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GreenGov Presidential Awards

The 2010 GreenGov Presidential Awards celebrate extraordinary achievement in the pursuit of President Obama's Executive Order 13514 on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance.

Building on 15 years of Presidential awards for agency environmental achievement, including the Closing the Circle and Energy Management Awards, the GreenGov Presidential Awards honor exceptional Federal civilian and military personnel, agency teams, agency projects and facilities, and agency programs that exemplify President Obama's charge to lead by example in sustainability. Domestic and international teams, projects, programs, and facilities are eligible; and agencies are encouraged to submit multiple nominations.  Unlike the DOI EAAS, there is no "cooperator or contractor" category for the GreenGov Award.

Click here for more information about DOI's previous White House award recipients.

Only the most recent DOI Environmental Achievement Award (DOI EAA) recipients and honorable mentions are eligible for the GreenGov Presidential Awards.