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State and Local Climate and Energy Program

Long-Lasting Greenhouse Gas Reductions for Marginalized Communities throughout Hawaii, the U.S., and Beyond

Honolulu, Hawaii

Federal Funding: $499,363
Project Timeline: February 2010 – December 2012

Latest Update

The City and County of Honolulu have worked with their three partner organizations to hold light bulb swaps, collect data from energy monitors, and recruit youth volunteers to conduct energy assessments. The City and County have distributed a total of 100,000 CFL bulbs, 134 energy monitors, and 18 energy-saving kits. The City and County have also staffed information booths at numerous community events to raise community awareness on energy issues, and to recruit residents. Upcoming activity includes continuing to complete energy audits and distributing additional weatherization kits.

Project Summary

A Partnership to Model Mass Individual Behavior Change That Leads to Quantifiable and Long-Lasting Reductions in Greenhouse Gases

The City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, is one of the most fossil-fuel dependent regions in the United States. Its residents pay the country’s highest rates for energy. Through this project, the Department of Community Services (DCS), City and County of Honolulu, will promote mass individual behavior changes and efficiency retrofits that result in long-term greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reductions. The project is specifically focusing on marginalized communities throughout the state that have been slow to implement efficiency and conservation measures. Reductions in energy consumption achieved through this program will reduce GHG emissions from both direct energy consumption and from reduced delivery of fuels to Hawaii.

With Climate Showcase Communities funding, DCS is taking a multi-faceted approach to reducing fossil fuel consumption while promoting the development and use of renewable energy sources. Included in DCS’s approach are intensive community outreach, development of a Hawaii-specific energy audit, training and deployment of household energy auditors, installation of weatherization kits, installation of real-time energy monitors, and ongoing engagement of individuals in a social network that fosters continued GHG reductions. The ultimate intended outcome for this work is a permanent change in individual behavior that results in quantifiable reductions in energy use and the consequent GHG emissions. 

While DCS is providing fiscal oversight, project reporting, and grant support, much of the on-the-ground work will be completed by three partnering organizations. Blue Planet Foundation is leading community outreach and canvassing efforts, designed to swap 60,000 to 75,000 incandescent bulbs for energy-efficient CFL and LED bulbs, and will report on the effectiveness of these efforts. Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps is co-designing the energy audit, training youth to conduct energy audits, leading energy audit activities, and will co-publish Hawaii-specific energy audit best practices and energy auditor software. Kaanu Hawaii is providing overall project management for the duration of the two-year project, co-designing the energy audit, designing and deploying real-time energy monitors in 300 households, and creating a social network for ongoing engagement, among other tasks.

Completion of the project will result in a reduction of GHG emissions of over 3,700 metrics tons per year, residential savings of $660,000 per year, and reduced electricity use of 2.7 million kWh per year.

Community Characteristics

Population: 903,231
Area: 600 square miles
Government Type: County
Community Type: Urban, Suburban, and Rural
Median Household Income: $68,655

Program Results/Estimated Results

Expected GHG Reductions: 3,700 metric tons CO2e annually
Actual GHG Reductions (as of March 2012): 2,302 metric tons CO2e annually
Expected Residential Cost Savings: $660,000, annually
Actual Residential Cost Savings (as of March 2012): $942,012 annually
Expected Electricity Reductions: 2,700,000 kWh, annually
Actual Electricity Reductions (as of March 2012): 2,691,463 kWh annually
Expected Youth Auditors Trained: 10

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