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Help N.O.W. to Reduce Suicides in the Armed Forces


Help N.O.W. to Reduce Suicides in the Armed Forces

Courtesy Video | DMA Social Media | Date: 02.28.2012

If you are thinking about suicide, or someone you know is, please tell someone. Sgt. Maj. Bryan Battaglia appeals to service members to help stop suicide in the Armed Forces N.O.W. Available in High Definition. View Video

Donating Blood to the Armed Services Blood Program


Donating Blood to the Armed Services Blood Program

Video by Nicole McFarland | DMA Social Media | Date: 01.17.2012

Do you want to donate blood to the Armed Services Blood Program, but are unsure because you've never donated blood before? Air Force Tech. Sgt. Nicholas Kurtz takes the guessing out of donating blood by taking... View Video