U.S. Department of Justice

Handbook of Religious Beliefs and Practices. Third Revision

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Feb. 16, 2012

Library ID

  • 025578

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  • 2011
  • 112 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This desk manual describes the history/background, theology/major teachings/belief, worship/rites/ceremonies, holy books, holy days/festivals, work proscription days, fast days, dietary restrictions, leadership/meetings and worship, and reference sources for most of the religions practiced by individuals in Washington prisons. Faiths covered are Anglican/Episcopal, Asatru, Astara, Baha’I, Buddhism, Church of Satan, Druidry, Eastern or Greek Orthodox, Hindu, Protestant Interdenominational and Non-Denominational, Islam, Jehovah’s Witness, Judaism, Messianic, Moorish Science Temple of America, Native American, Odinist, Rastafarian, Roman Catholic, Seventh-Day Adventist, Sikh, The Church of Jesus Christ Scientist (Christian Science), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (AKA Latter-day Saints, LDS, or Mormons), The International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Unity, Wicca, and World Wide Church of God.

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