U.S. Department of Justice

A New Approach? Deradicalization Programs and Counterterrorism

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Jun. 04, 2012

Library ID

  • 025922

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  • 2010
  • 20 pages

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  • A New Approach? Deradicalization Programs and Counterterrorism

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “While [deradicalization] programs vary widely, with differing subjects (e.g., prisoners, potential terrorists, convicted criminals, repentant extremists), aims (e.g., abandonment of extreme views, disengagement from terrorism, rehabilitation into society), sizes (from just a handful of participants to hundreds), and forms (from arranging jobs, marriages, and new lives for participants, to merely educating them on nonviolent alternatives to their methods), common themes and problems can be discerned. With recent high-profile cases of recidivism by supposedly “deradicalized” individuals, questions are being raised about the efficacy of these programs and about how best to design them” (p. 1). Information is presented from an international conference regarding the challenges of and lessons learned from deradicalization programs. Sections of this meeting note are: introduction; background—definitions and the radicalization process; nine case studies; eight lessons learned; and conclusion.

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