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USCIS Seeks Comments On Draft Pamphlet For Immigrant Victims

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) seeks public comment on a draft pamphlet, Legal Rights and Resources for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence. The draft pamphlet explains rights and resources available to people who entered the United State as the fiancé(e) or spouse of a U.S. citizen, using a K visa.

USCIS will accept comments and feedback from any interested party during a 60-day comment period starting with publication of the pamphlet in today’s Federal Register, available in the related links section of this page.

The draft pamphlet addresses those individuals who enter the United States on a K-1 visa. The K-1 visa allows people to stay in the country for up to 90 days, during which time they must marry the petitioner or depart the country. Also addressed are people who married a U.S. citizen overseas. The K-3 visa allows new spouses of U.S. citizens to enter the United States, then to apply to immigrate after they’ve entered.

Some people who entered the United States on a K visa did so based on a relationship arranged by an international marriage broker. Because such people may stand a higher chance of subsequent abuse by their U.S. citizen spouses, the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005 requires USCIS to produce this pamphlet advising immigrants of their rights.

The draft pamphlet explains what domestic violence is, from physical injury to intimidation, control and isolation. Individuals learn how to seek help when victimized and how to obtain child support. Victims also learn that USCIS won’t terminate their legal status solely because they have been abused. The draft pamphlet also explains the requirements of holders of K-1 and K-3 visas.

All comments submitted on the proposed pamphlet must reference the DHS Docket Number USCIS-2007-0061. Submit comments either on the federal e-rulemaking website available in the related links section of this page.

You may also mail comments, letters, disk or CD-ROM submissions to:

Chief, Regulatory Management Division
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
111 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 3008
Washington, D.C. 20529

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Last updated:07/22/2008