U.S. Department of Justice

Struck by Lightning: The Continuing Arbitrariness of the Death Penalty Thirty-Five Years After Its Re-instatement in 1976

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Sep. 07, 2011

Library ID

  • 025206


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  • 2011
  • 38 pages

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  • Struck by Lightning: The Continuing Arbitrariness of the Death Penalty Thirty-Five Years After Its Re-instatement in 1976

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This report explains why the death penalty is “unworkable in practice” and stands little to no chance of repair regardless of what reforms and money are applied to it. Sections following an executive summary are: introduction—history of the modern death penalty; 35 years later—the unfairness of the death penalty in practice; the great divide—who is executed, who is spared; the judgment of experts; influences on the decision for death—race, geography, politics, costs, and others; and conclusion.

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