
Bin Laden raid book won't be sold in Navy or Marine exchanges

WASHINGTON – “No Easy Day,” the memoir by a former SEAL that the Pentagon says reveals classified information, won’t be sold in exchanges on Navy or Marine Corps bases either, representatives from both services said Monday.

On Friday, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, or AAFES, had announced a similar decision.

"The Navy Exchange does not intend to sell the book "No Easy Day" since it is believed the book contains potentially classified or sensitive information," Navy Exchange spokeswoman Kathleen Martin wrote in an email Monday.

Bryan Driver, a Semper Fit and Exchange Services Division spokesman, said the decision was based on the same reasoning AAFES used. A spokesman for that agency said the Pentagon assertion that the book, which detailed the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, had revealed official secrets was enough reason not to stock it.

“We consider the determinations and statements made thus far by DOD to be authoritative,” AAFES spokesman Judd Anstey said Friday. “The Exchange cannot risk taking part in a future dissemination of potentially classified information.”



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