NOBC 2009 Annual Meeting

The NOBC 2009 Annual Meeting will be held in Chicago, IL from July 29 - August 1, 2009.  Additional details and registration information will be coming soon under the Meetings tab in the Members’ Section.

 Bar Associations and Disciplinary Authorities 

Alabama State Bar
Alaska Bar Association

State Bar of Arizona
Arkansas Bar Association
Office of the Arkansas Supreme Court – Committee on Professional Conduct

The State Bar of California
Colorado Bar Association

Colorado Supreme Court – Offices of Attorney Regulation

Connecticut Bar Association
Connecticut Statewide Grievance Committee

Delaware State Bar Association
Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of Delaware
D.C. Bar

The Florida Bar

State Bar of Georgia
Guam Bar Association
Hawaii State Bar Association
Hawaii Office of Disciplinary Counsel
Idaho State Bar
Illinois State Bar
Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois 

Indiana State Bar Association

Indiana Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission

Iowa State Bar Association Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics and Discipline

Kansas Bar Association
Office of Kansas Disciplinary Administrator
Kentucky Bar Association

Louisiana State Bar Association
Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board

Maine State Bar Association
Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar

Maryland State Bar Association

Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland

Massachusetts Bar Association

Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers and Office of the Bar Counsel

State Bar of Michigan

Michigan Attorney Discipline Board
Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission

The Minnesota State Bar Association

Minnesota Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board
The Mississippi Bar

The Missouri Bar
Missouri Supreme Court Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel

State Bar of Montana
Nebraska State Bar Association

Counsel for Discipline of the Nebraska Supreme Court
State Bar of Nevada
New Hampshire Bar Association

New Hampshire Supreme Court Attorney Discipline Office

New Jersey State Bar Association

Supreme Court of New Jersey Office of Attorney Ethics
State Bar of New Mexico

Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of New Mexico

New York State Bar Association
Attorney Grievance Committees of the New York State Unified Court System

North Carolina Bar Association

State Bar Association of North Dakota

Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of North Dakota

Ohio State Bar Association
Akron Bar Association
Cincinnati Bar Association

Cleveland Bar Association
Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of Ohio
Oklahoma Bar Association

Oregon State Bar

Pennsylvania Bar Association
Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

Colegio de Abogados de Puerto Rico

Rhode Island Bar Association

Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island

South Carolina Bar

Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the Supreme Court of South Carolina

State Bar of South Dakota

Tennessee Bar Association

State Bar of Texas

Utah State Bar
Vermont Bar Association

Professional Responsibility Board of the Vermont Supreme Court
Virginia State Bar
Virgin Islands Bar Association

Washington State Bar Association
The West Virginia State Bar

The Wisconsin Bar
Wisconsin Supreme Court Office of Lawyer Regulation

Wyoming State Bar