Contact FLO

The Family Liaison Office (M/DGHR/FLO)
Harry S Truman Building, Room 1239
Department of State
Washington, DC 20520
Tel: (202) 647-1076, or (800) 440-0397 / Fax: (202) 647-1670

For questions about:

General information:
CLO Program:
Family Member Employment:
Functional Training:
Personal concerns or crises:
Unaccompanied Tours:

Develops FLO's advocacy agenda and represents the concerns of Foreign Service families to senior managers in the Department of State and outside organizations.

Deputy Director
Manages the FLO program and administrative operations and supervises two program teams.

Division Chief
Manages the FLO budget and spervises two program teams.

Executive Assistant
Provides administrative support to the Director and the Deputy Director and serves as general office manager.

CLO Program Officer
Manages the Community Liaison Office (CLO) program at 200 posts, providing operational and program support to CLO Coordinators.

CLO Program Specialist
Provides administrative support to the CLO Program Officer.

Communications and Outreach Officer
Manages the FLO web sites, FLO publications, and social media. Coordinates FLO special events and outreach activities.

Communications and Outreach Specialist
Provides assistance and administrative support to FLO's communications and outreach program.

Crisis Management Officer
Provides guidance and referrals on adoptions, eldercare, divorce and other personal difficulties, and supports contingency planning and post evacuations.

Crisis Management Program Specialist
Provides administrative support to Crisis Management Officer.

Education and Youth Officer
Provides information and resources on education options and develops programs on education and transition issues.

Education and Youth Program Specialist
Assist clients who need information in the areas of education and youth.

Employment Program Coordinator
Directs the family member employment program. Advocates for family member employment and provides guidance to missions, Department of State bureaus, and other agencies. Primary negotiator for bilateral work agreements.

Extended Professional Associates Program (EPAP) Coordinator
Provides policy and operational guidance on family member employment overseas through the Extended Professional Associates Program (EPAP).

Global Employment Initiative (GEI) Program Officer
Provides resources and guidance to family members on outside the mission employment overseas and manages the Global Employment Initiative (GEI) program.

Employment Program Officer
Provides resources and guidance to family members on federal employment overseas and domestically.

Employment Program Specialist
Assists clients with general information on family member employment and coordinates the Professional Development Fellowship (PDF) program and The Network listserv.

Employment and Training Specialist
Assists clients with general information on family member employment and manages the enrollment of family members in functional training classes.

Data Management Officer
Coordinates the collection, organization and analysis of family member data. Develops data management systems, serves as FAMER administrator and provides statistical support for FLO's advocacy work.  

Data Management Specialist
Provides administrative support to the Data Management program.

Naturalization Program Specialist
Provides information and guidance on the naturalization process to Foreign Service employees and their foreign born spouses.

Unaccompanied Tours Support Officer
Provides support, guidance, resources and assistance to employees and family members separated by service at unaccompanied posts.

Unaccompanied Tours Program Specialist
Assists employees and family members in the area of unaccompanied tours.

Unaccompanied Tours Program Assistant/Receptionist
Assists employees and family members in the area of unaccompanied tours and greets visitors to the FLO office.

Training Specialist
Supports CLO training design and logistics and develops, designs, and evaluates FLO presentations.

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