportunity in the West. After sharing with them the dangers of these proposals, Justin vowed to do something about this issue when he returned home.

Back in the United States, Justin sought out organizations that were addressing the problem only to discover that they were few, small, and under-funded yet extremely passionate. He immediately started hosting benefit concerts for these organizations in order to support and promote their work. His desire to put on a benefit concert soon grew into a "rockumentary" that combined both critically acclaimed artists and social luminaries in the film, CALL+RESPONSE.

Justin has since been invited to speak at the White House, United Nations Events, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Columbia University, in addition to appearances on CNN, the Today Show, MSNBC, and the Dr. Phil Show. Along with the film, Dillon has created online and mobile activist tools that provide users with tactile opportunities to act in strategic ways. In addition, Justin and his team have produced a CNN documentary with hip hop artist/actor Common exposing the realities of child slavery in Haiti.
Dino Patti Djalal
Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States of America

Dr. Dino Patti Djalal is the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States, a speech writer, youth activist, academic and national bestselling author.

He was named as the Indonesian Ambassador in May 2010 and presented his credentials to the President of the United States on September 16, 2010. He was previously a Special Staff for International Affairs and Presidential Spokesperson for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (2004-2010). Dr. Djalal first joined the Department of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in 1987. He was posted to Dili, London and Washington DC, before being appointed as Director for North American Affairs (2002-2004). In the early years of his career, as assistant to Director General for Political Affairs, he was involved in the settlement of conflicts and disputes in Cambodia, Moro - The Philippines, South China Sea, and East Timor.

Dr. Djalal - working closely with the Pentagon - is the initiator of the "US-Indonesia Security Dialogue", an annual bilateral consultation on security and defense matters that was conceived in 2001, and has continued to this day. In 2008, he established the "Innovative Leaders Forum" to promote innovative leadership from all sectors of Indonesian society. The Forum has held a series of public seminars presenting emerging young leaders in: local governance, education, peace workers, health, bureaucratic reform, entrepreneurship, moderate Islam, and climate change.

Dr. Djalal has appeared on radio shows and toured Universities in Indonesia to present the case for open pluralistic nationalism and a new Indonesian internationalism. A recurring theme in his speeches is the imperative for the youth to think for themselves and for their own time, and avoid the rigid dogmatism that was characteristic of the intellectual upbringing of the past. Dr. Djalal has written many articles for domestic and international media. He has also written multiple books, including "Harus Bisa!" (The Can Do Leadership). The book has become a national best seller in Indonesia – with some 1.7 million copies sold. Dr. Djalal is a member of the Governing Board of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, which was established by the Bali Democracy Forum; a member of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Council on World Affairs (ICWA); and founder of Modernisator, a movement of Indonesian young achievers. Dr. Djalal is considered by social media networks to be among one of 5 most influential Indonesian politicians whose means of communicating by Twitter is regarded as prolific (3rd most influential Indonesian politician tweeter).

Dr. Djalal has a bachelor's degree in Political Science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), a master degree in Political Science from Simon Fraser University (British Columbia, Canada) and a Doctorate Degree from London School of Economics and Political Science. In October 2010, the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre (in Jordan) listed Dr. Dino Patti Djalal among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. He is also the initiator and organizer and world-record holder - certified by "Guinness Book of World Records" - of the largest "angklung" bamboo musical ensemble (5,192 people), held at the National Monument in Washington DC on 9 July 2011. Dr. Djalal is married to Mrs. Rosa Rai Djalal, and they have three children.
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Sylvia Earle
National Geographic

Sylvia A. Earle, called Her Deepness by the New Yorker and the New York Times, Living Legend by the Library of Congress, and first Hero for the Planet by Time Magazine, is an oceanographer, explorer, author and lecturer with experience as a field research scientist, government official, and director for corporate and non-profit organizations including the Kerr McGee Corporation, Dresser Industries, Oryx Energy, the Aspen Institute, the Conservation Fund, Rutgers Institute for Marine Science, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Research, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and Ocean Conservancy.

Formerly Chief Scientist of NOAA, Dr. Earle is a National Geographic Explorer in Residence, Founder of SEAlliance, Mission Blue, and Deep Ocean Exploration and Research, Inc., and Chairs Advisory Councils for the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies; the Ocean in Google Earth; the Marine Science and Technology Foundation and the Schmidt Research Vessel Institute. She has a B.S. degree from Florida State University, M.S. and PhD. from Duke University, 19 honorary degrees, has lectured in more than 80 countries, appeared in hundreds of radio and television productions and has authored more than 175 scientific, technical and popular publications including Exploring the Deep Frontier, Sea Change, Wild Ocean, Dive, The National Geographic Atlas of the Ocean and The World is Blue.

Dr Earle has led more than 100 expeditions and logged nearly 7000 hours underwater with a record solo dive to 1000 meters and nine saturation dives including leading the first team of women aquanauts during the Tektite Project.

She has been awarded more than 100 national and international honors including the 2009 TED Prize, the Netherlands Order of the Golden Ark, the National Women’s Hall of Fame, Academy of Achievement, and medals from the Explorers Club, the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Lindbergh Foundation and National Wildlife Federation.
Victoria Esser_128
Victoria Esser
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Digital Strategy
Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State

Victoria Esser is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs for Digital Strategy at the Department of State. Secretary Clinton has made 21st Century Statecraft--the leveraging of networks and technologies in service of America’s foreign policy goals--a priority, and Ms. Esser is charged with creating and managing the digital strategy for the Department. In that capacity, she oversees the Department’s official social media platforms, broadcast operations, and the State Department website.

Prior to joining the Department of State, Ms. Esser was a Managing Director of the Glover Park Group, a leading public affairs consultancy headquartered in Washington, DC, and was the co-chair of the firm’s International Affairs practice.

Victoria previously served as a Vice President of Robinson, Lerer & Montgomery, a strategic communications consultancy, where she developed international corporate communications strategies, covering legal issues, corporate social responsibility, and crisis communications for AOL International and AOL, Inc.

She began her career with the Centre International des Enterprises à Succursale, an association located in Paris, France. Victoria has a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School at Tufts University and graduated cum laude from Colby College with a B.A. in French and Government. She has been published in Politico and the Huffington Post, is an Atlantic Bridges Young Leader alumni, and is highly proficient in French.
Robert Fabricant
Vice President of Creative
Frog Design

Robert Fabricant writes about Design and Social Impact for publications like Fast Company, Rotman Business Journal, MIT Tech Review, ChangeObserver and Core77. He is a sought after speaker on topics ranging from design to healthcare and mobility. Recent speaking engagements include Poptech, SXSW, IxDA, Mayo Transform, Harvard Business School and others.

He has won numerous design awards including 2009 & 2011 IDEA Gold and 2009 Index Award Finalist. He is a member of the adjunct faculty at NYU and SVA. You can follow him on twitter @fabtweet.
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Allyson Felix
Olympic Gold Medalist

Born on November 18, 1985, Allyson Felix grew up in Los Angeles, California. Her father, Paul, is an ordained minister who was an excellent sprinter as a teen. She inherited her long legs from her schoolteacher mother, Marlean. Allyson followed her older brother, Wes, into the sport, although she did not try out for the track team until her ninth-grade year at Los Angeles Baptist High School in North Hills.

Allyson went on to accomplish impressive feats over her high school career. She broke Marion Jones’ high-school 200-meter record by running 22.51 seconds at the Mt. San Antonio College Relays in April of 2003. Just weeks later, Felix turned in an even more impressive performance when she competed in the Banamex Grand Prix in Mexico City’s Olympic Stadium and ran a blazing 22.11 second 200-meter race, which was a new world record in the under-20 category.

Felix emerged as the new American Female sprinter to watch and has never looked back winning three Gold Medals in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Under the tutelage of Coach Bob Kersee, she has won a total of four Olympic Gold Medals and has become an eight-time world champion and the first woman to win three consecutive 200-meter titles at the IAAF World Championships. Recently, Allyson became the first woman in American history to win National Championships in the 100m, 200m, and 400m.

At 26 years of age, Allyson has accomplished a great deal on the track, but has still made time to graduate with an elementary education degree from USC, be a member of President Obama’s Fitness, Sport, and Nutrition Council, and be very involved as an athlete ambassador for Right to Play.
America Ferrera 128
America Ferrera
Actor & Producer

America Ferrera is perhaps best known for her fearless portrayal of Betty Suarez on ABC's hit comedy Ugly Betty. This breakthrough role has earned Ferrera an Emmy®, Golden Globe®, and Screen Actors Guild Award, as well as ALMA and Imagen Awards.

Ferrera recently wrapped production on Diego Luna's biography, Chavez, which centers on the civil-rights activist and labor organizer, Cesar Chavez. Portraying his wife, Helen Chavez, Ferrera stars opposite Michael Peña and alongside an impressive cast including Rosario Dawson and Gabriel Mann. This fall, Ferrera can next be seen in David Ayer's crime thriller, End of Watch, also starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Anna Kendrick, Michael Peña, and Cody Horn. The film is set to release September 21st. Also this fall, Ferrera is set to appear in Todd Berger's comedy It's a Disaster opposite Julia Stiles and David Cross. The film premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival in June.

In addition to her fall film lineup, Ferrera can be seen in the four-hour television series for PBS and international broadcast, the Half The Sky project. The series, which was shot in 10 underprivileged countries, delivers audiences with an intimate and dramatic portrayal of the women and young girls in the world that live under some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. Ferrera joins reporter Nicholas Kristof, and actresses Diane Lane, Eva Mendes, Meg Ryan, Gabrielle Union and Olivia Wilde, in an inspiring program that captivates the struggling and empowering stories of females fighting for change. The series will premiere on October 1st and 2nd. In tandem with her work on the series, Ferrera will serve as ambassador on a campaign called, America4America joining Voto Latino, the leading non-partisan national youth empowerment organization. The campaign aims to reach people across the country by using online content to engage in conversations with the actress and discusses issues related to voter id laws, education, and immigration. Ferrera will be the face of the initiative for the upcoming 2012 election.

Ferrera first secured her place as one of Hollywood's most vibrant young talents with her starring role in the Patricia Cardoso film Real Women Have Curves. Her performance earned her a Sundance Jury Award for Best Actress, an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Debut Performance, and a Young Artist Award nomination for Best Performance for a Leading Young Actress.
Alex Fitzpatrick
Reporter, US & World

Alex Fitzpatrick is a Reporter at Mashable's New York headquarters, where he covers the intersection of politics, international affairs, social media and technology. He initially joined Mashable as a Community Intern in October of 2011, and he still holds Community near and dear to his heart.

A Long Island native, Alex graduated from SUNY Geneseo with a B.A. in International Relations with honors. While at Geneseo, he served as Station Manager for WGSU 89.3 and Assistant Opinions Editor at The Lamron. He previously interned at the Communications Bureau of the City of Rochester, NY.

Outside of work, Alex enjoys traveling, taking pictures of things and yelling at the TV when hockey's on.
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Mike Fogarty
Global SVP, Board Member
BabyCenter, LLC

Mike Fogarty is a Board Member and the Global Group Publisher of BabyCenter, the #1 pregnancy and parenting web and mobile destination worldwide, reaching 13 million moms in the U.S. and 30 million moms monthly across 22 markets from Brazil to India to China.

In his role, Mike is responsible for driving the company’s strategic growth and operations, ensuring BabyCenter expands its reach to moms everywhere. He also fosters lasting relationships with the hundreds of global partners and brands looking to leverage BabyCenter’s deep consumer trust and engagement.

BabyCenter is the world’s leading place moms come for trusted advice and friendship. This advice comes from topical experts in each market, as well as the wisdom of real moms that’s so critical to the parenting experience. Each month 30 million moms find the support and friendship they need, from BabyCenter’s deep online content and its Community’s stage-based Birth Clubs, to BabyCenter’s Facebook, Twitter or YouTube channels – all online and via leading Mobile apps and web services around the world.

Prior to BabyCenter, Mike was Executive Vice President of online properties for the Kaboose Network of Family Web sites, where he was responsible for overseeing all consumer experiences, business development and revenue generating operations, including media sales and e-commerce. While at Kaboose, he led major consumer growth and engagement, oversaw the re-design and launch of multiple consumer content and commerce Web sites, and achieved record revenues.

Mike also held several senior positions in marketing, strategy and development, and sales at AOL, including Vice President of AOL Media Networks, and Executive Director of AOL’s Business Affairs & Development unit where he developed multi-platform partnerships with the world’s leading brands.

Mike holds a BA from Holy Cross College and an M.B.A. from the University of Maryland.  He lives in New York with his wife and three children.
Moira Forbes
President & Publisher

Moira Forbes is the President and Publisher of ForbesWoman, a multi-media platform dedicated to successful women in business and leadership. She is also the host of Success with Moira Forbes, a video series on the Forbes Video Network featuring candid, one-on-one interviews with today’s top women leaders.

Launched by Forbes Media in 2008, ForbesWoman includes a robust website, a global digital community and a variety of content-rich live forums and events. Across these diverse media, ForbesWoman examines the unique experiences of professionally successful women, affirms their ambitions and achievements, and sets the agenda for purposeful discourse on the topics that matter most to them.

Moira joined Forbes Media in 2001 in its London office, overseeing research and marketing for Forbes’ European edition, in addition to developing business opportunities on behalf of all the company divisions.  She came to the New York office and was named Associate Publisher of Forbes’ dedicated lifestyle magazine, ForbesLife, in February of 2004, and President and Publisher, ForbesWoman, in 2008.

In 2010, Moira founded the Forbes Executive Women’s Board. Through harnessing the intellect, experience, and collaboration of the Board’s dynamic members, this organization aims to advance some of the most relevant issues for women in business and leadership today. Moira serves on the board of Key4Women and is also an active member of such organizations as The Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society and 85 Broads.

Moira graduated cum laude with a BA in Art History from Princeton University, and is a graduate of the Harvard Business School program for Leadership Development. She is married to an orthopedic surgeon and lives in NYC.
Maggie Fox
President & CEO
Climate Reality Project

Maggie L. Fox is the President and CEO of the Climate Reality Project, the leading organization dedicated to raising awareness of the growing climate crisis.

She is a veteran of numerous political, environmental and national issue campaigns and has over 30 years of experience mobilizing people to work for progressive change.

She is past National President of America Votes, the former Deputy Executive Director of the Sierra Club, and a consultant to The Energy Future Coalition, Western Resource Advocates, and The Ocean Conservancy. Maggie has consulted with a number of organizations and foundations on their energy and climate campaigns, including The Hewlett Foundation, The UN Foundation, The Western Conservation Foundation, and The Better World Fund.

As President and CEO of the Climate Reality Project, Maggie has led a campaign to help citizens around the world discover the truth about the climate crisis and take meaningful steps to bring about global change. Along with Chairman and former Vice President Al Gore, Maggie has trained thousands of climate educators from around the world, most recently in Beijing, China, Jakarta, Indonesia, and San Francisco.

Maggie has served on the boards of numerous environmental and women’s organizations. She currently serves on the board of the Green Fund and was honored by the Women’s Council on Energy and the Environment as the 2010 Woman of the Year.
Chrystia Freeland
Thomson Reuters Digital

Chrystia Freeland was appointed editor of Thomson Reuters Digital in April 2011. In this role, Chrystia has editorial control of the company’s consumer online, mobile and digital properties including and its global suite of websites, as well as the flagship NewsPro mobile news applications. In 2010, Chrystia joined the company as Reuters global editor-at-large.

Previously, Freeland served as the US managing editor of the Financial Times where she led the editorial development of the paper’s US edition and of US news on During this time, the US print edition became the single largest edition of the newspaper. She also held positions within the company including, editor of the FT’s Weekend edition, editor of, UK News editor, Moscow bureau chief and Eastern Europe correspondent.

From 1999 to 2001, Chrystia served as deputy editor of The Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper. She began her career working as a stringer in Ukraine, writing for the Financial Times, The Washington Post and The Economist.

Chrystia authored Sale of a Century: The Inside Story of the Second Russian Revolution, an account of the country’s journey from communism to capitalism. Her profile of Mikhail Khodorkovsky garnered Chrystia the Business Journalist of the Year Award in 2004.

Freeland sits on the advisory board of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and is a board member of the Women’s Commission and the Overseas Press Club of America. She has been honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Chrystia earned a bachelor’s in history and literature from Harvard University, and attended St. Antony’s College at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.

A Canadian citizen, Freeland currently lives in New York City with her husband and three children.
Pierce Freelon 128
Pierce Freelon
Musician, Professor, & Artivist

Pierce Freelon is a musician, professor, and artivist with a passion for creativity and community. He is front man of the genre-bending The Beast, hailed as a "natural, engaging blend of jazz and hip hop," by Jazz Times Magazine. He has taught music, African American studies and political science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina Central University, and has performed, lectured and collaborated internationally.

Along with producer/DJ Apple Juice Kid (Stephen Levitin), Pierce Freelon founded ARTVSM. ARTVSM merges the worlds of art and activism, the latest ARTVSM project built a sustainable music studio, called a Beat Making Lab, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. ARTVSM is in the process of developing an open source beat making software for implementation in similar Beat Making Labs across Africa and the global south. The goal is to design the software for flexible, international use, in a way that encourages collaboration and builds community.
Holly Gordon
Executive Director

Holly Gordon is the Executive Director of 10x10: Educate Girls, Change the World, a game-changing global campaign to raise awareness and catalyze action in support of educating girls. 10x10 is bringing together corporations, philanthropists, NGOs and policy leaders in a unified call for girls' education and empowerment.

Prior to launching 10x10, Holly Gordon was Director of Content for the Tribeca Film Festival and was the executive producer of Tribeca Presents: The Best of the Festival, a broadcast highlighting the award-winning films in the 2008 Festival. Holly spent 12 years at ABC News, where she worked as a producer and booker for the major news broadcasts: World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, Good Morning America, 20/20 and Primetime. She was an integral part of ABC’s breaking-news coverage during the weeks following the September 11th attacks. As Editorial Producer for the ABC News magazine unit, Holly managed the team responsible for identifying and booking national and international stories.

Holly graduated from Brown University with a BA in International Relations.
Elizabeth Gore_128
Elizabeth Gore
Vice President of Global Partnerships
United Nations Foundation

Elizabeth Gore is the Vice President of Global Partnerships for the United Nations Foundation, currently managing partnership and cause marketing strategies implemented in programs and campaigns of the United Nations.

Mrs. Gore directs large-scale partnerships with global corporations and organizations to bolster support for UN programs. She leads strategic grassroots efforts such as the innovative Nothing But Nets and Girl Up campaigns, the Shot@Life global vaccines campaign, and a faith-based campaign for malaria programs and the Global Fund. Additionally, she manages partnerships with members of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council and with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2008, Mrs. Gore was named by People as one of the top 100 Extraordinary Women. Mrs. Gore has been featured on multiple media outlets including: ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fortune, Glamour, The New York Times, People, and Time.
Heather Grady
Vice President for Foundation Initiatives
Rockefeller Foundation

Heather Grady is Vice President for Foundation Initiatives at the Rockefeller Foundation. She oversees the Foundation's grant making through Initiatives on issues ranging from climate change, agriculture and health to transportation, impact investing and employment, and through additional programmatic areas including Program Related Investments, philanthropic sector activities and the New York Cities Opportunities Fund. She provides vision, leadership and direction to help achieve the Foundation’s goals of building resilience and promoting more equitable growth, and oversees the Foundation's Initiative staff, a diverse group of professionals working in the US, Asia and Africa.

Prior to joining the Rockefeller Foundation, Ms. Grady was the Managing Director of Realizing Rights: the Ethical Globalization Initiative, founded by former Irish President Mary Robinson. There she managed strategy and policy, and helped lead programs on employment, climate justice, corporate responsibility and women’s leadership. Throughout her career Ms. Grady managed international development and humanitarian programs with Oxfam Great Britain and other global organizations, living and working for over twenty years in a diverse range of settings including Viet Nam, China, Egypt, Sudan and the Gaza Strip.

She has written and taught on international development, human rights, and climate change, and served as an Adjunct Professor at Columbia. She is a member of the Global Philanthropy Committee of the Council on Foundations, the Global Task Force on Universal Health Coverage, and a Board member of the Business and Human Rights Resource Center and the New York Society for Ethical Culture. She is conversant in Vietnamese and Chinese. Ms. Grady received a bachelor’s degree from Smith College and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University.
anu gupta_128
Anu Gupta
Director, Corporate Contributions
Johnson & Johnson

Anu Gupta is currently a Director in the Corporate Contributions division of Johnson & Johnson, where she is responsible for the HIV/AIDS and mhealth grant-making and partnership portfolios. In this capacity, she provides strategic direction and oversees program development efforts. Joining Johnson & Johnson a decade ago, Dr. Gupta is part of a worldwide team whose mission is to make life-changing long-term differences in human health by targeting the world’s major health-related issues.

Dr. Gupta received her BA in English & American Literature from Brown University and her MD from Yale University School of Medicine. She completed her residency in internal medicine at Yale-New Haven Hospital where she was also a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar. She serves on the Executive Committee of Funders Concerned About AIDS.

In 2010, Dr. Gupta was identified as an emerging leader in health philanthropy by Grantmakers in Health and was an inaugural fellow at the Terrance Kennan Institute. Her blogs have been featured on the Huffington Post and She lives with her husband and their two children in New Jersey.
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Pilar Guzman
Vice President & Editor in Chief
Martha Stewart Living

Pilar Guzmán was named VP Editor-in-Chief of Martha Stewart Living magazine in March 2011. In this role, she is responsible for the iconic, award-winning lifestyle magazine’s editorial direction.

A highly accomplished, visionary editor, Ms. Guzmán was founding Editor-In-Chief of Cookie, a groundbreaking, award-winning magazine for modern parents that ceased publication in late 2009. Prior to joining Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Ms. Guzmán co-founded the parenting website Before founding Cookie, she was senior editor at Real Simple and executive editor of One, an architecture and design magazine.

Ms. Guzmán has also been a contributor to a number of different publications, including The New York Times House & Home and Dining sections, I.D., Metropolis, Wallpaper, and Marie Claire, and was the design and architecture editor and columnist at City magazine. In addition, she has been interviewed extensively by national broadcast and print media, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the Associated Press. Ms. Guzmán launched her career in journalism writing a travel guide to Italy before working as a food critic and lifestyle writer for the New York Daily News.

A graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, Ms. Guzmán is the author of Time for Dinner, a family dinner cookbook that was published last fall by Chronicle Books. In 2008, she was one of Crain's "Top 40 Under 40" and The New York Post included her on its list of "New York's 50 Most Powerful Women."
Wendy Harman_128
Wendy Harman
Director, Social Strategy
American Red Cross

Wendy Harman is a proud Red Crosser and a digital nerd. As the Director of Social Strategy, her goal is for the American Red Cross to be a social organization ready for 21st century humanitarian work. She is responsible for the national social media presence, including the listening program, social content and community engagement. She frequently speaks and writes about issues at the intersection of nonprofits, technology and the social web. In 2010 and 2011 she was named to the Nonprofit Times Power and Influence Top 50 list.

Before joining the Red Cross in 2006, Wendy managed operations for Future of Music Coalition and Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, in addition to creating her own artist management firm.
Lori Harnick Microsoft_128
Lori Harnick
General Manager, Citizenship & Public Affairs

Lori is the general manager of Microsoft Citizenship and Public Affairs. She leads Microsoft's global work on corporate social responsibility and service to communities as well as the company's public relations of all legal and public policy issues.

In its most recent fiscal year, Microsoft donated nearly $1 billion in cash and software to non-profit organizations around the world. It also advanced its policies and practices in the areas of supply chain management and environmental sustainability and took principled stances on critical legal topics, such as IP rights and immigration.

Prior to joining Microsoft, Lori was a managing director at Burson-Marsteller and a global public affairs director with the Business Software Alliance.
Larry Irving
Mobile Alliance for Global Good

Larry Irving is a co-founder of the Mobile Alliance for Global Good, a not-for-profit organization that serves as an innovation hub that catalyzes the development and deployment of high impact mobile solutions by bringing together technologists, NGOs, corporations and subject matter experts to think, work and act together.

Mr. Irving also serves as the President & CEO of the Irving Group, a consulting firm providing strategic advice and assistance to international telecommunications and information technology companies, foundations and non-profit organizations.

Prior to founding the Irving Group in 1999, Mr. Irving served for almost seven years as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information and Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), where he was a principal advisor to the President, Vice President and Secretary of Commerce on domestic and international telecommunications and information technology issues.

During his tenure as Assistant Secretary, Mr. Irving was one of the principal architects and advocates of the Clinton Administration's telecommunications and Internet policies, and was a point person in the Clinton Administration's successful efforts to reform the United States telecommunications laws. Those efforts resulted in passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the most sweeping change in America's telecommunications laws in 60 years.

Mr. Irving is widely credited with coining the term the digital divide and sparking global interest in the issue. In large part due to his work to promote policies and develop programs to ensure access to advanced telecommunications and information technologies, Mr. Irving was named one of the fifty most influential persons in the 'Year of the Internet' by Newsweek Magazine.
Adam Jagiello
Adam Jagiello - Rusilowski
92Y Ford Fellow, Ashoka Innovators for the Public Fellow

Adam Jagiello-Rusilowski is an educator and social innovator. He studied business, drama and educational psychology . He used his qualifications to build a theatre in education program for youth at risk. The innovation was that while the young people trained to make theatre they also became entrepreneurs and made money devising, producing, performing and running workshops for other disadvantaged kids. The model spread to several centres in Europe and Palestinian territories (Gaza and West Bank) when he went back to his university and devised post graduate course for drama facilitators. Through international research projects Adam found out that educational power of drama lies in its dialogical, status-flexible nature. As good drama teachers are too rare in educational systems he became interested in using elements of artificial intelligence for helping young people become change makers.

He is a 92St Y Ford fellow, Ashoka Innovators for the Public fellow. He is based at University of Gdansk where he works as Dean of International Programs, one of the largest Faculties of Social Sciences in Poland, he runs innovation pedagogy projects with partners from Poland (FIDO Intellingence), Finland (Turku University of Applied Sciences) and USA (Blackbox/Stanford) as well as Palestine/Israel.
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Gabriel Jaramillo
General Manager
Global Fund

Gabriel Jaramillo is the General Manager of the Global Fund, a position created in 2012 to implement a process of transformation, as the Global Fund accelerates the fight against the three pandemics by focusing on better financial and risk management to deliver impeccable grant management.

Mr. Jaramillo, a former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sovereign Bank, has more than 35 years of experience in the financial sector, and more than 20 years as a chief executive officer, winning recognition as a highly skilled leader with extensive experience managing change in complex financial institutions.

After retiring from the private sector in 2011, he served as a Special Advisor to the Office of the Special Envoy for Malaria of the Secretary General of the United Nations. He also served as a Member of a High Level Panel that looked at the Global Fund’s fiduciary controls and oversight mechanisms, and recommended changes to risk management, governance and oversight to ensure the institution can manage donor resources efficiently and help implement disease prevention and treatment effectively.

When the Board of the Global Fund met in November, 2011, and approved a plan of transformation, it decided to appoint a General Manager to put a new strategy into action, and invited Mr. Jaramillo to serve in that position. He agreed to serve for one year, and began work on 6 February, 2012. He reports to the Board.

Mr. Jaramillo is a native of Colombia, and a Brazilian citizen. He studied at California State University, earning a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree. Over the next three decades, he excelled as a manager at Citibank and Banco Santander, among other institutions. He completed a distinguished career at Sovereign Bank, where he became Chairman and CEO in 2009. He retired as CEO in January 2011, and remained as Chairman until June 2011.
Chris Kelly_128
Chris Kelly
Entrepreneur & Internet Privacy Expert

Chris Kelly is a Silicon Valley attorney with a long track record of representing innovative companies and helping make the Internet a safer place for kids and adults alike.

As the first Chief Privacy Officer, General Counsel, and Head of Global Public Policy for Facebook, Chris worked with Attorneys General in all 50 states to develop safeguards protecting children from sexual predators and represented the company in complex situations involving privacy and intellectual property in the digital age.

Chris left Facebook to seek the Democratic nomination for Attorney General of California, garnering 17 percent of the vote in a seven-way race, his first run for statewide office. Since the June 2010 primary, he has become an active angel investor, and is also a primary backer of Proposition 35, which will fund victim services and toughen penalties for sex trafficking, on California’s November 2012 ballot. As a policy advisor for President Clinton, Chris advanced critical domestic programs, including the successful initiative to put 100,000 new community police officers on America's streets and the formation of AmeriCorps, a network of national service programs that engage Americans to improve education, public safety, health, and the environment.

As an attorney in private practice, Chris represented Netscape in the Microsoft antitrust case and Diamond Multimedia in the groundbreaking suit over the MP3 player that furthered personal use rights over digital content.

Chris received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University, a master's degree from Yale University, and his law degree from Harvard University. Raised in Santa Ana and San Jose, he lives in Atherton with his wife Jennifer, an entrepreneur and former prosecutor, their son Aidan and daughter August. Chris also serves on the Board of Directors for the San Francisco 49ers Academy, a alternative public middle school in East Palo Alto, and for Palindrome Advisors, a entrepreneurial nonprofit organization changing how leaders give back to their communities.
Neal Keny Guyer Headshot 128
Neal Keny - Guyer
Mercy Corps

Neal Keny-Guyer is a social entrepreneur committed to creating a more just and peaceful world. He holds a B.A. in Public Policy and Religion from Duke University, an M.A. in Public and Private Management from Yale University, and an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Portland State University, Oregon.

Keny-Guyer joined Mercy Corps in 1994 as Chief Executive Officer. Under his aegis, Mercy Corps has emerged as a leading international humanitarian and development organization with ongoing operations in 40 countries, a staff of 4,000, and an operating budget of over $300 million. Keny-Guyer has forged new directions at Mercy Corps, most notably implementing global mergers and strategic alliances, placing human rights, civil society and social entrepreneurship at the forefront of Mercy Corps’ humanitarian mission, and building an organizational reputation for groundbreaking, innovative programming in the world’s toughest environments.

Neal Keny-Guyer is on the Board of Trustees of the Yale Corporation and also serves on the Yale President’s Council on International Affairs and the Board of Advisors of the Yale School of Management (SOM). In addition, he serves on the Board of Directors of ImagineNations and the Nike Foundation’s Advisory Board. Neal Keny-Guyer lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Alissa, and their three children.
Apple Juice Kid 128
Apple Juice Kid
Producer, DJ & Drummer

Apple Juice Kid is a producer, DJ and drummer. An eight-time beat battle champion, he has produced singles for Wale, Mos Def, Camp Lo, and MC Lyte. He has been a guest DJ on Mark Ronson’s East Village Radio, performed as a drummer with The Foreign Exchange and The Jungle Brothers and been profiled on sites such as Nahright, okayplayer and Pitchfork.

Along with emcee/professor Pierce Freelon, Apple Juice Kid (Stephen Levitin) founded ARTVSM. ARTVSM merges the worlds of art and activism, the latest ARTVSM project built a sustainable music studio, called a Beat Making Lab, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. ARTVSM is in the process of developing an open source beat making software for implementation in similar Beat Making Labs across Africa and the global south. The goal is to design the software for flexible, international use, in a way that encourages collaboration and builds community.
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Angelique Kidjo
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, Singer & Songwriter

Angélique Kidjo, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and grammy-award winning West African singer and songwriter, is one of the most electrifying performers in the world and an outspoken and passionate advocate for children.

She has one of the most powerful voices – both on and off stage. In 2011, the BBC included Angélique in its list of the African continent’s 50 most iconic Figures while the Guardian listed her as one of the “100 most inspiring Women in the world.” That same year, Forbes Magazine listed her first among “The 40 Most Powerful Celebrities in Africa.”

The Benin born but Brooklyn based singer became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2002, and continues to speak up for the rights of children wherever she goes. She has travelled to Benin, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Uganda to help raise awareness and support for UNICEF’s work on behalf of children – including access to education, vaccinations, basic health care, good nutrition and protection from abuse.

In 2006, Angélique started the Batonga Foundation, an NGO that supports secondary school and higher education for girls in Africa. “Young people are the hope of my continent. When I watch the children of Africa, all dreams seem possible,” she has said.

In 2011, Angélique was awarded the Order of Arts and Letters, one of France’s top cultural honours. In August 2008, she received Benin’s Commander of National Order of Merit for loyal services to the nation.

Read more about Angélique at: or
Molly Kinder 128
Molly Kinder
Director for Agriculture and Europe Policy

Molly Kinder is Director for Agriculture and Europe policy at ONE.

Previously, she served in the Obama administration as USAID's Director of Special Programs for Development Innovation Ventures - a new venture capital-style fund that invests in game-changing development innovations. She was a Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Global Development and Director of the "U.S. Development Strategy in Pakistan" initiative. She is co-author of the Center's best-selling book "Millions Saved: Proven Successes in Global Health," which is now required reading in more than 60 universities worldwide.

Molly has worked in India, Pakistan and Liberia with the World Bank and the U.N., and served as Deputy Chair at the Clinton Global Initiative. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Truman Security Fellow, and was a finalist for the White House Fellowship. Her media appearances include CNN, NPR, and the Boston Globe. Foreign Policy Magazine listed Molly in their "FPwomerati" list of the top 100 women to follow on Twitter, and Diplomatic Courier ranked her in the "Top 99 under 33" in foreign policy.

Molly has a Masters in International Development (MPA/ID) from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and a BA in political science from the University of Notre Dame, where she was the first female in Notre Dame's Irish Guard.
David Kobia
Director of Technology Development
David is a co-founder and technology lead at Ushahidi and brings more than 10 years of product development experience and a multidisciplinary background to his work, with a focus on social and emerging technologies. He works in a variety of roles, from designer and coder to strategist. After pursuing a BS in Computer Science at the University of Alabama, he has been a professional software developer and has worked with almost every web technology in use today. In 2010, he was a recipient of MIT Technology Review’s TR35 award (35 top innovators under 35) and the Humanitarian of the Year award.
Bill Kohl
Professor, Epidemiology & Kinesiology
University of Texas School of Public Health

Dr. Harold W. (Bill) Kohl, III is Professor of Epidemiology and Kinesiology at the University of Texas School of Public Health, Austin Regional Campus and the University of Texas, Austin.

Prior to this appointment, he served as Lead Epidemiologist and Team Leader in the Physical Activity and Health Branch of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. He has worked since 1984 in the area of physical activity and health, including conducting research, developing and evaluating intervention programs for adults and children, and developing and advising on policy issues. He earned his doctorate in Epidemiology and Community Health Studies at the University of Texas- Houston Health Science Center School of Public Health, and a Master of Science in Public Health at the University of South Carolina.

Dr. Kohl’s other areas of specialization are Biostatistics and Health Promotion. His research interests include current focuses on physical activity, exercise, fitness and health as well as and sports medicine surveillance systems for musculoskeletal injuries. In his recent efforts, he has concentrated on national and international physical activity surveillance and epidemiology issues, as well as program development and evaluation studies for the promotion of school-based physical activity for children and adolescents. He initiated Active Texas 2020, a state physical activity plan for Texas. He has served as an elected Trustee and is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and is a Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology. He is the founding president of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health. He has served in an editorial capacity for several scientific journals and is currently Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Physical Activity and Health. He is currently serving as Chair of an Institute of Medicine committee at the National Academies of Science on physical activity and physical education in school-based settings and on the Science Board of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition.

He has published more than 160 papers, chapters and monographs in the scientific literature.
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Nick Kristof
Columnist & Two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner
New York Times

Nicholas D. Kristof: A columnist for the New York Times since 2001, Nick is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner whose op-ed column appears bi-weekly.

Additional honors include: The George Polk Award, the Overseas Press Club award, the Michael Kelly award, the Online News Association award and The American Society of Newspaper Editors award. Kristof and wife Sheryl WuDunn co-authored Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide; China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of Rising Power; and Thunder from the East: Portraits of Rising Asia.
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Mari Kuraishi
GlobalGiving Foundation

Mari co-founded GlobalGiving with Dennis Whittle, and currently leads the organization. In 2011, Mari was named one of Foreign Policy's top 100 Global Thinkers for "crowdsourcing worldsaving."

Before GlobalGiving, she worked at the World Bank where she managed and created some of the Bank's most innovative projects including the first ever Innovation and Development Marketplaces, and the first series of strategic forums with the World Bank's president and senior management. Mari also designed a range of investment projects in the Russia reform program, including a residential energy efficiency project, structural adjustment loans, and legal reform project. She currently serves as chair of the board of the Global Business School Network and on the board of Guidestar US.

In addition to her native Japanese, Mari also speaks Russian, Italian, and French. She has an undergraduate degree in history from Harvard University and did graduate work in Russian and Japanese history and politics at Harvard and Georgetown Universities. Mari also completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.
Alnoor Ladha
Partner, Purpose & Co-Founder, The Rules

Alnoor’s work focuses on the intersection of online organizing, brand strategy, policy, and technology. He is leading a new global anti-poverty initiative called The Rules, which aims to address the root causes of poverty (e.g. land rights, trade policy, tax justice) rather than simply focusing on aid.

Prior to joining Purpose, Alnoor spent a decade creating social strategies for progressive organizations in both the private and public sector. His clients have included Amnesty International, MTV Exit, Greenpeace, Global Zero, TED, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, Google, Livestrong, Conservation International and the Gates Foundation.

Alnoor is an industry writer and speaker on the structural causes of inequality, new forms of activism, movement entrepreneurship and social innovation, with a focus on emerging economies. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Fast Company and The Economist. Alnoor holds an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics and a BBA in International Business from Simon Fraser University in his hometown of Vancouver, Canada.
Anthony Lake 128
Anthony Lake
Executive Director

Anthony Lake is the sixth Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund. Over a career spanning 45 years of public service, Mr. Lake has worked at the most senior levels of the US government, including his tenure as National Security Adviser (1993-1997). He also served as the U.S. President’s Special Envoy in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Haiti.

Mr. Lake’s experience in international development began in the 1970s, as Director of International Voluntary Services, one of the world’s oldest peace organizations. He has served on the Board of Directors of Save the Children and the Overseas Development Corporation.

Over the past ten years, Lake has been an International Adviser to the International Committee of the Red Cross, and Chair of the Marshall Legacy Institute. From 1998 to 2007 he served on the Board of the US Fund for UNICEF, with a term as Chair from 2004 to 2007, after which he was appointed a permanent honorary member.
Brooke Loughrin
First-Ever U.S. Youth Observer
United Nations

Brooke Loughrin is a junior in the Presidential Scholars Program at Boston College where she studies Political Science and Islamic Civilizations and Societies. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Noor: The Boston College Middle East and Islamic Studies Journal, and the Vice President of the Boston College Iranian Culture Club. She is also an Undergraduate Research Fellow. Her research focuses on political cultures of the Middle East; comparative study of religion, civil society, and politics in the Middle East; and Iran’s social history and contemporary domestic politics and foreign relations.

In Boston, she volunteers for ACEDONE (African Community Economic Development of New England), Haley House, and in the Education Department of the Suffolk County House of Corrections. Since 2005, she has also volunteered for the Fabric of Life Foundation, based in Seattle, Wa., which works to stop the begging cycle of poor girls on the streets of Mali, Africa.

She has studied abroad in Visakhapatnam, India and Dakar, Senegal, and has traveled extensively in Iran, Turkey, Nicaragua, and Tajikistan.
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JD Malkin
Multi-Instrumentalist & Youth Ambassador
Save the Children

Youth Ambassador for Save the Children, J.D. Malkin—age 8—is a multi-talented multi-instrumentalist who loves music with a passion beyond his years. This Colorado Springs, Colo., 4th-grader started singing when he was old enough to talk. He picked up the violin at age 4, and added piano and ukulele at 7. He also arranges his own pop song mash-ups and studies dance at Synergy Dance Academy.

J.D. has amazing range – from Bach and Vivaldi to Motown, pop, rock, indie, and even a little rapping and beat-boxing. He uses a Boss loop pedal to become a one-kid band. J.D.’s Youtube page – – has 60 videos with more than 5,000 subscribers and 1.4 million views.

His covers have earned the attention and praise of such diverse celebrities as OneRepublic, Bruno Mars, Christina Perri, Neon Trees, and Imagine Dragons.

Whether he’s performing for his schoolmates, at local coffee shops and recitals, or in front a worldwide audience on the Internet, J.D. sings his heart out and touches everyone who hears him!
Stephanie McMahon
Executive Vice President, Creative
World Wrestling Entertainment

Stephanie McMahon is the Executive Vice President, Creative. She is responsible for overseeing the creative development of all WWE television, pay-per-view programming, print, digital and social media content.

Stephanie began her career with WWE in 1998 as an Account Executive for the WWE sales office in New York City, while also developing her television personality on WWE programming. Stephanie's career growth and development spans over multiple business areas including directing and producing some of WWE's televised events. She has also managed WWE's Live Events business, Talent Relations and Talent Brand Management.

Stephanie is also the corporate face of WWE's “be a STAR” anti-bullying program and a member of the Board of Directors for the USO Metropolitan Washington and the social media company, Tout, Inc. In 2009 and 2011, Stephanie was recognized as one of the "Most Powerful Women in Cable" by CableFAX magazine. Personally, she is the wife of WWE Superstar Triple H and proud mother of three little girls 6, 4, and 2.
Rebecca Moore
Engineering Manager
Google Earth Outreach & Earth Engine Google, Inc.
Rebecca Moore is a computer scientist and longtime software professional. At Google, she conceived and leads the Google Earth Outreach program, which supports nonprofits, communities and indigenous peoples around the world in applying Google's mapping tools to the world's pressing problems in areas such as environmental conservation, human rights and cultural preservation. Rebecca also initiated and leads the development of Google Earth Engine, a new technology platform which supports global-scale monitoring and protection of the earth’s environment. Rebecca received a bachelor’s degree with honors from Brown University in Artificial Intelligence and a master’s degree from Stanford University. Her personal work using Google Earth was instrumental in stopping the logging of more than a thousand acres of redwoods in her Santa Cruz Mountain community.
Mat Morgan_128
Mat Morgan

When you find news you care about, Mat Morgan wants you to do more than share it on Facebook. He is the founder of ShoutAbout, a free tool for news sites and blogs that takes advantage of the media spotlight to empower non-profits, campaigns and movements. After reading news or commentary, anyone may add, vote on or follow a link to do something constructive:

Donate to organizations working on related issues.

Volunteer your time and talent.

Advocate for new laws and policies.

Sites like PBS NewsHour have used ShoutAbout to drive reader engagement, encourage sharing, and measure the social value of their news. In parallel, a number of national organizations have promoted their programs and resources in connection with news coverage. Learn more at

Mat is currently on a leave of absence from the Harvard Kennedy School. In the past, he has served as a policy adviser to former Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo; worked as a spokesperson for American Red Cross responses and programs in Latin America and the Caribbean; and produced several “Band Together” benefit albums for national charities. Mat continues to volunteer with the American Red Cross as a member of the international response team. In 2008, he received the Red Cross International Humanitarian Service Award.
Ndimyake Mwakalyelye
Voice of America

Ndimyake Mwakalyelye is a TV and Radio reporter and host at the Voice of America. Currently, she reports and co-hosts for “In Focus,” a daily, 30-minute live TV program, broadcasting Africa. She also reports and host for VOA’s Studio 7 radio program, which broadcast to Zimbabwe.

Ndimyake has a strong interest in Africa, and other developing regions, and strives to report on issues that shed light on the plight of the general public, particularly women and children.

Ndimyake was born in Tanzania and raised in Zimbabwe. She has a Bachelor degree from Howard University, and a Masters from American University.
Mary Mwende
Youth Beneficiary
Global Give Back Circle

Mary Mwende is proof of what a girl once empowered can achieve. Mary grew up in the slums in Mombasa, Kenya. Her mother inspired her to study hard and Mary earned a place at a national secondary school for Kenya’s most vulnerable but gifted girls.

In 2006 Mary became a member of the Global Give Back Circle. Because of her gift for choral poetry and public speaking, Mary was chosen to represent the Global Give Back Circle and was on stage with President Clinton in the 2009 opening plenary session of CGI in New York. Mary left CGI with a full four-year scholarship to the American University of Dubai (AUD), and was recently elected as president of the student body.

It is Mary’s turn to inspire. In November she spent ten days in Haiti facilitating a knowledge transfer initiative for an organization that mentors at-risk youth. She recently learned that she was one of 100 young leaders (out of 6,000 applicants) selected to receive a full scholarship to attend the Women Deliver Conference in Kuala Lumpur in May 2013. She is partnering in a Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) Commitment, 'Hey Sister, Get Clued-Up', a website dedicated to getting vital information on health and financial empowerment to girls throughout Africa.
Wendy Naugle
Executive Editor

Wendy Naugle is an Executive Editor at Glamour. She has been at Glamour for 12 years and oversees health, news and features at the magazine. Naugle was an integral part of editing Glamour’s 2012 National Magazine Award winning feature, The Secret That Kills Four Women a Day, which raised awareness about relationship violence. She spearheaded Glamour’s nationally recognized heart health awareness campaign and her stories on subjects ranging from breast implants to health insurance to reproductive rights have earned the ASME award for Personal Service, as well as other top honors.

She has appeared on NBC's TODAY show, ABC's Good Morning America, CNN, The CBS Early Show, Inside Edition and various local broadcasts. Naugle has also discussed women’s issues on behalf of the magazine at various medical conferences and on industry panels.

In the past, Naugle worked as Senior Health Editor at Ladies’ Home Journal. She also covered health issues as Senior Editor at Family Life and earlier at American Baby.

She is a graduate of Drake University and lives in Westchester County, NY with her husband and children.
Josh Nesbit
Medic Mobile

Josh Nesbit is the CEO of Medic Mobile, a nonprofit company using low-cost, mobile technology to create health systems that save more lives.

Josh also created Hope Phones, a recycling campaign designed to engage millions of Americans in global health efforts.

The Medic Mobile team has worked in 16 countries in East and West Africa, South Asia, North America, and South America, using mobile technologies to support a wide range of programs – from infectious disease surveillance in rural Malawi to emergency response after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Josh is an Ashoka Fellow, PopTech Social Innovation Fellow, Echoing Green Fellow, Rainer Arnhold Fellow, Strauss Scholar, and Haas Public Service Fellow. Josh was selected by Devex as one of 40 Under 40 Leaders in International Development, received the Truman Award for Innovation from the Society for International Development, and was recently named by Forbes as one of the world’s 30 top social entrepreneurs.
Maura O'Neill
Chief Innovation Officer & Senior Counselor

Maura O'Neill is the chief innovation officer and senior counselor to the administrator at USAID. In the public, private and academic sectors, she has created entrepreneurial and public policy solutions for some of the toughest problems in the fields of energy, education, infrastructure financing and business development.

Before coming to USAID, she served as chief of staff and senior adviser for energy and climate at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and before that as chief of staff for Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.). O’Neill has started four companies in the field of energy, digital education and high technology. In 1989, she was named the Greater Seattle Business Person of the Year.

O’Neill has master's degrees in business administration from Columbia University and the University of California at Berkeley, and currently serves on the faculty of the latter's Lester Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She earned her PhD at the University of Washington, where her research focused on narrowmindedness and the errors it leads to in science, medicine, business and political decision making.
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Babatunde Osotimehin
Executive Director

On 1 January 2011, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, a physician and public health expert, became only the fourth Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. He holds the rank of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Before this appointment, Dr. Osotimehin was Nigeria’s Minister of Health. Prior to that, he was Director-General of Nigeria’s National Agency for the Control of AIDS, which coordinates HIV and AIDS work in a country of more than 160 million people.

Dr. Osotimehin qualified as a doctor from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in 1972, and went to the University of Birmingham, England, where he got a doctorate in medicine in 1979. He was appointed Professor at the University of Ibadan in 1980 and headed the Department of Clinical Pathology before being elected Provost of the College of Medicine in 1990. Years later, he served in several organizations, including as Chair of the National Action Committee on AIDS, from 2002 to 2007. Dr. Osotimehin received the Nigerian national honour of Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON) in December 2005.

At UNFPA, he has introduced major reforms to make the Fund more focused and results-oriented as well as intensified efforts to promote the rights and ability of young people to build a better world in the context of sexual and reproductive health.

He is married and has five children.
Todd Park
U.S. Chief Technology Officer
The White House

Todd Park is the United States Chief Technology Officer and in this role serves as an Assistant to the President. Todd joined the Administration in August 2009 as Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In this role, he served as a change agent and “entrepreneur-in-residence,” helping HHS harness the power of data, technology, and innovation to improve the health of the nation.

Prior to joining HHS, Mr. Park co-founded Athenahealth and co-led its development into one of the most innovative health IT companies in the industry. He also co-founded Castlight, a web-based health care shopping service for consumers. Mr. Park has also served in a volunteer capacity as a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, where he focused on health IT and health reform policy, and as senior health care advisor to Ashoka, a leading global incubator of social entrepreneurs, where he helped start Healthpoint Services, a venture to bring affordable telehealth, drugs, diagnostics, and clean water to rural India. Mr. Park graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard College with an A.B. in economics.
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Martyn Parker
Chairman Global Partnerships
Swiss Re

Martyn Parker was appointed as Chairman Global Partnerships with effect from February 2012 and is a member of the Group Management Board.

Martyn Parker was appointed as CEO Reinsurance Asia and Regional President Asia and joined the Executive Committee with effect from 1 January 2012. He became CEO of Swiss Re's Asia Division on 1 June 2006. From his Hong Kong base, he oversaw Swiss Re's rapidly expanding Asia-Pacific business, which covers both the Property & Casualty as well as the Life & Health sectors. He continued to serve as a member of the Group Management Board, which he joined in September 2005 as Global Head of Life and Health Products.

In April 2001, he was named CEO of Swiss Re Life and Health UK and was responsible for the UK and Ireland. In 1996, following Swiss Re's acquisition of Mercantile and General Re (M&G Re), Martyn Parker became a Member of the Swiss Re Life & Health Executive Board, responsible for Africa, the Middle East, Israel and the Indian Subcontinent, and was based in Cape Town, South Africa, as Managing Director of Swiss Re Life & Health.

Martyn Parker started to work in the reinsurance industry at M&G Re in 1974, covering various positions principally in the United Kingdom. From 1988 to 1991 he worked in Singapore as the Life Representative for South East Asia. Martyn Parker is a UK citizen and a fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK and is a Chartered Insurer.
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Kyle Peterson
Managing Director

Kyle Peterson is a thought leader in shared value, corporate philanthropy, and global health and development issues. He has worked with the world's leading companies and funders, including the Shell Oil Company, Aetna, Eli Lilly & Company, Pfizer, Verizon, Merck, Abbott Labs, Novartis, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PATH, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Kyle has led many of FSG's global health development engagements and has been a key contributor to the firm's shared value, catalytic philanthropy, and collective impact frameworks. He speaks frequently at social sector and industry conferences and roundtable events. Prior to joining FSG, Kyle served as a strategy consultant at the Monitor Group where he wrote a major regional economic study with Professor Michael Porter and led a competitiveness consulting project for President Paul Kagame and his cabinet on Rwanda’s economic strategy. Kyle was also a country director in Zimbabwe and Rwanda for Population Services International, where he managed a $20 million program and launched a number of health product "firsts" on the African continent, including mass marketed insecticide treated mosquito nets, female condoms, and a novel network of HIV/AIDS voluntary counseling and testing centers.
Kyle was also an account executive for Hill and Knowlton, serving nonprofit clients and the government of Kuwait, a communications advisor at Consumers Union, and a Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone. He was also an intern for the U.S. State Department in Mauritius and was awarded a Defense Department grant to study the democratization process in Zambia for his masters thesis. Kyle holds an M.B.A. and an M.P.A., cum laude, from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.A. in International Studies, cum laude, from the American University.
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Tim Pool
Independent Journalist

Tim Pool is a journalist whose unique style of interactive broadcast journalism exists at the intersection of social and mainstream media.

His live coverage has been featured by outlets such as NBC, Reuters, MSNBC, and Al Jazeera English. Pool engages viewers as participants by combining first hand reporting and commentary via live video stream and chat, allowing the viewing public to join in the action by directly asking questions, which he responds to while reporting live. Pool is consistently developing new technology to advance the field of journalism and decentralize the ability to share information.

Tim Pool was featured in TIME's person of the year as the "Media Messenger of Zuccotti Park" TIME's top 140 twitter accounts of 2012 and is a nominee of TIME's 100 most influential people in the world.
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Charles A Ray
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe

Charles A. Ray, a former member of the Senior Foreign Service, retired with the rank of Minister-Counselor. His last assignment was as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zimbabwe. His previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for POW/Missing Personnel Affairs and Director of the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office. Ray has also been a Diplomat in Residence at the University of Houston, and served as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia from 2002 to 2005. He was the first U.S. Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His other Foreign Service tours have included China, Thailand, and Vietnam, and the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs.

Prior to joining the Foreign Service in 1982, Ray served in the U.S. Army for 20 years, retiring with the rank of Major. A native of Texas and a current resident of Maryland, Ray has lived and worked in Germany, Panama, and Korea in addition to his tours with the Department of State.

A prolific writer and blogger, he has authored 22 works of fiction and non-fiction and authors three blogs. In addition, he contributes to several others, as well as news and content sites, and is active on a number of social media sites.
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Rob Reich
Associate Professor, Co-Director of the Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society, Director of the Program on Ethics in Society
Stanford University

Rob Reich is Associate Professor of Political Science and, by courtesy, in Philosophy and at the School of Education, at Stanford University. He is a Co-Director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and Director of the Program on Ethics in Society, both at Stanford.

He writes and teaches about political philosophy. He is the author of Bridging Liberalism and Multiculturalism in American Education and co-editor of two forthcoming books: Occupy the Future and Education, Justice, and Democracy. He has written for the Stanford Social Innovation Review and is currently working on a project about the role of philanthropy in democracies.

Rob has won multiple teaching awards and was chosen last year as the 2011 Class Day Lecturer at Stanford’s Commencement and spoke about The Promise and Peril of the New Social Economy.
Susan Rice
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Ambassador Susan E. Rice serves as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

Ambassador Rice believes that the United Nations has a vital role in advancing international peace and security and is committed to working to make the United Nations a more perfect forum to address the most pressing global challenges: to promote peace, to support development and democracy, and to strengthen respect for human rights. She has outlined four primary areas of focus: strengthening the capacity of the UN to undertake complex peace operations effectively; addressing climate change; preventing the spread or use of nuclear weapons and working to meet the goals of the Nonproliferation Treaty; and combating poverty, disease, violence and genocide.

Ambassador Rice previously served as a Senior Advisor for National Security Affairs on the Obama for America Campaign. She later served on the Advisory Board of the Obama-Biden Transition and as co-chair of its policy working group on national security. From 2002-2009, she was a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution where she focused on U.S. foreign policy, transnational security threats, weak states, global poverty and development. From 1997 to 2001, Ambassador Rice was the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. In this position she formulated and implemented overall U.S. policy for 48 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, including political, economic, security and humanitarian issues. As Assistant Secretary, she oversaw the management of 43 U.S. Embassies and over 5,000 U.S. and Foreign Service national employees, with a bureau-operating budget of over $100 million and a program budget of approximately $160 million annually.
Susan Ridge
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Save the Children

Susan Ridge is Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Save the Children, where she manages the agency’s brand and marketing services, media relations, content strategy, website and other online properties, new media and digital marketing. Susan is responsible for telling the Save the Children story to both broad and targeted audiences and for keeping the agency’s work for children at the forefront wherever and whenever the conversation is happening.

Previously, Ridge was Vice President of Communications at the National Federation of Independent Business, the nation's leading small business association, in Washington, DC from 2001-2010. At NFIB, she oversaw all external and internal communications, which included responsibility for the media and marketing departments. She successfully transformed NFIB's online presence, building a stronger, more engaged online community. She also was executive director of the NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation where she helped raise awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship and small business to the nation’s youth.

Ridge joined NFIB in September 2001 after 15 years at Burson-Marsteller, a global public relations agency, serving as a senior counselor to several of the agency's largest clients. While working in their London, New York and Washington offices, she managed public affairs and media campaigns for a diverse group of corporate clients including Accenture, Shell Oil, 3Com, among others, as well as a number of trade association and non-profit organizations.

A native of Ohio, Ridge also was a press aide to former U.S. Rep. John Kasich, Ohio-12th Dist., and the Ohio State Senate. She is a graduate of Ohio University and serves as a Senior Policy Fellow at OU's George Voinovich Center for Public Affairs and Leadership. An animal lover, Ridge serves as Vice President of the Board of Directors at the Washington Animal Rescue League.
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Danae Ringelmann

Danae Ringelmann co-founded Indiegogo to democratize fundraising. Passionate about helping artists and entrepreneurs embrace crowdfunding, Danae speaks often at conferences. Recent speaking engagements include SXSW, MAD Hong Kong, Ted, Big Omaha. Fast Company Magazine recently named Danae one of the Top 50 Most Influential Women in Technology.

Prior to Indiegogo, Danae was a Securities Analyst at Cowen & Co. where she covered entertainment companies including Pixar, Lionsgate, Disney, and Electronic Arts. Danae also focused on cable network, NFL, newspaper and hedge fund clientele while at JPMorgan's Investment Bank and Private Bank. In the wake of 9/11, Danae co-produced a concert reading of Incident at Vichy, an Arthur Miller play addressing the politically charged topic of racial profiling.

Danae is a CFA charterholder and holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. Danae graduated with a B.A. in Humanities from UNC-Chapel Hill, where she was a Morehead Scholar and varsity rower.
Hans Rosling
Edutainer & Professor

Hans Rosling is a well-known public speaker on global change. He has been listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine. He is professor of International Health at Karolinska Institutet, the medical University in Stockholm, Sweden. He is also “Edutainer” at Gapminder Foundation where he produces educational videos and other educational material for the free website . It makes the world understandable by converting statistics into enjoyable and animated graphics.

He was trained in Statistics and Medicine in Sweden, and studied Public Health in India. Working as a medical doctor in Mozambique he identified a new paralytic disease in 1981. Following 20 years of health research across Africa he linked the disease to hunger and organic dietary toxins. He also studied other links between poverty and health in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has been adviser to WHO and UNICEF, initiated Médecines sans Frontiers in Sweden, started new courses and wrote a textbook on Global Health. He is a member of the Swedish Academy of Science and the Academy of Engineering Sciences.

With son and daughter in-law he co-founded Gapminder Foundation. They developed the Trendalyzer software that Google acquired in 2007. Using its animations of global trends, Hans Rosling makes trend data on economic, social and environmental changes in the world understood. His award-winning lectures and videos on have been labeled “humorous, yet deadly serious”. His main message is that there are no longer two types of countries in the world. The old division into Developed and Developing countries have been replaced by countries on a continuum of social and economic development.
TMS "Teddy" Ruge
Project Diaspora

TMS “Teddy” Ruge is the cofounder of Project Diaspora, an online platform and blog for mobilizing, engaging and motivating members of Africa Diaspora to engage in matters important to the continent’s development. A technology enthusiast, Ruge writes and speaks extensively on Africa’s current renaissance driven by technology, youth and the Diaspora. He is a frequent contributor to several online publications including CNN, New York Times, PopTech, The Globe and Mail, and The Guardian. In January 2012, he was awarded a ‘Champion of Change’ award by the White House for his community development work in East Africa.

His work includes serving as a founding board member of Hive Colab in Kampala, Uganda -- a co-working space for young digital entrepreneurs working on web applications in Uganda. As an active social entrepreneur, he is a director and shareholder in Uganda Medicinal Plants Growers, ltd., an agricultural start up dedicated to the value-added export of indigenous medicinal crops. Ruge is also the host of The Digital Continent Podcast, an interview podcast featuring the key innovators and entrepreneurs whose work is shaping the digital economies of Africa. He is also the founder of Villages in Action, a grassroots community conference platform that brings the microphone to the villagers, so their voices can also be heard.

He was born in Masindi, Uganda and grew up in Uganda, Kenya and the United States.
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Jeffrey D Sachs
Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia University & Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon

Jeffrey D. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the Millennium Development Goals, having held the same position under former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. He is co-founder and Chief Strategist of Millennium Promise Alliance, and is director of the Millennium Villages Project. He has authored three New York Times bestsellers in the past seven years: The End of Poverty (2005), Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011).

Professor Sachs is widely considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty. His work on ending poverty, promoting economic growth, fighting hunger and disease, and promoting sustainable environmental practices, has taken him to more than 125 countries with more than 90 percent of the world’s population. For more than a quarter century he has advised dozens of heads of state and governments on economic strategy, in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Sachs is the recipient of many awards and honors, including membership in the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Society of Fellows, and the Fellows of the World Econometric Society. He has received more than 20 honorary degrees, and many awards and honors around the world. His syndicated newspaper column appears in more than 80 countries around the world, and he is a frequent contributor to major publications such as the Financial Times of London, the International Herald Tribune, Scientific American, and Time magazine. Sachs has twice been named among Time Magazine’s 100 most influential world leaders. He was called by the New York Times, “probably the most important economist in the world,” and by Time Magazine “the world’s best known economist.” A recent survey by The Economist Magazine ranked Professor Sachs as among the world’s three most influential living economists of the past decade.

Prior to joining Columbia, Sachs spent over twenty years at Harvard University, most recently as Director of the Center for International Development and the Galen L. Stone Professor of International Trade. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Sachs received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard.
Arturo Sarukhan
Ambassador of Mexico to the United States

The grandson of refugees in Mexico, Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan is a career diplomat, and first served in the Foreign Ministry as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs. He was posted to the Mexican Embassy in the United in 1993, where he first served as Chief of Staff and then as head of the Counternarcotics office.

In 2000, he became Chief of Policy Planning at the Foreign Ministry, and in 2003 was appointed by the President as Mexican Consul-General to New York City. In 2006, after requesting a leave of absence from the Foreign Service, he joined the Presidential Campaign of Felipe Calderón as Foreign Policy Advisor and International Spokesperson. He became coordinator of the foreign policy Transition Team for the President-elect Calderón. In November 2006 he received the rank of career Ambassador, and in February 2007 was appointed Mexican Ambassador to Washington.

He holds a B.A. in International Relations from El Colegio de México and an M.A. in U.S. Foreign Policy from the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) where he was a Fulbright Scholar and Ford Foundation Fellow. He has been decorated by the governments of Spain and Sweden, and has received several awards in recognition for his diplomatic achievements.

He was the first Ambassador accredited to Washington to use Twitter, is a music junkie and a rabid soccer player and fan. Ambassador Sarukhan is married and has two young daughters.
Klaus Schwab
Founder & Executive Chairman
World Economic Forum

Studies at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, University of Fribourg and Harvard University. Degrees include doctorates in Mechanical Engineering and Economics (summa cum laude).

Since 1972, Professor of Business Policy, University of Geneva; academic contributions include: 1971, first ever publication describing Stakeholder Theory and 1979, new approach to concept of global competitiveness. 1971, founded World Economic Forum as not-for-profit foundation and built it into foremost global partnership of business, political, intellectual and other leaders of society committed to improving state of the world; 1998, Co-Founder, with his wife Hilde, of Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, supporting social innovation around the world; 2004, Founder, Forum of Young Global Leaders.

Numerous honorary doctorates. Honorary Knighthood (KCMG) and recipient of international and national honours for initiatives undertaken in the spirit of entrepreneurship in the global public interest and for peace and reconciliation efforts in several regions.
Tom Scott
Director, Global Brand & Innovation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Tom Scott is a proven strategic communications professional with a unique blend of philanthropic, private sector, government and political experience.

At the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Tom helps define and shape the foundation’s identity and reputation through new communication efforts that help advance the goals of the organization. As Director of Global Brand & Innovation, he leads a team that uses research and insight generation to find, create and tell stories that have maximum impact. He also manages a media partnership grantmaking portfolio.

Prior to joining the foundation in November 2009, Tom was Vice President of Consumer Sales and Communications for Diageo, the world’s largest premium drinks business. In this capacity, Tom managed a large team in the wines division across direct to consumer sales, corporate communications, brand public relations, national events, strategic alliances and digital strategies. He helped launch numerous new product innovations and developed communication strategies to help deliver shareholder value.

Before joining Diageo in 2003, Tom ran his own strategic communications consulting business, where he advised businesses and non-profit groups on their marketing and communications strategies.

Tom has also held numerous senior communications positions in government and the private sector. He was Vice President at Downey McGrath Group, a Washington, DC-based government affairs firm, where he advised Fortune 500 companies and other organizations on their interactions with government. And he has also worked in both Houses of Congress and on many political campaigns at the presidential, federal and local levels.

Tom has a M.A. in Political Management from The George Washington University and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Washington.
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Scott Heiferman
Co-founder & CEO

Scott Heiferman (@heif) is co-founder & CEO of Meetup. People in over 100 countries have RSVP'd 80 million times (& growing fast) to meetup with people in their towns -- about all kinds of things. Scott believes that good things happen when people meetup and form communities, so his mission is a "Meetup Everywhere about Most Everything." Scott was awarded MIT Technology Review's "Innovator of the Year" in 2004 and is a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute.

Scott grew up in Homewood, Illinois USA, graduated from the University of Iowa, and lives in NYC with Emily Krasnor and their daughter.
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Rajiv Shah

Dr. Rajiv Shah serves as the 16th Administrator of USAID and leads the efforts of more than 8,000 professionals in 80 missions around the world. Since being sworn in on Dec. 31, 2009, Shah managed the U.S. Government's response to the devastating 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti; co-chaired the State Department's first review of American diplomacy and development operations; and now spearheads President Barack Obama's landmark Feed the Future food security initiative.

He is also leading "USAID Forward", an extensive set of reforms to USAID's business model focusing on seven key areas, including procurement, science & technology, and monitoring & evaluation. Before becoming USAID's Administrator, Shah served as undersecretary for research, education and economics, and as chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. At USDA, he launched the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, which significantly elevated the status and funding of agricultural research.

Prior to joining the Obama administration, Shah served for seven years with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, including as director of agricultural development in the Global Development Program, and as director of strategic opportunities.
Cathy Sharick
Managing Editor
TIME Magazine

Cathy Sharick is the managing editor of Her role in’s expansion and evolution cannot be overstated. She has been directly involved in nearly every facet of the website, including edit, design, multimedia, product development, business development, strategy, personnel, budgeting, technology and infrastructure. She has overseen editorial and production and transformed the video department into the site leader it is today.

She has managed breaking news coverage—from the 2002 capture of Saddam Hussein to the recent collapse of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. Over the years, she’s played a crucial role in unifying print and digital, making it possible for reporters to write for all platforms. She worked on four redesigns—including the current one—as well as the launch of the site’s Healthland, Moneyland, Swampland, Lightbox, entertainment and tech sites. She has enabled to catapult to close to 2 billion page views last year.

Not only has emerged as a fully realized, parallel and complimentary product to the print magazine, but its growth has extended well beyond the website. now boasts more than 3 million Twitter followers (the third biggest news brand on Twitter), the centerpiece of a successful social media strategy that includes a hugely popular Facebook page and Tumblr. Rounding out the TIME digital portfolio are three stand-alone iPad apps, multiple versions of the TIME iPhone app, as well as the Samsung TV app, all of which Sharick helped launch. It is a four-screen digital platform that’s earning rave reviews: In 2011, New York University’s School of Business think tank L2 named TIME a “digital genius,” citing its strong presence across multiple platforms in the social media and mobile space. Sharick will now use that project expertise to perfect the long-term vision and the daily operations of the site—as well as to further expand TIME’s digital presence on desktops, mobile devices and tablets.

Sharick graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., and earned her master’s degree in journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She lives in Maplewood, N.J., with her husband and two children.
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Jill Sheffield
Women Deliver

Jill Sheffield is a global educator and advocate who has worked to promote women’s health and rights around the world for more than three decades.

Sheffield is the founder and President of Women Deliver, a global advocacy organization working to generate political commitment and financial investment for fulfilling Millennium Development Goal 5 – to reduce maternal mortality and achieve universal access to reproductive health. Women Deliver has hosted two groundbreaking conferences in London in 2007 and in Washington, DC in 2010, where more than 3,400 policymakers, activists, business leaders, and public figures from around the world came together to call for action on maternal health.

Most recently, Sheffield was one of few civil society representatives to serve as a Commissioner to support the efforts of the UN Secretary General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. Sheffield is also the founder of Family Care International (FCI), a distinguished non-governmental organization and winner of the 2008 United Nations Population Award for outstanding work in sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Sheffield completed advanced degrees at Columbia University, Teachers College, where she was later recognized as a distinguished alumna for her international work in women's health and education, and she also received the American Public Health Association's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008. She was Director of International Programmes at the Carnegie Corporation, and founded FCI in 1987 in response to the call at the Women's Decade Conference in Nairobi which identified the silent tragedy that one woman dies each minute from pregnancy related causes. Though she has played a central role in several key world conferences, Sheffield believes her true education came when she worked in the family planning/reproductive health outpatient clinic of Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.
Aaron Sherinian
Vice President of Communications & Public Relations
United Nations Foundation

Aaron Sherinian is the executive director of communications and public affairs of the United Nations Foundation. He leads the foundation’s public relations efforts, media relationships, strategic outreach, and online presence.

Before joining the UN Foundation, he managed public relations for the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. government foreign aid agency focused on combating poverty reduction through strategic grants totaling more than $7 billion dispersed to 40 countries around the globe. He oversaw the agency’s transition into the Obama Administration, helping realign the organization with new U.S. Government priorities. Sherinian served for a decade as a Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of State, serving under Presidents Clinton and Bush. During that time, he was posted at worked in U.S. Embassies in Ecuador, Armenia, Costa Rica, the Holy See (Vatican) and Colombia.

Sherinian was named in 2010 as one of Washington, D.C.’s “40-under-40” leaders in international development. He is a native of Pasadena, California and studied at the Johns Hopkins University (School of Advanced International Studies – SAIS) and Brigham Young University. In addition to Spanish, he speaks Italian, Armenian, and makes exuberant, sometimes futile attempts at French. He and his wife have three children.

His blog, Global Extrovert, is a compilation of vignettes and opinions about fatherhood, public relations, religion and the fascinating people in his life.
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Clay Shirky

Clay Shirky teaches theory and practice of social media at NYU, in the Interactive Telecommunications Program and the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. He is the author of three books on social media -- Cognitive Surplus (2010), Here Comes Everybody (2008), and Voices from the Net (1994).

Prior to joining NYU, he was a partner at The Accelerator Group, and CTO of the design firm Site Specific. He has worked as an advisor for a variety of startups, including Socialbomb, Windowfarms, Foursquare, Meetup,, and Flickr. His writings on the internet and media can be found at Clay will be discussing innovation, development and child survival in a segment with the Executive Director of UNICEF, Anthony Lake Monday 24th.
Matt Silverman
Features Editor

Matt Silverman joined Mashable in November 2009 and oversees the planning and publishing of all features content. He works on editorial strategy, special projects and writes regularly on social media trends, web culture, gaming and design. He also authors the occasionally funny Mashable Comic.

He holds a bachelor of arts in writing from Hofstra University and has worked previously as a paralegal with a prestigious New York law firm. Matt is also a humorist, musician, video producer and Twitter enthusiast who labors to make the Internet cuter via The Fluffington Post.
Brian Sirgutz
Senior Vice President, Social Impact
AOL/Huffington Post Media Group

Brian Sirgutz is the Senior Vice President of Social Impact at AOL/ Huffington Post Media Group, where he leads all aspects of its global Impact content and engagement strategy; overseeing the Impact, Green, Good News, Global Motherhood and Education sections and developing new Impact business and product development innovations on the AOL/Huffington Post’s platform; The Huffington Post has the largest platform on the web dedicated to social issues where Brian has pioneered using content as a means for large scale global, social change.

Prior to this he was the President of Causecast, a pioneering firm specializing in cause marketing technology platforms, during which he co-founded and led the launch of the HuffPost’s award-winning Impact and Education verticals. In his earlier career in the digital entertainment industry, Brian was a partner with Shawn Fanning, the founder of Napster at NoN Records and President of Elementree Records. Brian was also the manager of recording artist Aaliyah’s estate and non-profit foundation after her passing and the Director of New Media for Wu-Wear. He holds a Bachelor of the Arts degree from the Gallatin School at New York University.

In 2012, Brian was a keynote speaker at SXSW, sharing the stage with Biz Stone, the co-founder of Twitter and presented "Content as means for social change"

Brian is speaks often to his work during 9/11 as a recovery worker and how that has led to his belief in ones personal story can help change the world. Brian sits on the boards of several non profits including, We Advance and the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation.
Mira Sorvino
Academy Award winning Actress & UN Goodwill Ambassador to combat Human Trafficking

Mira Sorvino has won an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, Critics' Choice Award, National Board of Review and New York Film Critics Circle citations, among other honors, for her performance in Woody Allen's "Mighty Aphrodite." She was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for "Human Trafficking" as well as "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion;" she also earned an Emmy and Golden Globe nomination for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in the HBO film "Norma Jean and Marilyn”. The acclaimed actress continues to impress on screen with her eclectic film roles, as well as devote her time as a UN Goodwill Ambassador to combat Human Trafficking.

Sorvino recently wrapped production on Christopher Bessette's "Trade of Innocents," opposite Dermot Mulroney. The film is about a couple who, while grieving their daughter's death, set out to rescue girls sold into the sex slave trade in Cambodia. She also recently wrapped on Stan Brooks' "Perfect Sisters." The film follows two sisters (played by Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley) at the mercy of their hopelessly alcoholic mother (Sorvino) and her abusive boyfriends as far back as they can remember. The duo decides to take matters into their own hands and plot to kill her. Fabrizio Filippo and Adam Till adapted Toronto Star reporter Bob Mitchell's 2008 book "The Class Project: How To Kill a Mother: The True Story of Canada's Infamous Bathtub Girls."

Born in Manhattan, Ms. Sorvino is the daughter of veteran actor Paul Sorvino and married to actor/writer Chris Backus and they have four lovely children. She attended Harvard University, where she graduated magna cum laude in East Asian studies and received the Hoopes Prize for her summa thesis on racial conflict in China.
Sofia Stafford
Teen Advisor
Girl Up

Sofia Stafford is a senior at Hewitt, an all girls’ school in Manhattan. She currently serves as a Teen Advisor Girl Up. In her role, she is committed to helping every girl have the opportunity to be empowered to accomplish her dreams, whatever they may be.Sofia founded and now serves as the chair of the Community Service Board and has served as a curator and mentor for the annual TEDxYouth@ Hewitt Conference.

Additionally, Sofia is a blogger and advocate through her own blog,, and attended the Clinton Global Initiative as reporter for Girl Up. During her free time, Sofia volunteers at Cassidy’s place and Women in Need in New York City. During her summers, she enjoys traveling and completing service projects. She has been to Costa Rica, Peru, Fiji, and just returned from Thailand.

Someday, Sofia would like to work in the field of international health, combining her passion for science and international issues. This will also help her fulfill her self-imposed obligation to help create a world that is more aware and better informed - a world where everyone can have a voice.
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Alanna Stang
Editor in Chief
Whole Living

Alanna Stang is the editor in chief of Whole Living and a former executive editor of Martha Stewart Living, Cookie, and I.D. magazines. She is a coauthor of The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture (2005) and of Time for Dinner: Strategies, Inspiration, and Recipes for Family Meals Every Night of the Week (2010). Stang, a Los Angeles native, lives with her husband and two sons in Brooklyn, New York.
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Adora Svitak
Author, Teacher, Speaker & Activist
Since the age of four, Adora Svitak has been exploring what she can do with the written word: everything from championing literacy and youth voice to raising awareness about world hunger through her work as a World Food Programme Youth Representative. Hoping to instill her love of learning in other children, she taught her first class at a local elementary school the year her first book, Flying Fingers, debuted; since then, she has spoken at hundreds of schools, classrooms and conferences around the world. She co-authored her second book, Dancing Fingers—a collection of poetry—with her older sister Adrianna in 2009. In 2010, she delivered the speech "What Adults Can Learn from Kids" at the TED conference. That video received over one million views and has been translated into over 40 different languages. The following year, she received the National Education Association's Award for Outstanding Service to Public Education, an honor granted in previous years to such notable figures as Billie Jean King, Bill Clinton, and Jane Goodall. Adora organizes the TEDxRedmond conference, a by youth-for youth event now entering its third year.
Zaw Thet
Entrepreneur & Founder
Palindrome Advisors

Zaw Thet is a veteran entrepreneur who has been at the forefront of search, social networking, mobile, and adtech since the age of 19. Most recently Zaw was the Founder and CEO of 4INFO, one of the largest mobile advertising platforms in the world. Business Week recognized him as one the "Mobile Barons" helping to shape the mobile ad industry since 2004. In 2011, Zaw was selected as one of ten entrepreneurs to serve on the United Nations Foundation's inaugural Global Entrepreneurs Council. Currently, Zaw is an active investor in start-ups and the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of social amplification platform and video powered social commerce service HaulerDeals.

Zaw is Founder and Executive Chairman of Palindrome Advisors, a nonprofit collective he launched in March 2011 whose mission is to change how leaders give back. He also serves on the boards of After School All Stars and the San Francisco SPCA. Zaw studied Political Science and Computer Science at Stanford, where he was a President's Scholar. He received his MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he was a Soros Fellow and is still the youngest graduate in the school's history. You can reach him on Twitter @zawthet.
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Devi Thomas
Director, Shot@Life Campaign
United Nations Foundation

Devi Ramachandran Thomas joined the UN Foundation in May 2011 as Director of Shot@Life, to oversee the campaign and manage the communications, marketing, and branding strategy of the campaign.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Devi worked as a senior consultant in global cause marketing strategies. She also worked in Cause Branding at Cone, Inc, a leading cause communications agency where she specialized in corporate cause marketing campaigns and public-private partnerships.  For over seven years, Devi has led strategic marketing, corporate social responsibility and shared value philanthropic campaigns, including work for clients such as Pfizer, ITT Corporation, Wal-Mart, and Western Union. She has worked on award-winning campaigns including ITT Watermark, ITT’s signature corporate citizenship program and Western Union’s Our World Our Family.

She previously worked at the non-profit, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City where she helped build the Inner City 100 brand and was also a reporter for Reuters in her past life. Devi holds a Bachelor of Journalism from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and a Masters of International Relations from Boston University. She is a mother of a 2-year-old boy and the proud daughter of Indian immigrants.
Henry Timms
Deputy Executive Director

As Deputy Executive Director of 92Y, Henry oversees strategic direction, innovation and growth of the world-class cultural and community center.

Since arriving in 2008 Henry has created and produced many major initiatives that leverage technology to broaden the impact of 92Y. These include the annual Social Good Summit, in partnership with Mashable and the UN Foundation, which has opened up the UN Week conversation to over 120,000 across the world; Rio+ Social, which takes the Social Good Summit to Brazil; the Campaign for the American Conversation, in partnership with Harvard Kennedy School and others, which promotes civil dialogue in innovative ways; a week-long live broadcast of MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show; the Conference of Nobel Laureates in partnership with Skype; the State of Style Summit with and a daylong celebration of Elie Wiesel, in honor of his 80th birthday.

Henry oversees a unique breadth of programming including 92Y’s legendary talks series (recent guests have included Bono, Jane Goodall, President Clinton, General Petraeus, Tom Cruise, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Bill Gates), the Harkness Dance Center known as “the home of modern dance”, the Unterberg Poetry Center which Ian McEwan called “the best place to give a reading on the planet”, the prestigious Tisch Center for the Arts, the Bronfman Center for Jewish Life, the Simon Center for Adult Life, the renowned 92Y Camps and 92YTribeca, a downtown hub for a new generation of audience-members.

He moved to New York City from London, where he was international director for the Louise Blouin Foundation, overseeing the Foundation’s strategy, communications and activities. He led the launch of the Foundation’s flagship event, the annual Global Creative Leadership Summit. Described by the Huffington Post as “an array of truly inspiring women and men from around the globe,” it invites heads of state, Nobel Laureates and CEOs to bring a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach to global issues. Henry also oversaw the launch and development of the Foundation’s new $30 million museum, developed the Foundation’s relationships in China, the Middle East and beyond, and worked on cultural initiatives with the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development.

Earlier in his career, Henry oversaw corporate strategy for Arts & Business, one of HRH The Prince of Wales’ charities, and helped to launch the Prince’s Foundation for Children and the Arts. He also ran HRH’s President’s Forum, a network of CEOs. In this capacity, he delivered speeches on culture and corporate responsibility across Europe.

Henry is a US Trustee and Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. He is chair of the nominating committee for the RSA’s 2013 Benjamin Franklin Medal.
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Hamadoun Toure
International Telecommunication Union

Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) since January 2007, was re-elected for a second four-year term in October 2010.

As Secretary-General, Dr Touré is committed to ITU’s mission of connecting the world, and to helping achieve the Millennium Development Goals through harnessing the unique potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

A long-standing champion of ICTs as a driver of social and economic development, Dr Touré previously served as Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) from 1998-2006. In this role he placed considerable emphasis on implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), launching projects based on partnerships with international organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society.

Prior to joining ITU, Dr Touré started his professional career in native Mali in 1979. He built a solid career in the satellite industry, serving as managing engineer in Mali’s 1st International Earth Station. He joined Intelsat’s Assistance and Development Programme in 1985. He was appointed Intelsat’s Group Director for Africa and the Middle East in 1994, earning a reputation as an energetic leader through his commitment to varous Regional connectivity projects such as RASCOM. In 1996 he joined ICO Global Communications as African Regional General Manager, spearheading the companies’ activities across the African region.

A national of Mali, Dr Touré holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Leningrad, and a PhD from the University of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Moscow. He is married with four children and two grandchildren, and is proficient in four official ITU languages: English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Joe Trippi
Joe Trippi
Founder & President
Joe Trippi & Associates

Joe Trippi is one of the most sought-after political strategists and an Analyst for FOX News.

Most recently, Trippi helped engineer Jerry Brown's come-from-behind victory in the race for Governor of California. In 2003 -- as Campaign Manager for Dean for America -- Trippi was the first political operative to appreciate and then realize the potential of the internet in political organizing and fundraising. Many of the tactics, tools, and strategies he created in 2004 have become the foundation for movement politics in the United States and around the world.

Trippi is the author of “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Democracy, the Internet and the Overthrow of Everything,” the story of how his revolutionary use of the Internet combined with an impassioned, contagious desire to overturn politics-as-usual grew into a national grassroots movement – and changed the face of American politics forever.
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Zain Verjee
Anchor, World Report

Zain Verjee is the anchor for CNN’s World Report and is based in the network's London bureau. Zain also hosts the special monthly programme i-List, which visits a different country each month and looks towards its future, highlighting innovation and influence in business, industry, culture and more.

Prior to this assignment, Verjee was the anchor for World News from London and presenter for The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer in Washington, D.C. She reported on a range of news stories and interviewed prominent foreign policy thinkers. Verjee covered the US State Department for CNN for two years closely following American foreign policy. She travelled with with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to more than a dozen countries, including Israel, Turkey, Libya, Russia and South Korea.

During her time in Washington DC, Verjee launched an innovative series called The New Diplomat which looked at the dangers and challenges American diplomats face today.

In January 2008, Verjee returned to her native country of Kenya to cover the post-election violence there. She spent weeks reporting the political and personal stories, as well as the international community's response to the sudden hostilities.

Verjee has interviewed international world leaders, including Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto upon Bhutto's return from exile. Verjee traveled back to Pakistan in December 2007 to cover the ramifications of Bhutto's assassination. In July 2006, she reported from the Demilitarized Zone or DMZ in Korea, and in September, she conducted an exclusive interview with former Iranian president Mohammed Khatami.

Verjee previously co-anchored CNN International's rolling newscast, Your World Today, with Jim Clancy, and hosted the debate program Q&A on that network. Since joining CNN in 2000, Verjee has covered numerous breaking news and world events, such as the India-Pakistan Agra Summit, the conflict in the Middle East, the trial of former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Hajj and the war in Iraq.

Previously, Verjee anchored the prime-time news bulletin and compiled, produced and presented documentaries for the Kenyan Television Network. She also hosted The Third Opinion, a political talk show, and freelanced for the BBC, producing several programs including African Perspectives, a documentary on the de-registration of non-governmental organisations after the U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa in 1998.

Verjee's journalistic efforts extend beyond the broadcast realm. She recently published Live and On the Air, a children's book exploring the experiences of a young girl who moves from rural Kenya to Nairobi to work as a broadcaster. Verjee also has produced successful radio campaigns spreading awareness of HIV/AIDS, road safety and violence against women. Her community efforts include work with Street Children and with Operation Smile.

Verjee received her undergraduate degree in English from McGill University in Montreal and studied at York University in Canada. She speaks Gujarati, Kiswahili and conversational French.
Hans Vestberg
President & CEO

Hans Vestberg is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Ericsson Group, the world’s leading provider of telecommunications technology and services.

Vestberg joined Ericsson in 1991. He has broad international experience, having held various management positions for Ericsson in China, Brazil, Mexico and the US. He remains the international advisor to the Governor of Guangdong, China. Vestberg served as Ericsson’s Chief Financial Officer from 2007 to 2009 before becoming CEO.

Along with the rest of Ericsson’s executive team, Vestberg is focused on advancing the company’s leadership through innovation, technology, services and sustainable business solutions. Under his direction, Ericsson has become the main driver toward the Networked Society, where connectivity is the fuel of progress.

He is a leading advocate of the Millennium Development Goals, and for the potential of mobility and broadband to tackle some of the world’s most compelling issues such as poverty, health, education and climate change. He is a member of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, and chaired the Commission’s climate-change working group. He is also on the advisory board of the Digital Health Initiative.
Jimmy Wales
Wikimedia Foundation

Jimmy Wales is an American Internet entrepreneur best known as the founder of Wikimedia Foundation, the charity which operates, and as the co-founder of

Wales received his Bachelor's degree in finance from Auburn University and his Master's in finance from University of Alabama. He was appointed a fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School in 2005 and in 2006, he joined the Board of Directors of the non-profit organization Creative Commons.

In January of 2001, Wales started, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit and today Wikipedia and its sister projects are among the top-five most visited sites on the web. In mid-2003, Wales set up the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization based in St. Petersburg, Florida, to support The Foundation, now based in downtown San Francisco, boasts a staff of close to thirty focusing on fundraising, technology, and programming relating to the expansion of Wikipedia. Wales now sits on the board of trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, and as founder continues to act as a key spokesperson.

In 2004, Wales co-founded, a completely separate company that enables groups of people to share information and opinions that fall outside the scope of an encyclopedia. Wikia’s community-created wikis range from video games and movies to finance and environmental issues. Wikia's network is now ranked in the top 75 of all websites according to, and strong growth continues.

In 2007, The World Economic Forum recognized Wales as one of the “Young Global Leaders.” This prestigious award acknowledges the top 250 young leaders for their professional accomplishments, their commitment to society and their potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world. In addition, Wales received the “Time 100 Award” in 2006, as he was named one of the world’s most influential people in the “Scientists & Thinkers” category.
Todd Wasserman
Business & Marketing Editor

Todd Wasserman, Mashable's business editor, has been writing professionally for close to 20 years. From 1999-2010, he covered the advertising and marketing industry for Brandweek, which promoted him to editor-in-chief in 2007. Prior to that, he wrote for the now-defunct Computer Retail Week and various daily newspapers including the Herald & News in Passaic, N.J., and the Register-Citizen in Torrington, Conn. Wasserman has also freelanced for The New York Times, Business 2.0, The Hollywood Reporter and Inc, among other publications.

On his down time, Wasserman enjoys playing racquetball and Scrabble, though not at the same time.
Elaine Weidman-Grunewald
Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CR)

Elaine Weidman-Grunewald is Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (CR) for the Ericsson Group worldwide. She has worked for Ericsson in the US and Sweden for over 14 years. During this time she has held various positions in the company ranging from Environmental Product Management to Sales and Marketing. Since 2005 her work has focused exclusively on driving Ericsson’s sustainability and CR initiatives.

Ms. Weidman-Grunewald’s focus is on the role that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can play in addressing global challenges in areas such as poverty, development, climate change and human rights.

As the Ericsson spokesperson for Sustainability and CR, she is a frequent speaker at conferences, and interacts regularly with media, customers, policy makers and the investment community. She is furthermore responsible for a number of public private partnerships which explore the use of Technology for Good, i.e. the use Ericsson’s core technology to solve some of the world’s most compelling challenges and help to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

Ms Weidman-Grunewald is on the Board of Millennium Promise. She is also on the Board of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative ( and co-chairs the GeSI Public Policy Working Group.

Ms. Weidman-Grunewald holds a double Master’s degree from Boston University’s Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, in International Relations with a focus on Latin American social and economic development issues, and Resource and Environmental Management.
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Forest Whitaker
Artist & UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

Oscar winning actor and Humanist Forest Whitaker was named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace and Reconciliation in 2011 for his personal dedication and work in the field of conflict resolution as well as his commitment to promote humanitarian ideals.

Committed to work for peace in all its facets, Forest Whitaker founded the Los Angeles based Peace Earth Foundation in 2012 to help societies affected by destructive conflicts and gang violence rejuvenate into safer and more peaceful communities. In a partnership with Rutgers University, he also co-founded the International Institute for Peace under the auspices of UNESCO, which focuses on conflict resolution and community empowerment through education-based programs.

He has received prestigious artistic distinctions, including the 2007 Academy Award for Best Actor for performance as Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in “The Last King of Scotland”, as well as the BAFTA, SAG Award and Golden Globe for Best Actor and the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor for “Bird”. For the last decade, Forest Whitaker has dedicated most of his time to extensive humanitarian work. He currently serves as a spokesperson for the Ugandan child soldier orphanage Hope North, providing community and hope to young victims of the civil war. In 2001, Forest was awarded the Humanitas Prize for his selfless and ongoing advocacy for child soldiers, as well as his work with inner-city youth. In 2008 he served as a member of the Urban Policy Committee and currently sits on the board of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (PCAH).
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Chrysula Winegar
Community Manager
Million Moms Challenge

Chrysula Winegar is a mother, blogger and agitator. She has been a vocal advocate for global maternal and child health issues, and more effective public and corporate policies to support the changing realities of modern life.

She is the community manager of the Million Moms Challenge, a portal for sharing global health stories facing mothers and children and the solutions that are changing outcomes and changing lives. She engages every day with thousands of women all over the world on the things that matter most.

She also blogs at the Huffington Post and her own blog, When You Wake Up A Mother. Because when you wake up a mother, you wake up the world. Chrysula and her husband have four children who are her motivating force as a writer, spokesperson and advocate for all mothers.
Maame Yankah
Student & Girls Empowerment Activist
Maame Yankah was born in Accra, the capital of Ghana. Raised primarily by her mother and grandmother, Maame sometimes faced the reality of going to bed hungry, and didn’t have the food security that many in the Western world take for granted. Due to the bureaucratic nature of governmental systems, even the simplest things like obtaining a national identification card required the most efforts. Maame attended public schools and finished her education in Ghana at a public co-ed boarding high school. For three years, when the water flow was irregular, Maame and her schoolmates walked over a mile in each direction to fetch water, carrying it back to school in buckets – one in each hand, one balanced on top of the head. This she believes affected her not only academically but physically as well. Maame’s passion for female empowerment and community service has been with her for years.
Paull Young
Director of Digital
charity: water

Paull Young is Director of Digital at charity: water, a non-profit devoted to bringing clean and safe drinking water to the 800 million people currently living without it. Paull has served on the executive team of charity: water since 2010 and is primarily responsible for online fundraising and marketing.

Paull formerly was Senior Account Director with social media agency Converseon, where he led award winning campaigns for Fortune 500 clients such as Graco, Kohler, Telstra and Citrix.

Paull moved to New York from his native Sydney, Australia, in 2007. His work has been featured on FOX News, Wall Street Journal, Sydney Morning Herald,, NY1 and the Australian Financial Review. In 2011 he was named an industry ‘Rising Star’ by the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation. You can follow Paull on Twitter @paullyoung

Muhammad Yunus
Founder, Grameen Bank & 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Movement and winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, is responsible for many innovative programs benefiting the rural poor. He attended Vanderbilt University on a Fulbright Scholarship and received his Ph.D. in Economics in 1969. He taught briefly in the U.S. before returning to Bangladesh, where he joined the Economics Department at Chittagong University.

In 1974, Dr. Yunus pioneered the idea of Gram Sarker (village government) as a form of local government based on the participation of rural people. This concept proved successful and was adopted by the Bangladeshi government in 1980. In 1978, Yunus received the President’s Award for Tebhaga Khamar (a system of cooperative three-share farming, which the Bangladeshi government adopted as the Packaged Input Program in 1977). Dr. Yunus is also noted for the creation of “micro-credit,” which provides “micro” loans to the poor and serves as a catalyst for improving their socio-economic conditions.

Dr. Yunus has received widespread recognition for his work, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the Ramon Magsaysay Award from Manila, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture from Geneva, the Mohamed Shabdeen Award for Science from Sri Lanka and the World Food Prize from the United States. Within Bangladesh, he has received the President’s Award, the Central Bank Award and the Independence Day Award, the nation’s highest honor.

Dr. Yunus lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is married with two daughters.
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Kristin van Ogtrop
Managing Editor
Real Simple

Kristin van Ogtrop was named Managing Editor of Real Simple magazine in 2003. Since that time, Real Simple has grown to include books, special issues, products, international editions, television shows, mobile apps and, of course,

Kristin began her career in magazines at Vogue, and has also worked at Glamour, Premiere, and Travel + Leisure. As the editor of Real Simple, she does a lot of things that don't look like editing: going on professional panels, making speeches, going on t.v. very early in the morning. She has a B.A. in English from the University of Virginia and an M.A. in English from Columbia University. She also wrote a book, Just Let Me Lie Down: Necessary Terms for the Half-Insane Working Mom, which was published in 2010 and is now available in paperback.

Kristin lives in the New York suburbs with her husband, who is also a magazine editor, their three sons, a shedding dog, a hamster and a handful of fish which, unfortunately, never last long.