Updated: 08-Mar-2007 Video Interviews


10 Dec. 2004

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Enhanced Mediterranean Dialogue
and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative

Video interview with Nicola de Santis, Coordinator for Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative

08/12/04 - NATO
NATO celebrates 10th anniversary of Mediterranean Dialogue
NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue & Istanbul Cooperation Initiative
Nicola de Santis talks about how NATO is forging cooperative relations with the Mediterranean and broader Middle East, and how the Mediterranean Dialogue will be enhanced in the months to come.

Mr de Santis you are the Coordinator for Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative in the NATO Public Diplomacy Division. Can you tell us about the two initiatives launched at the Istanbul Summit? .wmv/515Kb
Can you explain what is the Mediterranean Dialogue and what are its aims and content? .wmv/850Kb
How many countries are part of the Mediterranean Dialogue and what is its content? .wmv/1829Kb
At the Istanbul Summit last June NATO's Heads of State and Government decided to enhance the Mediterranean Dialogue. But these decisions were preceded by a considerable preparatory work. Can you tell us about it? .wmv/1595Kb
What was decided at the Istanbul Summit? .wmv/2815Kb
Can you tell us what are the aims and content of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative? .wmv/1101Kb
What is NATO offering on a practical level, through the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative, to the countries of the broader region of the Middle East? .wmv/1130Kb
What are the differences with the Mediterranean Dialogue? .wmv/895Kb
Some wonder whether the Palestinian authority could join? .wmv/347Kb
Many also ask whether in light of NATO's outreach to the region, the Alliance will play a future role in the Middle East Peace Process. .wmv/1062Kb
One final question: At the beginning of its cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, in the early 90s NATO was involved in a major outreach effort. Is there a role for NATO's public diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the broader region of the Middle East? .wmv/1735Kb
Transcript of the interview - Audio version: .MP3/8202Kb