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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Insurance Programs


Frequently Asked Questions about Premium Conversion: FedFlex

What is FedFlex?

FedFlex, The Federal Flexible Benefits Plan Adobe Acrobat Version, is the name of OPM's cafeteria plan. In order to offer pre-tax benefits, OPM was required to create a plan document in accordance with IRS regulations that outlines the benefits and employee choices under that plan.  

What are my choices under FedFlex?  

All eligible federal employees who participate in the FEHB Program are participants in the premium conversion plan. You may choose between allotting part of your salary to your employer who will use that allotment to provide a pre-tax benefit or receive your full salary in cash (paying for your FEHB premiums with after-tax dollars).