2010 Public Remarks

-12/21/10  UN General Assembly Action on Sexual Orientation;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/20/10  Remarks on Cote d'Ivoire;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Washington, DC
-12/19/10  Remarks at a Security Council Stakeout on the Situation in the Korean Peninsula;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-12/14/10  Statement by UN Ambassador Rice on Passing of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-12/07/10  Remarks at a Security Council Stakeout on the Situation in Cote d'Ivoire ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-12/03/10  Remarks to the East-West Center;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Honolulu, HI
-12/02/10  Remarks on Somalia;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-12/02/10  Situation in Cote d'Ivoire;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-11/29/10  Remarks on North Korea;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; United Nations Stakeout; New York City
-11/29/10  Remarks on WikiLeaks;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; United Nations Stakeout; New York City
-11/05/10  Interactive Dialogue on the U.S. Universal Periodic Review: Opening Statement by the U.S. Delegation;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Geneva, Switzerland
-11/03/10  U.S. Announces an Additional $10 Million Contribution to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-10/28/10  Remarks on Lebanon;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Security Council Briefing; New York City
-10/22/10  Advancing the Status of Women Around the World;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; National Cathedral School: Educating Women for the World Speaker Series; Washington, DC
-10/20/10  Remarks to the Association of Community College Trustees Leadership Congress;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Toronto, Canada
-10/14/10  Remarks on the Security Council Trip to Sudan;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Security Council Stakeout; New York City
-10/04/10  World Habitat Day Gala;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington, DC
-09/29/10  Remarks at a Security Council Debate on Afghanistan Elections and UNAMA ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Washington, DC
-09/17/10  U.S. Goals and Priorities at UNGA;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington, DC
-09/15/10  Remarks on Iran and Resolution 1737;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Security Council Briefing; New York City
-09/15/10  The U.S. at the U.N. and Beyond: A World of Transnational Challenges;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Johns Hopkins School of International Studies; Washington, DC
-09/14/10  Youth and Visions for the Future of Africa - A Follow-Up to the President's Young African Leaders Forum;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; White House; Washington, DC
-09/13/10  Remarks at the UN Security Council Debate on MINUSTAH;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-09/09/10  Kosovo's Independence; Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Rosemary A. DiCarlo; New York City
-08/31/10  Remarks at the Instituto Del Servicio Exterior De La Nacion;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Buenos Aires, Argentina
-08/26/10  Mass Rapes and Attacks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-08/25/10  Statement on Piracy in Somalia;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-07/28/10  Remarks at a Security Council Meeting on the Situation in Darfur;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-07/09/10  UN Condemns North Korean Attack on the Cheonan;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Remarks to the media at a Security Council Stakeout; New York City
-07/06/10  Situation in Kosovo;  Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alejandro Wolff; New York City
-06/30/10  Remarks on Afghanistan;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; UN; New York City
-06/28/10  Statement at a UN Security Council Briefing on Iran's Nuclear Program and Resolution 1737 ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-06/21/10  Assistant Secretary Brimmer Speaks With Students at John Cabot University ;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Rome, Italy
-06/09/10  Explanation of Vote on the Security Council's Adoption of Resolution 1929: Imposing Sanctions on Iran;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-06/09/10  Women as Agents of Change: Advancing the Role of Women in Politics and Civil Society;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight; Washington, DC
-06/08/10  UN Sanctions on Iran;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; New York City
-06/01/10  UN Security Council Investigation of Israeli Attack on Flotilla; Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alejandro Wolff; Remarks to the Press; New York City
-05/28/10  Empowering Women Through Education;  Deputy Counselor for ECOSOC Issues Laurie Shestack Phipps, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Third Global Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-05/28/10  Remarks Before the Ministerial Meeting at the Alliance of Civilizations Rio Forum;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-05/26/10  Remarks at the U.S. National Commission for UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Annual Meeting;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington, DC
-05/25/10  Remarks on the Iraqi Elections ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Remarks to the media following a Security Council stakeout; New York City
-05/21/10  Citizens for Global Solutions: 2010 Annual Meeting;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington, DC
-05/20/10  The New Architecture for Food Security; Washington, DC
-05/18/10  Remarks on the P5+1 Draft Sanctions Resolution on Iran ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice; Remarks to the media during a Security Council stakeout; New York City
-05/11/10  Remarks at an Open Security Council Session on UN Counterterrorism Committees ;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-05/05/10  Opening Remarks at The Seventh Annual Global Classrooms DC Model UN Event;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-05/04/10  President's Committee on the International Labor Organization;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Department of Labor; Washington, DC
-05/01/10  Albany State University Commencement Speech: The Arc of History;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Albany, Georgia
-04/28/10  Remarks on Haiti, the NPT Conference and Iran;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Washington, DC
-04/25/10  Remarks at Roundtable on Responsible Agricultural Investment;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Washington, DC
-04/20/10  UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; New York City
-04/19/10  Remarks on Disarmament and World Security;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-04/09/10  Remarks on Elections in Sudan, Iran, and the START Treaty;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-03/30/10  International Donors' Conference Towards a New Future for Haiti ;  Counselor Cheryl Mills; Arturo Valenzuela, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs; FPC Briefing, New York City
-03/23/10  Address at Special Session on Haiti at the World Urban Forum V;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-03/23/10   DipNote Blog: Addressing Urban Issues: An Important Element of International Engagement
-03/18/10  A World Free of Nuclear Weapons? Progress on President Obama's Prague Agenda; Panel Discussion in Cooperation with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs; Vienna, Austria
-03/04/10  Remarks at a Security Council Briefing on Iran and the 1737 Committee;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; Security Council Chamber; New York City
-03/02/10  International Law and the United Nations;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Washington, DC
-01/19/10  Cooperation Among Haiti, the United States, and the United Nations in Relief Efforts;  Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer, Bureau of International Organization Affairs; Foreign Press Center; Washington, DC


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