Camp W.G. Williams
  Paintball SOP

Camp W.G. Williams

RSO Certification
RFMSS Scheduling
NON-RFMSS Scheduling
Paintball SOP
Rappel Tower SOP
Copyright 2004
Camp W.G. Williams
( all rights reserved )
bulletEquipment Utah National Guard units may check out from Range Control on RFMSS.
bullet19x Paintball guns (Requested in increments of 5 each)
bullet2x Tiberius T9's Hopperless paintball guns (requested separately by calling the TASC specialist at 801-878-5419).
bullet20x PB masks rated at 300 fps or greater
bullet40x air tanks
bullet20x harnesses
bullet80x ammo bottles
bullet2x chronographs
bulletBe sure to fill out the component checklist on all paintball equipment.
bulletRange Control will only fill air tanks own by AGCW.
bulletUnits must bring their own paintball ammunition.  All commercial grade ammo is authorized for use on camp.
bulletRequests must be in at least 7 days in advance
bulletBetween each requesting unit; Range Control needs 1 day for maintenance on all weapons.
bulletPaintball Safety.  The number 1 most common injury associated with paintball activities is eye injuries.  The most common sequence of events in which eye injuries occur is when an innocent bystander inadvertently walks onto a Paintball Engagement Area.  RSO's must ensure this doesn't happen by monitoring the Engagement Area and properly setting up the unit's paintball field.
  1. Treat Paintball Engagements like you would any other live-fire exercise. Assigned a certified RSO and Range OIC for the paintball engagement.  For information on becoming RSO certified click  here: RSO Certification. For information on becoming Range OIC certified click here: Range OIC Certification.
  2. Airspeed restrictions on AGCW
    bulletMaximum allowable airspeed is 290 fps under certain conditions
    bulletChronographs are available at Range Control
    bulletAll markers brought on post must be inspected by a technician at Range Control prior to use.
    bulletTo learn how to operate a chronograph click here: Using a Radarchron
  3. PPE
    bulletRequired Personal Protective Equipment
    bulletEye protection rated at 300 fps or greater
    bulletHead protection: soft cap as a minimum, kevlar is preferable
    bulletNeck protection: gator
    bulletLong sleeve shirt
    bulletLong pants
    bulletCombat boot
    bulletOther suggested PPE
    bulletGroin protection
    bulletFlak vest
  4. Paintball Field Layout.
    bulletDefine an engagement area and buffer zone inside one of the following training areas on Camp Williams:
    bullet Oaksprings Training Area
    bullet Pinyon Hill Training Area
    bullet Medic HIll Training Area
    bullet West Landing Training Area
    bullet MAC-MOUT Facility
    bulletEngagement Area is the only area where active paintball engagements may take place.  It is encompassed by a 100 meter buffer zone.
    bulletThe Buffer Zone.
    bulletMust be a minimum of 100 meters wide on all sides of the engagement area.
    bulletMust be a minimum of 200 meters from all major access roads i.e. Watts road and South Tickville.
    bulletAccess to the buffer zone must be controlled: a roped off entry point or gate will be established by the Range OIC.
    bulletThe RSO/OIC must ensure no innocent bystanders ever enters the buffer zone.
    bulletThe RSO must ensure that no personnel enter the buffer zone with a loaded paintball marker.
  5. Sample Risk Assessment
  6. Safety Checklist
bullet Signed copy of AGCW Paintball SOP.
bulletTiberius T9 Hopperless Paintball guns
bullet Technical manual
bulletTech support: 260-478-2500
bulletTippman 98 Paintball (under construction)

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