Press Release
December 4, 2000
Foundation for the National Archives Appoints New Members to Its Board

Washington, DC. . . Lawrence F. O'Brien, President of the Foundation For The National Archives announced today the names of five new members of the Board of Directors of the Foundation. The new members are: Michael Beschloss, William R. Harman, Philip Merrill, John E. Sheehan, and John H. Zentay.

In making the announcement, Mr. O'Brien said, "I'm delighted to welcome such a distinguished group of individuals to the Foundation's Board. They all share a demonstrated commitment to history and education, and each of them brings unique qualities and expertise that will enhance the very important work of the Foundation. I look forward to working with them on major projects which are key to the mission of the National Archives and Records Administration."

Archivist of the United States, John W. Carlin described the Foundation for the National Archives as "playing a vital role in helping the National Archives bring our nation's documentary heritage to the American people in innovative ways." He went on to say that "the Foundation is currently engaged in a capital campaign, raising funds to enhance the major renovation of the National Archives Building in downtown Washington, DC. These funds will create a new permanent exhibition that tells the story of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and help build the new Constitution Avenue Theater, offering daily programs about the Charters of Freedom and other Archives treasures. Private support also will restore the deteriorating Rotunda murals that have welcomed and inspired millions of Americans. I want to thank our five new Board members for agreeing to donate their time to support these efforts."

Short bios of the new members follow:

Michael Beschloss, who was hailed by Newsweek as "The nation's leading Presidential scholar," has written five major books focusing on the presidencies of Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson. He has also published works on the Cold War and the relationship between President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Khrushchev. Mr. Beschloss is a frequent contributor to the "News Hour with Jim Lehrer" and has also served as a network analyst, commenting on American-Russian relations, the failed Soviet coup of 1991, the Clinton inauguration and the recent political conventions.

William Harman is currently Vice-Chairman of the US Spain Council and an Advisory Director of Morgan Stanley. He has had a long and distinguished career in international business. In 1968 he served as the Deputy Transition Representative between the Nixon and Johnson Administrations. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1972, and organized the Government Relations Department, becoming a Managing Director. He has served as its General Counsel, served as Director of the US Russia Business Council, the Business Council of International Understanding, and the American Council on Germany.

Philip Merrill is chairman of the board of Capital-Gazette Communications, Inc., which publishes The Washingtonian magazine, The Annapolis Capital, four other Maryland newspapers, and operates the Capital Investment Company. Combining publishing and public service throughout his career, Mr. Merrill has served in Brussels as Assistant Secretary-General of NATO, was a member of the Department of Defense Policy Board, and was Counselor to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. In 1988, the Secretary of Defense awarded him the Medal for Distinguished Service, the highest civilian honor given by the Department. Mr. Merrill has represented the United States in various negotiations and is a former Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State. He has served in five administrations.

John Sheehan is the Chairman of the Board, CEO and founder of GlobalLIFT Technologies, which is a private, U.S.-based holding company whose operating subsidiaries design, manufacture, market and service lifting products. Mr. Sheehan has served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. His prior experience includes positions as President and C.E.O of a subsidiary of Corning Glass Works, Vice President and General Manager of Martin Marietta's Cement & Lime Division, and as a management consultant with McKinsey and Company.

John Zentay is currently a member of the board of Verner Lipfert Bernhard McPherson & Hand. As one of the first petroleum energy lawyers in Washington, Mr. Zentay has represented oil marketing and refining companies and trade associations before Federal agencies and the Congress for more than thirty years. In addition to energy, his practice includes legislation, environmental law, and export-import regulations. He served as a legislative assistant in the office of Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri and as a member of the Legislative Presentation Staff of the Agency for International Development, Department of State.

Including the newly elected members, the Foundation for the National Archives has 19 members of the Board of Directors. Officers include Lawrence O'Brien, President; Vincent Dole, Vice President; Charles Guggenheim, Vice President; Mary Lynn Kotz, Secretary; and Bess Abell, Treasurer.

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