IHL (Institutions of Higher Learning)

Institutions of Higher Learning (Available under all programs)

Benefits are available for attendance at IHL’s such as:

  • Four Year Universities
  • Community Colleges
  • Advanced Degree Programs

Payment is based on the number of classes you attend:

  • 12 hours or more - fulltime
  • 9 - 11 hours - ¾ time
  • 6 - 8 hours - ½ time
  • less than 6 hours - reimbursed at a rate not to exceed the tuition & fees charged for the course(s).
  • For graduate level training, the training time is determined by the college - for example, if a 2 hour class is considered full time in a graduate program at your school, the VA will pay you the full time rate. Current payment rates.

The GI Bill will allow you to attend more than one college at a time, as long as the classes at both institutions count towards your degree, and the school granting your degree accepts the classes at the second school as part of your requirements. However, the GI Bill will not pay you to take the same classes twice unless you receive a failing grade in a class that is a graduation requirement.

The GI Bill can pay you for more than one degree, for example: it will pay you for a degree in Business and then for a second degree in Computer Science, or for an AA, BA, MA in the same field. Once you have a degree, you could pursue another one provided you have remaining entitlement on your GI Bill.

Payments are issued monthly in arrears (for example - you receive the November payment in December.) For the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the tuition & fees are paid directly to the school, the book stipend is paid to you at the beginning of the term, and the housing allowance is paid to you at the end of each month.