U.S. Department of Justice

Final Report on Sex Offenders: Recidivism and Collateral Consequences

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jun. 29, 2012

Library ID

  • 026038

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  • 2011
  • 93 pages

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  • Final Report on Sex Offenders: Recidivism and Collateral Consequences

ANNOTATION: The impact of sex offender registration and notification (SORN) on sex offender recidivism and collateral consequences is investigated. This analysis is based on the results of two studies. “The first study examines the recidivism rates of two samples of sex offenders, those released prior to SORN and a sample released under SORN in New Jersey. It asks whether or not there are distinct risk profiles among sex offenders with regard to their recidivism trajectories, and if these profiles are similar or different for sex offenders pre- and post-SORN … The second study looks at whether the recidivism trajectories post-prison release for post-SORN sex offenders are similar to or different from the recidivism trajectories post-prison release for post-SORN non-sex offenders who are released from prison via parole” (p. ii). SORN has very little impact on whether a sex offender recidivates.

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