U.S. Department of Justice

Re-entry: Dynamic Risk Assessment. Technical Report

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 28, 2012

Library ID

  • 026040

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  • 2011
  • 129 pages

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ANNOTATION: This study aims to examine the dynamic predictors of post-release outcomes for parolees reentering the community. Sections of this report following an abstract are: executive summary; technical report—introduction, methods, and results; and conclusions. “Most notably, in this study changes in offenders dynamic functioning was not associated with changes in community outcomes. That is, measuring change in offenders functioning using rated measures did not increase our ability to predict community failure. Importantly however, offenders were able to self-report risk areas that were predictive of community failure suggesting that offenders should be involved in the criminal risk assessment” (p. 3).

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