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Natural Resources Management Team

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Department Manual

General Information

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (40 CFR 1500-1508) (CEQ NEPAnet - POLICY, REGULATIONS, NEPA LINKS ) require that the Department has an effective compliance program and implementing procedures and its bureaus have similar programs and internal guidance. This includes issuing policy, technical, and procedural guidance; providing technical assistance; determining technical and procedural adequacy of certain environmental documents; resolving intra-Departmental differences that involve more than one program Assistant Secretary and interagency differences; conducting ongoing evaluation of compliance; and identifying problems, recommending solutions and implementing changes for improving Departmental and bureau compliance programs.

Natural Resources Management Team functions:

Departmental Environmental Documents

NEPA and the CEQ Regulations affect many Interior activities and specifically require environmental impact statements for major Interior actions having significant environmental effects. The Team ensures this compliance through review and approval of environmental documents and environmental compliance consultation with bureaus.

Federal Project Reviews

The Team manages the Department's technical and policy reviews of the environmental and natural resource aspects of non-Interior projects and proposals. The Team ensures that the Department and its bureaus have programs and procedures to accomplish this review work.

Regulatory Reviews

The Team manages the Department's review of non-Interior regulations affecting the Department's natural resources, environmental interests, and pollution control activities.