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CodeRED Emergency Notification System

To help protect our Soldiers, civilians and their Families from the threat of severe weather, Fort Rucker has contracted with CodeRED to provide rapid emergency notification service to all Fort Rucker personnel. Emergency notification is available to all Fort Rucker personnel free of charge. Your participation in the service is voluntary.

In order to provide emergency notification, CodeRED requires that you provide personal information, such as your phone number and address. The information is provided solely to CodeRED; neither the Army nor Fort Rucker has access to the information or require that you provide such information.

Additionally, Fort Rucker makes no warranty regarding the timeliness or accuracy of CodeRED's warnings and bears no responsibility to ensure that participants are timely notified of any pending emergency.

Click here to visit the CodeRED website and to sign up for emergency notifications

Privacy Advisory

The Emergency Communications Network, Inc. values your privacy. The information we collect while you visit our website is designed to assist ECN in serving you when notifying you in case of an emergency. The data that you input onto ECN web pages is kept in ECN custody. It is kept confidential and we take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the information that you share with us from unauthorized access or disclosure. We do not intentionally collect Personal Information from anyone we know to be under 13 years of age.

Your information may display on an authorized CodeRED user's screen describing the disposition of calls sent to you through the normal use of the CodeRED system. This information will continue to remain in ECN custody and will not be released unless compelled to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.

ECN websites and ECN operational service providers collect and use your personal information to operate ECN websites and deliver the services you have requested only. ECN does not sell, rent or lease this information to third parties.

Privacy Policy

This is an official U.S. Army web site.

The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of this Website or the information, products, or services contained therein. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and MWR sites, the U.S. Army does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this Website.