U.S. Department of Justice

Wasting Money, Wasting Lives: Calculating the Hidden Costs of Incarceration in New Jersey

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jun. 17, 2008

Library ID

  • 023128

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  • 2008
  • 17 pages.

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  • Wasting Money, Wasting Lives: Calculating the Hidden Costs of Incarceration in New Jersey

ANNOTATION: The direct and indirect costs of incarceration in New Jersey are determined. This report contains these sections: executive summary; introduction; portrait of incarceration in N.J.; costs of incarceration in N.J.; methodology; hidden costs -- incarceration and lost child support; hidden costs -- children with incarcerated parents; post-incarceration costs -- employment and wages; NJ Comprehensive Drug Reform Act; the case of Newark; and conclusion. An appendix shows how to calculate incarceration costs. NJ spends $330 million a year to incarcerate drug law violators. Nearly 50% of all prisoners are sentenced for mostly nonviolent drug offenses.

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