Diplomatic Partnerships

Diplomatic Partnerships is the newest addition to the Office of the Chief of Protocol. The new division was founded on the idea that through the exchange of ideas, cultures and traditions we can build upon the Administration’s efforts to foster international goodwill and provide the Diplomatic Corps greater insight and understanding of our people, customs and institutions. Diplomatic Partnerships pursues this goal by organizing new events with the diplomatic corps, offering diverse types of exchanges as a means to foster lasting relationships, enhance our mutual understanding and ultimately assist the Diplomatic Corps in completing their work while here in the United States.

Diplomatic Partnerships will implement four unique programs to showcase the full fabric of this country to the Diplomatic Corps. Those programs are Experience America, Cultural Exchange events, Diplomatic Partnership Roundtables and State of the Administration Speaker Series.

Experience America gives foreign ambassadors the opportunity to step outside the beltway and experience America up close and a first hand view of different cities and communities across America. Through tours and travel opportunities, foreign ambassadors are given an intimate and informative look at the diverse fabric of America. Cultural Exchange events will present new and creative opportunities for meaningful cultural exchanges with the diplomatic community. Diplomatic Partnership Roundtables will offer Ambassadors the unique opportunity to connect with Obama-Biden Administration officials, Congressional staff and policy experts on a wide range of issues affecting their countries. Finally, the State of the Administration Speaker Series is meant to give the Diplomatic Corps an opportunity to meet and hear from senior Administration officials and experts who can provide first-hand knowledge of our nation’s most important issues.


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