Exporting: A Personal Tale

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I'm Bob Oury of Rotec Industries.

I started this company in 1960 so we've been at it for a while.

We manufacture specialized equipment to place concrete primarily for dams and recently for canals.

The last three or four year business has not been good. We've succeeded in losing a lot of money every year.

We had some of our suppliers that were backed up a year on accounts payable.

We had a landlord that got pretty harsh with us and we were without a place to work.

That low point occurred December 16, 2009.

It's always too soon to quit.

December 16, 2010, we sat in Panama and signed the contract for the biggest project in the world today.

As it's turned out, we got a major contract, the major contract, for most of the concrete placing equipment for the canal.

We have a tradition at Rotec that we invite the families and all the kids,  all the kids get presents and then we told our suppliers we got the down payment for the Panama Canal so we owe you some money and maybe little interest to boot.

So I got your check in my pocket and I'd sorta like to give it to you at the Rotec Christmas party.

Are you interested in coming?

We'll be there!

Our flourishing of success is their success.