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China's Food and Agriculture: Issues for the 21st Century

by Fred Gale, Francis Tuan, Bryan Lohmar, Hsin Hui Hsu, and Brad Gilmour

Agriculture Information Bulletin No. (AIB-775) 68 pp, April 2002

cover image Assessment of issues that will affect China's future trends in consumption, production, import, and export of food and agricultural commodities. A series of 13 articles cover China's food consumption, marketing, international trade, agricultural policy, transportation infrastructure, regional diversity, livestock sector, biotechnology, water and irrigation policy, land tenure system, rural development, employment, and market information.

Keywords: China, food, agriculture, consumption, production, trade and agricultural policy, markets, projections, biotechnology, rural development, statistics, irrigation, land tenure, food marketing, retail, transportation, labor, employment, migration

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

For more information contact: Fred Gale, Francis Tuan, Bryan Lohmar, Hsin Hui Hsu, and Brad Gilmour