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Buildings Programs

DOI Programs

DOI Sustainable Building Assessment and Compliance Tool (SB Tool) Excel format. The SB Tool provides checklists and guidance for project mangers complying with the Guiding Principles . The guidance includes how to implement the Guiding Principles in historic buildings. Note, earlier versions of these checklists were issued with DOI ARRA guidance. There are not substantive changes from the earlier versions of the checklists and the final.  Memo issuing SB Tool

  • Appendix 1 - Executive Order 13423- Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management signed by the President in January 2007

  • Appendix 2 - Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management prepared by the Council for Environmental Quality and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive.

  • Appendix 3 -Sustainable Buildings Implementation Plan Required Components prepared by the Office of Management and Budget Guidance.

  • Appendix 4 -Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding that contains the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership.

  • Appendix 5 -Sustainable Building Rating Systems Crosswalk to the Guiding Principles.

  • Appendix 6 -Secretary of the Interior memorandum regarding E.O. 13423 implementation dated April 4, 2007.

  • Appendix 7 -Interior Assistant Secretary - Policy Management and Budget memorandum forming the DOI Sustainable Buildings Implementation Team dated March 23, 2007.
DOI Case Studies
