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Subject: Degrib 1.20
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:53:45 -0400
From: "Arthur.Taylor"
Organization: DOC/NOAA/NWS - National Weather Service
To: Arthur Taylor ,


You all have the unique distinction of being registered on my degrib
(aka NDFD_GRIB2Decoder) mailing list (all 77 of us (but I think I
counted joshwatson twice) (I'd like to welcome: adam.stevens, dchan,
John.DeLorenzo, joshwatson, saleh_200, rajushukla, ral, bernard.grant,
mikeandanndeason, katie_mcconnell, michael.vescio, jonathan.blaes,
paul.flatt, and kevin.conaty)

Please let me know (email me) if you want to unregister.


I just wanted to let you all know that I have just finished putting
together version "1.20" (last one that I announced was "1.18" on

The latest version of the program is on:

First, some news...
1) As some of you may have noticed, we started getting a BUNCH-O-DATA on
Fri. I think it was officially announced (wherever that is done) that
all the variables will be available for a) all the CONUS sectors, b) the
entire CONUS, and c) PR. Currently all variables means : MaxT, MinT,
PoP12, Temp, WindDir, WindSpd, Td, Sky, QPF, SnowAmount, Wx, and

(Note: I can not find "SnowAmount" for PR.)

In order to take advantage of this, you either need to download the most
recent Degrib code which already has all variables and sectors enabled
by default, or you will have to go to "File->configure", and then
Highlight the variables that you want to make active, and press the
"Activate" button. Then you will have to go to the Sectors Tab,
Highlight the Sectors that you want to make active, and again press the
"Activate" button.

Of importance to PC users:
Note 1: ImageGen & htmlmaker do not handle PR yet.
Note 2: ImageGen handles Wx, but doesn't handle it as well as NDFD would
Note 3: Htmlmaker does not create a field in its html table for
WaveHeight. The images are created by imageGen, they just are not
readily browseable.


Other things new to "degrib"...

2) Found a bug with the "http" download option. It was hindering its
ability to update the user, and giving a stack trace. It should work

3) Updated .ini file to handle all the new variables and regions, and
started checking that the program is handling the new data correctly.


As always, I tested this release on my PC (win 2000), a Linux machine, a
HP-Unix machine, and an AIX-Unix (machine). Although I may have missed
something in my testing, it should at least compile, and run for some of
the test cases. For those of you with access to the NWS NCEP machine,
my current version is in: /nfsuser/g06/we25at/degrib (on snow/frost, I'm
no longer using asp/bsp). For those with access to MDL's GDP or NHDW
machines, see: ~taylor/degrib/

Please let me know if you have problems.



    US Dept of Commerce
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    Page last Modified: August 10, 2009.
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