U.S. Department of Justice

San Francisco’s Locally Self-Reliant Incarceration Policies Are Saving State Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Oct. 04, 2011

Library ID

  • 025274


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  • 2011
  • 4 pages

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  • San Francisco’s Locally Self-Reliant Incarceration Policies Are Saving State Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The impact of non-incarceration interventions utilized by San Francisco is examined. Findings from this study are provided for: incarceration rate as a percent of California’s total; comparison of San Francisco’s and California’s serious and violent crime rates; imprisonment rates for San Francisco and California; savings based on correctional populations; savings based on felony arrests; savings in long-term “Three Strikes” liabilities; and conclusion. “The city’s larger than average decline in crime indicates local nonincarceration and alternative policies for non-serious offenders are effective” (p. 1).

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