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Sexual Assault Prevention & Response
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Training Resources


2010 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Command Resource Guide  The Department of Defense (DoD) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) developed this 2010 Sexual Assault Awareness Month resource guide to support your continued efforts in acknowledging Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).  The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Guide provides information that can assist all disciplines on the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART).

Sexual Violence and HIV: A Technical Assistance Guide for Victim Service Providers Published by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center in 2008, this guide provides information on the prevalence of sexual violence and HIV, types of available HIV testing and treatment, benefits and risks of such testing and treatment, victims' possible fears surrounding HIV, sexual offender testing, and steps victim service professionals can take to meet the needs of sexual violence victims.

Training Courses


Army Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Training Support Packages  The TRADOC-developed Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Training Support Packages can be viewed only by authorized users on the Army SAPRO Knowledge Center on Army Knowledge Online (AKO).

Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Training Video This video explains key elements of the Army's policies related to the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program and is designed to complement existing guidance to provide awareness of response services available to victims and to help keep Soldiers safe and confident that their leaders will respond appropriately to incidents of sexual assault.

Marine Corps

Acquaintance Rape and Sex Offender Consequences Brief This presentation provides an overview of acquaintance rape and the consequences associated with being a convicted sex offender.

Understanding Sexual Assault Prevention Brief (short version) This presentation is used to supplement the annual sexual assault prevention training requirement. 

Understanding Sexual Assault Prevention Brief (long version) This presentation is used to supplement the annual sexual assault prevention training requirement.