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MH-60 Medium Range Recovery Helicopter

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The Coast Guard is upgrading its fleet of MH-60J Jayhawk Medium Range Recovery helicopters with new avionics, communications, navigation equipment and flight instruments, converting them to MH-60Ts.

Why this project?

The HH-60Js, which first entered service in 1990, are equipped with avionics hardware that is obsolete and becoming unsupportable due to a lack of production components and discontinued manufacturing sources. Equipment software support for current aircraft systems are no longer economical to maintain or available. With dramatically improved reliability and mission performance, the MH-60Ts will remain in service through 2027.

How are the upgrades implemented?

The MH-60T is being upgraded in phases or discrete segments. Although the MH-60T’s outward appearance will not change significantly from previous versions, on the inside these will be completely new aircraft.

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Last Modified 9/26/2012